Barter became part of Black Desert with the Great Expedition update on 23 October 2019. Bartering allows you to exchange materials you have gathered, by sailing to a Barter NPC located on an island or ocean object.

Barter Highlights:

  • Barter by placing goods in your ship’s inventory and sailing close to the Barter NPC.
  • Weight management is important as you plan Barter chains. Barter goods can weigh 100LT to 1kLT each.
  • Ships with greater Weight + Inventory will earn more silver. (Less time required for depositing goods on land.)
  • Available barter routes for sea trade goods are manually refreshed by you up to 2 times each day (3 with a Value Pack)
    • 2 hour limit between pressing the Barter Refresh button.
  • Barter is also limited by “Parley” points. (Parley is refilled after Barter Refresh or with an Item Collection Increase Scroll.)
  • Barter Refresh Points refill every day at 06:00 UTC.
  • The Barter Routes shown will not change unless you press “Barter Refresh” button
BDO Special Barter



Barter Basics

Barter Requirement: a Great Ocean Ship (Bartali Sailboat or higher tier ship… Epheria Sailboat, etc)

Barter Routes are visible via the World Map. If there is a Barter available, it will show over the island or NPC. But, it’s easiest to use the “Barter Search” button to get a detailed listing.

Access Barter Routes via Esc > Life > Barter.

Barter via World Map (M) > “Barter Search” button in the bottom right corner.

Barter World Map

Barter Chains / Barter Routes

The Barter Search window will show you available Barter Chains or Barter Routes. You start with items you have gathered or prepared on land and transfer them to your ship’s inventory.

BDO Barter Search & Refresh Menu


Land Goods are Required for Barter:

For your first Barter, you will want to look at the land goods required to obtain a [Level 1] Sea Trade Good.

The land goods can be obtained via nodes, processing, cooking, alchemy, gathering, etc.

View a full list of Land Goods & Quantities for Barter.


Full Level 5 Barter Chain:

  • Land Goods[Level 1] → [Level 2] → [Level 3] → [Level 4] → [Level 5] → Crow Coins


Or an example Level 4 Barter route for less Crow Coins:

Level 4 Barter Chain for Crow Coins:

  • Land Goods[Level 1] → [Level 2] → [Level 3] → [Level 4] → Crow Coins

Bartering Basics: Step by Step

  1. Place your land goods into the city storage or your character inventory.
    • Goods placed into city storage (Velia, Port Epheria, etc) can be transfered to your ship’s inventory via the <Wharf Manager>.
    • Goods can be transfered from your character’s inventory to your ship’s inventory via the Ship Info window, by pressing P while behind the wheel. (This only works for normal land goods and not Sea Trade Goods.)
  2. Sail to the Barter NPC and stay engaged with the ship’s wheel
  3. A barter UI will appear.
  4. Press “Anchor” and then “Barter”
  5. At the Wharf Manager you can deposit your goods into a city storage.
  6. From the city storage keeper you can sell them or store them for future barters.
Barter User Interface
load cargo ship inventory

Barter Refresh Options

Barter Refresh erases the current Barter List and randomly gives you a new one.

The amount of Barter routes you obtain is dependant upon your completed Barter count.

Barter Refresh is limited by 100 Barter Refresh Points. (150 with a Value Pack.)

Refresh Count Refresh Points for Trade Material Refresh Points for Ship Material
1 Time 20 10
2 Times 40 30
3 Times 50 N/A (You can only use the “Ship Material Refresh” function twice a day.)
BDO Barter Refresh Window


5 Barter Refresh Options:

  • Trade Item Barter Refresh: Use 20/40/50 Barter Refresh Points to immediately refresh the list. Trade Item Barter Refresh has a mixed varitety of Lv 1 to 5 sea trade goods, Crow Coins, and a few ship upgrade mats. (2 hour Cooldown. Limited to 2 per day or 3 with VP)
  • Trade Item Barter Instant Refresh: Spend an additional 30 extra Barter Refresh Points to immediately refresh the list, when you are unable to Refresh due to the 2 hour Refresh Cooldown
  • Ship Material Refresh: Use 10 (1st use) or 30 (2nd use) Barter Refresh Points to immediately change all barters into ship material barters. These materials are used to upgrade to your next tier of ship. Each barter material has a required total barter count in order to have a chance to obtain barter routes for them. Ex. 3,000 total barters must be completed in order to start seeing barters for Brilliant mats. (There is a limit of two Ship Material Refreshes per day.)
  • Instant Ship Material Refresh: Spend an additional 30 extra Barter Refresh Points to bypass the Ship Material Refresh cooldown.
  • Reduce Refresh Cooldown: Use up to 50k Parley from one button press to reduce the Refresh Cooldown. (There is no option to choose how much Parley is consumed. You can press the button multiple times in a row, as long as you have enough Parley.)
    • 10k Parley for 1 minute
    • 50k Parley for 5 minutes. (1 button press)
    • 30 minutes = 300k Parley (6 button presses)
    • 60 minutes = 600k Parley (12 button presses)

If you have an active Value Pack, you can recover 50 extra barter refresh points.

