Document PiP adds a new API to open an always-on-top window that can be populated with arbitrary HTMLElements. This is an expansion upon the existing HTMLVideoElement API that only allows for an HTMLVideoElement to be put into a PiP window. This allows web developers to provide a better PiP experience to users.
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
N/A since we are not enabling this API on Android
We want to make sure the API is ergonomic/powerful enough to enable websites to provide the improved picture-in-picture experiences they've wanted to create (improved vs the existing video picture-in-picture API). We'll look at developer feedback for issues/limitations that we hadn't considered. We'll look at the usage of the CSS copying feature to see if it's actually useful and worth pursuing.
The new methods and properties proposed in this spec will show up in autocomplete functionality (e.g. window.documentPictureInPicture). The enter event will support event listener breakpoints in the "Picture-in-Picture" category.
At least initially, we're not supporting Android since the Android APIs don't easily support always-on-top windows with arbitrary interaction
OriginTrial desktop last | 115 |
OriginTrial desktop first | 111 |
Note on the WebKit signal: They do have some concerns listed on the GitHub issue but no official position
On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 11:15:30 AM UTC-8 Tommy Steimel wrote:
Document PiP adds a new API to open an always-on-top window that can be populated with arbitrary HTMLElements. This is an expansion upon the existing HTMLVideoElement API that only allows for an HTMLVideoElement to be put into a PiP window. This allows web developers to provide a better PiP experience to users.
Blink component
Blink>Media>PictureInPictureTAG review
TAG review status
Interoperability and Compatibility
Gecko: No signal (
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