Speak Out (Rules and Gameplay Instructions)

If you’re a fan of crazy party games and are not afraid to act goofy, this Speak Out rules guide was written for you. Learn how to play this hilarious game and beat your friends in the silliest challenge ever.

If you’re preparing for a game night with your friends (check out our other game night ideas for inspiration), you should choose a simple, fast-paced, and funny game to entertain all your guests regardless of their gaming skills or experience.

Speak Out is a wonderful choice – the only ability it requires from the players is the willingness to act crazy. 

This Hasbro game, similar to the Kickstarter’s hit Watch Ya Mouth (see Watch Ya Mouth rules), challenges your ability to speak intelligibly with a mouthpiece preventing you from closing your mouth. 

The game became so popular that it even made it onto the Ellen Show, where Reese Witherspoon, Mila Kunis, Khloe Kardashian, and other celebrities challenged themselves to play it right in front of the cameras.

This Speak Out rules guide will cover the following: 

  • What is Speak Out?
  • What you’ll need to play Speak Out 
  • Speak Out rules
  • How to play Speak Out (video tutorial)
  • FAQs
  • Other similar games to Speak Out (our guides)

Continue reading and learn how to play Speak Out step by step. 

What is Speak Out?

Speak Out Card Game Info Image

Anyone who has ever been to the dentist knows how embarrassing it can be to keep your mouth open for too long. Can you imagine having to read ridiculous phrases on top of that aloud?! 

That’s exactly your main task in Speak Out, a fun-packed game suitable for anyone who dares to make fun of themselves in front of their friends or relatives.

Number of Players: 4+ players 

Ages: 8+ (or 16+ according to the version or expansion pack you choose) 

Difficulty: Easy 

Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes

Category: Action drafting party game

Similar to: TabooWatch Ya MouthCatch Phrase

Main Objective: Decipher the speech of your teammates, collect cards for it, and beat your opponents.

Why We Love It: Making a fool of yourself in this crazy game full of gibberish will kickstart any party.

What You’ll Need to Play Speak Out

To play this game, you’re going to need an original Speak Out game set that includes:

  • Five reusable mouthpieces (versions with 10 and 8 pieces are also available)
  • 200 double-sided phrase cards
  • Sand timer
  • Set of instructions
Our Pick
Speak Out Game (with 10 Mouthpieces)
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Expansions & Alternatives: This popular game has many expansion packs, including Speak Out: Kids vs. ParentsMisheard Song Lyrics Expansion PackFun With Food, or a two-player version of the game called Speak Out: Showdown

You can also buy the Speak Out mouthpieces separately to replace your old ones or expand the game for more players. 

Speak Out Rules and Gameplay

Speak Out has simple rules. The gameplay goes as follows:

Starting the Game

First, shuffle the phrase cards and place them down in the center of the table in front of you. Since they’re double-sided, it doesn’t matter which way up they are lying. 

The players form two teams. Ideally, both teams should have an equal number of players.

Now present each of the players with a mouthpiece. Make sure that these accessories are adequately cleaned after every use with soap and water. 

Putting in the Mouthpiece

This is how you put the mouthpiece in your mouth:

  1. Hold the mouthpiece with the wider part of the wings in the direction of your mouth.
  2. Hold the handles with both hands.
  3. Insert one of the wings between your teeth and lips. You should feel how it touches your cheek from the inside. Do not bite the mouthpiece
  4. Bend the handles to make the wings closer to each other.
  5. Now insert the second wing between your teeth and lips too.
  6. When you feel that the mouthpiece sits securely in your mouth, release the handles.

How to Play Speak Out

Teams take turns appointing one of their players to read while the rest of the team guesses. 

  • The reading player puts in the mouthpiece and turns over the included sand timer.
  • He draws a top card from the deck and reads it out loud. 
  • His teammates try to guess what he’s saying.
  • When they succeed, they can keep the card
  • The player then reads another card and continues this way until the timer runs out. 

Now the second team does the same. The game continues until you get rid of all the cards. Alternatively, you can set a goal of 3/5/10 rounds for each team.

While reading, the players can gesture with their hands, but no pantomime is allowed. 

The team may pass on a card, but your opponents will automatically earn it if you do so.

Related: 14 games like Charades

Speak Out Scoring 

When you finish, each team counts their earned cards. The team with the most cards wins the game. 

How to Play Speak Out – Video Tutorial 


Speak Out Frequently Asked Questions

Who invented Speak Out game?

Comic and YouTuber Joe Santagato developed the fundamental idea of the Speak Out game. In 2016 he collaborated with Hasbro on turning it into a bestselling party game. 

How many players can play Speak Out?

The maximum number of players who can play Speak Out is limited only by the number of available mouthpieces. If you want to expand your game for a big group of players, you can buy additional mouthpieces and expansion packs with more cards.

What kind of questions does Speak Out ask?

Speak Out does not ask questions. The cards involve short phrases meant to be read aloud while having a mouthpiece in your mouth. 

Most of the phrases are ridiculous or don’t make any sense. Some of them can sound a bit profane when read with a blocked mouth, which leads to many funny moments. It may not be suitable for younger kids, though.

Other Similar Games to Speak Out (Our Guides) 

Ready to try more wild party games similar to Speak Out? Here are our guides to a few excellent alternatives: 

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Read all the articles (121) written by Lucia Fajnerova