Barter Refresh Points refill every day at 06:00 UTC.


Ship Material Refresh

You have a chance to obtain the following barters after using the Ship Material Refresh function if you have a certain accumulated barter count. (Source: Patch Notes)

Note: This may have been removed when all Sea Black Stones were converted to Tidal Black Stones. Has anyone encountered these with the new changes?

Barter Count Item Cost Item Received
100 Level 3 sea trade good Tidal Black Stone x3 (you can do this 3 times)
300 Level 4 sea trade good Tidal Black Stone x6 (you can do this 3 times)
3,500 Level 5 sea trade good Tidal Black Stone x20 (you can do this 1 time)
3,500 Gold Bar 100G x1 Tidal Black Stone x20 (you can do this 1 time)
3,500 Level 5 sea trade good Tidal Black Stone x30 (you can do this 1 time)
3,500 Gold Bar 100G x2 Tidal Black Stone x30 (you can do this 1 time)
5,000 Level 5 sea trade good Tidal Black Stone x50 (you can do this 1 time)


 Rare Spawns From Ship Material Refresh

  • Barters exchanging Crow Coins for the following items appear at a low rate during ship material barter.
    • Golden Galley Figurine (100,000,000 silver)
    • Golden Turtle Shell ( 70,000,000 silver)
    • Obsidian Crystal Bracelet (50,000,000 silver)
    • Elaborate Pearl Necklace (30,000,000 silver)
    • Gilded Coral (10,000,000 silver)

Crow Coins from Bartering

Barter Trade Item Refresh usually provides a few good barter chains to obtain Crow Coins if you give level 4 or 5 Sea Trade Goods.


Level 5 Barter goods can pay 80 to 600 Crow Coins. (Usually it’s around 100 to 200.)
Level 4 Barter goods pay about 45 to 60 Crow Coins.

crow coin barter

Crow Coin Islands

The barter locations that are furthest from Velia, usually pay more Crow Coins than normal. Many inland islands can pay 40 to 60 Crow Coins for a Level 4 Sea Trade Good. Islands that pay more require Level 5 goods. 

Al Halam Sea (N Valencia)

Barter Location Crow Coins
Halmad Island 100-150
Kashuma Island 80-160
Derko Island 100-160
Hakoven Island 300-600


Margoria’s Great Ocean

Barter Location Crow Coins
Shipwrecked Haran’s Cargo Ship 150-300
Unfinished Adrift Vessel 150-300
Lantinia’s Combat Raft 70-170
Pakio’s Combat Raft 70-170
Crow Merchants’ Vessel 70-170
Shipwrecked Rickun’s Ship 70-170
Shipwrecked Cox Pirate Ship 70-170
Shipwrecked Marine Vessel 70-170



Lucky Barter for Crow Coins

If you are lucky, you can even obtain a very large amount of Crow Coins during ship material refresh or from a rare Special Barter.

In the image below, most of the barters provided Crow Coins, even the green barter goods could be traded for them.

If you get lucky and obtain this, take careful note of the Parley cost, however.

crow coin ship material refresh rare barter
special barter crow coin

Barter Exchanges Limited by Sea Trade Good Level

Exchanges Remaining:

Note that you can perform the same Barter multiple times while you are at the Barter NPC. You will have to multiply your goods by the “Exchanges Remaining” amount. Be sure to hover over the items and add up their LT. Your ship will need to have enough inventory and weight to hold multiple Barters.

Barter Exchanges (multiples of the same Barter at one time) is limited by the level of the goods being Bartered.

