Arugula Seed Collecting
Now that the Hamilton/SOTA kids are back in session, they come to help during their recess, watering, weeding, tasting, and always learning. This week they gathered up dozens of arugula pods in order to harvest the seeds. Arugula in being grown, harvested, and re-planted in their GROW La Crosse gardens.
Arugula is known by other names such as salad rocket simply because of its rocket-fast growth speed.
The kids had a blast harvesting the seeds. The arugula pods were then laid out to dry for a few days. You can tell when the seeds are ready because when you shake the pod, it sounds like a tiny rattle. GROW La Crosse will be saving these hundred of seeds for the children to plant next season and to donate back to the La Crosse Public Library for their Seed Library.
Did you know?