About Growing North

A bit of history on what I am working to accomplish.
In a nutshell, all-season food production in a northern urban yard, and sharing that information to inspire and encourage great folks like yourself to grow food in this harsh climate.
How I am going about this is by converting my urban yard into a mix of relaxing/entertaining space, some grass, a large number of raised beds, a micro-orchard and an experimental all-season greenhouse that will hopefully work in both winter and summer to keep a continuous supply of fresh greens and produce available. And I hope to accomplish this with a minimal amount of resources (ie, minimal heat and no supplemental lighting, as well as rain barrels through summer and year-round composting).

What I am not trying to accomplish is commercial food production. 1-2 households would be a great outcome in my mind, and if there are extras to share, BONUS!
I often hear folks lamenting that they would love to grow a garden and their own fresh foods, but they don’t know how, or they have a “black thumb”. Most of the gardening information available is for a warmer climate and does not translate well for those wanting to try their first northern vegetable gardens. So to answer the question; Why a blog about growing in the north? It’s simple – To share my learning process, my excitement, my mistakes, my failures and my wins. And I hope if you are reading this, we can share what we know and what we have learned.
Have a question? I’d love to hear from you.
You can also find me on Social Media 🙂
Address: 158 Windemere Avenue North, Thunder Bay Ontario.