Barter Barter Limit Barter Item Given → Barter Reward
Level 1 10 Basic Land Goods → Level 1 sea trade good x1
Level 2 10 Level 1 sea trade good x1 → Level 2 sea trade good x1–3
Level 3 10 Level 2 sea trade good x1 → Level 3 sea trade good x1–3
Level 4 10 Level 3 sea trade good x1 → Level 4 sea trade good x2
Level 5 (Inshore) 6 Level 4 sea trade good x1 → Level 5 sea trade good x1
Level 5 (Great Ocean) 4 Level 4 sea trade good x1 → Level 5 sea trade good x1


It is common to have some left over barter goods, if you do every available Barter.


Barter Goods to Keep

Certain Barter goods are used to obtain a better ship. You may want to keep these in Storage/Alts/Wagons, if your goal is to upgrade your ship. Then it’s a waiting game, to see when your desired barter route will appear, after pressing Ship Material Refresh.

Barter Good Storage Tips:

  • Barter items can be transported from one Storage Keeper to another Storage Keeper, although the price of transporting can get pricey. (It costs about 80k for transporting 1 [Level 5] Barter Good from Port Epheria to Ancado Inner Harbor.)
  • Level 1 and 2 barter items can’t be sold, so make sure you have enough storage space to store them, if that is what you want to do.
  • Level 1 to 4 of the same goods do stack.
  • [Level 5] goods do NOT stack, but you can sell extras at the <Wharf Manager> for 7.5 million silver each.
  • You can utilize character transport from city to city on an Alt. (Takes one hour. Esc > Portrait > Transport)
  • You can utilize character tagging. (Portrait icon on the top left) Tagged characters can hold barter goods. They will become severely over weight, but if you swap to them at a <Wharf Manager>, you may save yourself a trip, depending on your tagged character’s LT.
  • You can transport or sail an extra Epheria Sailboat/Bartali Sailboat to Ancado Inner Harbor for your Alt to use for your [Level 5] Barter Routes that spawn in that area. (Crow Coins and Barter Routes share across all characters.)
  • WARNING: Remote Collection of a ship (or any mount) with Barter goods on it will destroy the goods and your ship (or mount) HP/Durability. Any Sailors on board will get sick and will require a rare elixir to cure.


Barter Land Goods for Land Goods

There will also be Barter options that are not part of a Barter Chain. This often includes items that are needed for ship upgrades. For example, a common one is the “Old Moon Guild Carrack” exchanges for tree sap.

These lands good barters often give items that are in the Land Good List for [Level 1] Barters. So chances are, you will see a Barter Route open up to request the given item.

Silver Profitability:
Land Goods for Land Goods can be profitable, if you sell what you obtain on the Marketplace. But be sure to do research on each Barter option, because supply/demand and pricing changes all the time with game events, etc.

Lets look an an example of a Barter Route that opened up to me… 1,155 Old Tree Bark (20k each) in exchange for 3,000 Vinegar (1.5k each). When we do the math for this Barter, we can see that we’re trading Cooked items worth 4500000 silver, for items obtained rarely through nodes and gathering worth 23100000 Silver. Total profit using pricing as I write this: 18,600,000 silver for each completed Barter. (there were 3 Exchanges Remaining, so 55.8 million in profit.)

This was an interesting Barter option if you factor in the time it would take you to Cook the Vinegar. (Vinegar was in good supply at the Marketplace at the time of this writing.)

Also note that this trade was located at Old Moon Guild Carrack in Margoria, where it’s not easy to sail and map functionality is disabled, unless you have a compass. Traveling there can take plenty of time, depending on your experience, luck, sailing skill, and boat.


Barter Weights & Silver Value

 Barter Item Level LT Value
[Level 1] 100 can’t be sold
[Level 2] 800 can’t be sold
[Level 3] 900 1 million Silver
[Level 4] 1000 2 million Silver
[Level 5] 1000 7.5 million Silver*
Crow Coins (80 to 600)
[Level 5]
1000 15 million Silver

Barter Weight (LT) and value is determined by the Barter item’s [Level]. The most treasured item is obtained at the end of a Barter Chain, when you exchange your [Level 5] item for Crow Coins.

* It’s important that you hang on to your Crow Coins and NOT spend them on a whim. It may be tempting to buy a compass, for example. But some items for ships can only be purchased with thousands of Crow Coins. (Ex. Carrack Gear costs 10k Coins each)

For a detailed guide and listing of available items you can purchase with Crow Coins, please view this Crow Coin Guide.

Sell heavy Sea Trade Goods at the Storage Keeper.

Sell Barter Sea Trade Goods Storage Keeper

Barter for Lost Trade Box

On Beiruwa and Barater islands, you can exchange Lv. 1 sea trade goods to obtain Lost Trade Box up to 4 times.

You can obtain any 1 of the Lv. 1-5 sea trade goods when opening Lost Trade Box, according to a set probability. (My luck has been pretty good. Usually I get something higher than a T1 sea trade good.)

You can no longer obtain Lv 1 sea trade goods from these islands.

lost trade box

Barter for Ships

Upgrade to a Caravel or Galleass by bartering for ship upgrade mats.

To start, you will need 40 Tidal Black Stones.

  • Tidal Black Stone is used for guaranteed enhancement of +1 to +10 on Old Figurehead, Old Plating, Old Cannon, and Old Wind Sail. These are required to upgrade your first ship.

However, if you complete Ravinia’s 7 day questline, you will only need 20 Tidal Black Stones to obtain your first T2 ship.

Obtaining Tidal Black Stone

Tidal Black Stone is obtained via barter, sailing quests, or sea monster hunting.

Weekly Nineshark Quest Tidal Black Stone Tear of the Ocean Crow Coin

Khan Guild Boss:

Level Tidal Black Stones
0 50 guaranteed
1 60 guaranteed
2 80 guaranteed
3 100 guaranteed

Tidal Black Stone is sometimes offered in Special Barter, Trade Item Refresh, and Ship Material Refresh.

Special Barter Tidal Black Stone

Is Weight Limit Important in Barter?

Land and Sea Trade goods can add up in weight. You can transfer them to your ship at the Wharf Manager. But you can also hold them in your character inventory. For this purpose, you may want to know how to boost your Weight Limit.

  • Seafood Cron +100 LT
  • Draught +200 LT
  • Shai class: 600 LT base (additional when leveling up)
  • Traders Clothes (+100 to +400 LT) or Hercules armor set bonus (150 LT)
  • Crystals: +15 to +75 LT each (Ex. Gervish)
  • Asula Belt (+100 LT)
  • Root Treant Accessory 5-Set Effect (+100 LT)
  • Loyalty/Pearl weight upgrades
silver embroidered trader clothes

Weight Limit Gear Set Example

The following gear adds Weight Limit +1090 LT to your base LT.

+400 LT Weight Accessory Set:

  • Root Treant’s Leaf Earring
  • Root Treant’s Leaf Earring
  • Root Treant’s Stem Ring
  • Root Treant’s Stem Ring
  • Root Treant’s Petal Necklace
  • +2: Manos Golden Coral Belt

+200 LT Weight Gear Set

  • Helmet of Hercules’ Might
  • Armor of Hercules’ Might
  • Gloves of Hercules’ Might
  • Shoes of Hercules’ Might

 Or Traders Clothes (+100 to +400 LT)

+490 LT Weight Crystal Set:

Cobelinus (limit 2)

WON Magic Crystal – Cobelinus x2

Hystria (limit 2)

BON Magic Crystal – Hystria x2


Ancient Magic Crystal – Hystria x4

Gervish (4 set buff limit)

HAN Magic Crystal – Gervish x 4

More Barter Routes with High Barter Count

Additional Barter Routes are unlocked, after you complete a specific number of Barters. Opened Barter Routes aren’t available until after Barter Refresh.

Material Barters:
More material barter routes open up as your Barter Count rises. This allows you to trade barter goods for materials used in ship parts and ship upgrades.

[Level 2]
Materials for upgrading to Caravel/Galleass
Enhancement material for up to +5 ship parts

[Level 3]
Materials for ship parts.
Enhancement material for +6 to +10 ship parts
Materials to upgrade to Caravel

[Level 4]
Materials for Carrack

[Level 5]
Brilliant Materials for Carrack

Barter Count Barter Routes
0 1st Barter Route
Old Moon Guild Carrack
10 2nd Barter Route
[Level 2] Material Barter
30 3rd Barter Route
[Level 3] Material Barter
70 4th Barter Route
[Level 4] Material Barter
150 5th Barter Route
310 6th Barter Route
630 7th Barter Route
1000 Brilliant Rock Salt Ingot
Brilliant Pearl Shard
1500 [Level 5] Material Barter
1270 8th Barter Route
2550 9th Barter Route
5110 10th Barter Route
10230 11th Barter Route
20470 12th Barter Route


Special Barter

Special Barter allows you to trade for a large amount of Crow Coins and other valuable goods. View some of these in the table below. You have an RNG chance to obtain a Special Barter. 

Player reports seem to be all over the place with RNG as to how often Special Barter spawns and which ones they get.

*As of patch 2/22/2023, Special Barter will now appear regardless of Barter Level or Barter Count.


Special Barter has a chance to spawn each time you complete a barter. You will get a golden message that splashes across the screen.

The island that has a Special Barter will display a gold badge on top of any normal barter on the World Map (M).

a special barter is available
special barter map value pack

Value Pack Benefits

Special Barter with Value Pack:

  • You can see the item requirement and rewards for a Special Barter from the world map.
  • You can SKIP a Special Barter from far away.
    • You may not want or need the Special Barter offered.
    • Some Special Barters may be located far away in the Great Ocean and may not be worth the travel time.

Without a Value Pack, you can only see the items in the Special Barter exchange by going to the island Barter NPC where it is located.

special barter value pack

Special Barters do NOT go away after Barter Refresh and stay until you complete the barter or skip it. (If you have a Value Pack activated, you can see the barter and skip it remotely.)

Forest Crystal via Special Barter

The Special Barter in the image required a 100G gold bar to obtain 1 Forest Crystal. (10 million silver.)

Forest Crystal is used to make a helpful barter crystal that gives +5% Barter Exp.


forest crystal special barter

Below is just a sample of some high value Special Barters. For a complete list, please visit Special Barters List

Special Barter Price Special Barter Reward Barter Reward Details

Ingredient In:

Khan’s Heart: Destruction

 Khan’s Heart: Life

Khan’s Heart: Protection

Ingredient In:

Khan’s Heart: Destruction

 Khan’s Heart: Life

Khan’s Heart: Protection

Ingredient In:

Khan’s Heart: Destruction

 Khan’s Heart: Life

Khan’s Heart: Protection

All AP +100

– Duration: 60 min.
– Expiration: 30 days
– Cooldown: 60 min.

Mermaid’s Tear

All Damage Reduction +150

– Duration: 60 min.
– Expiration: 30 days
– Cooldown: 60 min.

Life EXP +3%
All Life Skill Masteries +22



– Set Effect: every 2 Geranoa
Life EXP +3.5%

Weight Limit +80LT
All Life Skill Masteries +26



– Set Effect: every 2 Geranoa
Life EXP +3.5%

Life EXP +3%
All Life Skill Masteries +22



– Set Effect: every 2 Geranoa
Life EXP +3.5%

Life EXP +3%
All Life Skill Masteries +26



– Set Effect: every 2 Geranoa
Life EXP +3.5%

Life EXP +3%
All Life Skill Masteries +22



– Set Effect: every 2 Geranoa
Life EXP +3.5%

Life EXP +3%
All Life Skill Masteries +22



– Set Effect: every 2 Geranoa
Life EXP +3.5%

Weight Limit +80LT
All Life Skill Masteries +26



– Set Effect: every 2 Geranoa
Life EXP +3.5%

Crow Coins x1800-2000
Ravinia Crow Coin Shop Guide
Crow Coins x1800-2000
Ravinia Crow Coin Shop Guide
Crow Coins x1800-2000
Ravinia Crow Coin Shop Guide
Crow Coins x1800-2000
Ravinia Crow Coin Shop Guide
Sell price: 100,000,000


Barter More with a Value Pack

 [Event] Value Pack (30 Days)

Barter Buffs from an active Value Pack:

  • If you have an active Value Pack, you get 50 extra Barter Refresh Points. (Max 150 Barter Refresh Points instead of 100.)
  • Allows 1 extra Barter Trade Refresh each day (3 instead of 2)
  • Parley cost decreased by 10% for each Barter.
  • Remotely check or skip Special Barter via the Barter Search window, so that you don’t have to travel to the bartering location.
  • 1 Item Collection Increase Scroll each day in your Challenge Rewards (Y) → Can convert this into 250k Parley scroll.

Barter Parley Points

We start with 1,000,000 Parley Points that are depleted upon each completed Barter.

  • There is a Parley cost for each Barter you do. (Shown in the Barter Search window.)
  • Even if the node shows an available Barter, you must have the required Parley in order to complete the Barter.
  • Parley fills up to 100% and is refreshed each time you press the Barter Refresh button.
  • Parley does NOT refill with the daily barter reset.
  • Parley Cost decreases as you gain levels in the Barter Life Skill. See Parley Chart below.
  • Parley cost decreases by 10% when you have a Value Pack active.
Barter Type Parley
Most Barters (no Barter level) 14,286
Old Moon Carrack 14,286
Derko Island 36,420
Berimi Island 21,650
Halmad Island 29,430
Hakoven Island 43,780
Lantinia’s Combat Raft 46,544
Pakio Combat Raft 46,544
Shipwrecked Cargo Ship 46,544
Incomplete Ship 46,544
Shipwrecked Ancient Relic Transport 46,544

Barter Parley Chart

Barters are limited by Parley. You have 1,000,000 Parley and each completed barter takes away from that number. You must have enough Parley to continue doing barters. Parley refreshes with the Barter Refresh button, which has a 2 hour cool down. (Instant Refresh or Reduce Cooldown options will eliminate or reduce this Cooldown.)

To decrease your Parley cost, increase your Barter level. “Barter Mastery” is shown in the Mastery window, but in actuality, Barter isn’t improved by Life Mastery buffs. (A Value Pack gives -10% Parley cost.)

Level Parley
Beginner 1 -0.0000%
Beginner 2 -2.7329%
Beginner 3 -3.8568%
Beginner 4 -4.7136%
Beginner 5 -5.4313%
Beginner 6 -6.0595%
Beginner 7 -6.6238%
Beginner 8 -7.1392%
Beginner 9 -7.6157%
Beginner 10 -8.0603%
Level Parley
Apprentice 1 -8.4779%
Apprentice 2 -8.8723%
Apprentice 3 -9.2466%
Apprentice 4 -9.6030%
Apprentice 5 -9.9435%
Apprentice 6 -10.2697%
Apprentice 7 -10.5830%
Apprentice 8 -10.8843%
Apprentice 9 -11.1747%
Apprentice 10 -11.4550%
Level Parley
Skilled 1 -11.7260%
Skilled 2 -11.9882%
Skilled 3 -12.2423%
Skilled 4 -12.4887%
Skilled 5 -12.7279%
Skilled 6 -12.9602%
Skilled 7 -13.1861%
Skilled 8 -13.4059%
Skilled 9 -13.6198%
Skilled 10 -13.8281%
Level Parley
Professional 1 -14.0312%
Professional 2 -14.2291%
Professional 3 -14.4222%
Professional 4 -14.6105%
Professional 5 -14.7944%
Professional 6 -14.9739%
Professional 7 -15.1492%
Professional 8 -15.3205%
Professional 9 -15.4878%
Professional 10 -15.6514%
Level Parley
Artisan 1 -15.8113%
Artisan 2 -15.9677%
Artisan 3 -16.1206%
Artisan 4 -16.2701%
Artisan 5 -16.4164%
Artisan 6 -16.5595%
Artisan 7 -16.6995%
Artisan 8 -16.8365%
Artisan 9 -16.9705%
Artisan 10 -17.1017%
Level Parley
Master 1 -17.2300%
Master 2 -17.3556%
Master 3 -17.4785%
Master 4 -17.5988%
Master 5 -17.7165%
Master 6 -17.8316%
Master 7 -17.9443%
Master 8 -18.0546%
Master 9 -18.1624%
Master 10 -18.2679%
Level Parley
Master 11 18.3711%
Master 12 18.4721%
Master 13 18.5708%
Master 14 18.6700%
Master 15 18.7700%
Master 16 18.8700%
Master 17 18.9700%
Master 18 19.0700%
Master 19 19.1700%
Master 20 19.2700%
Level Parley
Master 21 19.3700%
Master 22 19.4700%
Master 23 19.5700%
Master 24 19.6700%
Master 25 19.7700%
Master 26 19.8700%
Master 27 19.9700%
Master 28 20.0700%
Master 29 20.1700%
Master 30 20.2700%
Level Parley
Guru 1 20.3700%
Guru 2 20.4700%
Guru 3 20.5700%
Guru 4 20.6700%
Guru 5 20.7700%
Guru 6 20.8700%
Guru 7 20.9700%
Guru 8 21.0700%
Guru 9 21.1700%
Guru 10 21.2700%
Level Parley
Guru 11 21.3700%
Guru 12 21.4700%
Guru 13 21.5700%
Guru 14 21.6700%
Guru 15 21.7700%
Guru 16 21.8700%
Guru 17 21.9700%
Guru 18 22.0700%
Guru 19 22.1700%
Guru 20 22.2700%
Level Parley
Guru 21 22.3700%
Guru 22 22.4700%
Guru 23 22.5700%
Guru 24 22.6700%
Guru 25 22.7700%
Guru 26 22.8700%
Guru 27 22.9700%
Guru 28 23.0700%
Guru 29 23.1700%
Guru 30 23.2700%
Level Parley
Guru 31 23.3700%
Guru 32 23.4700%
Guru 33 23.5700%
Guru 34 23.6700%
Guru 35 23.7700%
Guru 36 23.8700%
Guru 37 23.9700%
Guru 38 24.0700%
Guru 39 24.1700%
Guru 40 24.2700%
Level Parley
Guru 41 24.3700%
Guru 42 24.4700%
Guru 43 24.5700%
Guru 44 24.6700%
Guru 45 24.7700%
Guru 46 24.8700%
Guru 47 24.9700%
Guru 48 25.0700%
Guru 49 25.1700%
Guru 50 25.2700%

Replenishing Parley Points

Crow’s Trade Voucher is the only way to restore Parley, if you can’t use “Barter Refresh”.

Craft it by using Item Collection Increase Scrolls obtained via the Pearl Shop, Node Wars, and Dark Rifts.

Processing (L) → Manufacture:

This will provide 1 Crow’s Trade Voucher. Since October 21, 2020, you can also Manufacture Crow’s Trade Voucher into an Item Collection Increase Scroll.

Crow’s Trade Voucher:

  • Adds 250,000 Parley
  • 2 hour Cooldown
  • All Parley refreshes after you press “Barter Refresh”.
  • Using Crow’s Trade Voucher will not increase over the maximum allowed Parley of 1,000,000.
Crow's Trade Voucher for Parley

Item Collection Scroll via Dark Spirit’s Greed

10 Dark Spirit’s Greed can be exchanged for 1 Item Collection Increase Scroll. (Item Collection Increase Scroll is used to craft Crow’s Trade Voucher.)

Dark Spirit’s Greed x10 →  – Item Collection Increase Scroll

Item Collection Increase Scroll 60: Blue Loot Scroll

You obtain 2 Dark Spirit’s Greed for every Dark Rift boss you defeat.

Dark Spirit's Greed

Dark Spirit’s Greed Exchange UI:

  • Click the Manage Currency icon  at the top right of the screen OR…
  • Menu (Esc) → Rewards (F3) → Manage Currency Menu


Item Collection Scroll Via Node Wars


Occupying a fort rewards 1 to 2 Item Collection Increase Scrolls and 30 to 40 Medal of Honor.

Exchange 20 Medal of Honor for 1 Item Collection Scroll.  (Item Collection Scroll is used to craft Crow’s Trade Voucher.)

Resplendent Medal of Honor x20 →  – Item Collection Increase Scroll


Node War Personal Rewards

Obtain personal rewards based on the occupied fort tier and location.

  • Rewards are delivered to the Black Spirit’s Safe upon the final occupation of the fort.
  • There is a bonus reward for occupying an untimed fort marked with a “?”.
  • If you participate, but fail to occupy a fort, you will not receive personal rewards.


(Max 550 Gear Score)

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 “?” Fort
Item Collection Increase Scroll x1 x1 x1 x2 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
Resplendent Medal of Honor x30 x30 x30 x30 x30 x15



(Max 685 Gear Score)

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 “?” Fort
Item Collection Increase Scroll x1 x1 x2 x2 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
Resplendent Medal of Honor x30 x30 x35 x35 x40 x20


Calpheon & Kamasylvia

(No Stat Limits)

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 “?” Fort
Item Collection Increase Scroll x1 x1 x2 x2 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x1 x1 x2 x2 x2
Resplendent Medal of Honor x40 x40 x45 x45 x50  x25


Node War Apply
Node War Fort Unkown Time

Item Collection Increase Scroll Via Pearl Shop

  • With a Value Pack active, you accumulate 1 Item Collection Increase Scroll per day. Collect it from your Challenge Reward (Y).
  • Item Collection Increase Scrolls are commonly found with other Pearl Shop bundles, packs, etc. In other words, hidden from easy view.
  • You can purchase 5 every week with 500 Loyalties from the Loyalties Category.

Barter Exp and Leveling

Barter became a Life Skill shortly after its release.

  • Barter Exp is earned each time you complete a Barter.
  • Special Barters do not give Barter Exp.
  • Barter Exp is only slightly higher for higher tier barters.
  • Increase Barter Exp by using any Life Skill Exp item or buff. For example, Life EXP Scroll from Challenges (Y)
  • Barter Level is seen in your Character Profile window (P)
  • Barter Rank is also viewable in the Rankings window.

Leveling Barter Life Skill

Since Barter is considered a Life Skill, we can use all the many Life Skill Exp items available to us. Many professions have clothing, but not for Barter. (Hopefully in the future. There is clothing for Sailing Exp however.)

For more details, please view my Life Exp Items guide.

Icon Life EXP Item EXP
Time Elixirs or Verdure Draught (Alchemy) 10%, 15%, or 20%
Perfume of Swiftness stacks with Time Elixir or Verdure (Alchemy) 20%
[Villa] Turning Gates (180 min.) or [Camp] Life Buff 10%
Sute Tea, Seafood Cron Meal, or Fresh Whale Meat Salad (Cooking) 8%, 10%, or 15%
GM’s Blessing (1h) (event item) 5%, 10%, or 15%
[Event] items like Turkey or Lara’s Tea 8-50%
Value Pack (Pearl Shop) 30%
Event, Olvia Server, or Season Server 30% to 100%
Secret Book of Old Moon (Pearl Shop) 50%
Birthday Cake 100%
Anniversary Celebration Cake 100%
[Event] Giovan Grolin’s Support Scroll (Season Graduation reward) 20%
Pearl Outfits Canape and Pavilla or Equipment Tailoring Coupon costumes 10% to 15%
Treant’s Tear Level 60+ Season Character quest 30%
Daily Challenge Reward (Y) Mercenary’s Life (60 min) 50% to 150%
Icon Life EXP Item EXP
Lighstones & Lighstone Combo Effects up to 41%
Artifacts (Sethra’s) up to 10%
Life Skill Mastery Accessories (NPC, recipe, marketplace) up to 75%
Secret Book of Florin (weekly quests) 20%
Extra Life EXP Scroll or Book of Life 50%
Krogdalo’s Donkey Gear (Hee Haw 3-set buff) 10%
Experienced Cry (Guild Skill) 10%
Complete Perfection (Guild Skill) 20%
Guru’s Touch (Guild Skill) 40%
Caphras Journal of Nature (Caphras Log) 10%
Life Skill Clothes (workshop or marketplace) up to 40%
Life Skill Crystals up to 80%
All Pets have RNG +5% Life Skill Chance Up to 25%
Specific T4 pets with Life Exp Talent 4% to 46%
Falasi’s Bookshelf with Knowledge on Excavation (2 different quest lines) 3%

Barter & Sailing Crystals

Life Skill crystals can be used to increase movement while sailing and help you level Sailing and Barter.

  • Life Crystal → Barter EXP +5% and Sailing EXP +5%
  • Vital Crystal → Sailing Mastery +10

“Forest Crystal” is used to obtain Life Skill crystals that buff +5% EXP or +10 Mastery. (Barter has no benefit from Life Mastery, however Sailing does.)

Obtaining Forest Crystal:

  • Sniper hunting in Land of the Morning Light – about 1 every 1.5 hours.
  • Send worker to Dokkebi Forest node – 1 every 2 to 3 weeks.
  • AFK Fishing in Land of the Morning Light – 1 every week.
  • Special Barter – is this real? Not in my experience, but I have proof it exists.
  • Exchange 1000 Sangpyeong Coin to Hyunyong in Moodle Village.

NOTE: Life Crystal and Vital Crystal do NOT have a crystal group and have no limit!

Life Crystal Exp

Life Skill Crystal for Sailing/Barter Exp

16 crystal slots:
+80% Exp or +160 Sailing Mastery

Barter Pets

Besides pets like classic cats that give +1% Life Skill EXP each tier from a Talent, I find the following pet to be helpful.

  • Bos’n Jack Talent: parrot that gives big ships more Bartering LT.


 Bos’n Jack

  • Pet Type: RARE
  • Talent: +50LT Big Ship Weight each Tier
  • Special Skill: Auto-Fishing Time Reduction
  • 5x T4 Bos’n Jack = 1,000 LT
  • Increased Chances to Learn these Skills:
    • Fishing Exp +5%
    • Hunting Exp +5%
    • Training Exp +5%
    • Trading Exp +5%
    • Karma Recovery +5%
Bos Jak Pet Skills

Bos’n Jak could be good for Hunting Life Skill also.
48% chance to learn +5% Hunting EXP

Class Choice for Barter

Corsairs get all the sailing love!

  • Corsair Passive Sailing Skills:
    • All big ship stats +1%
    • Underwater Breathing +20 seconds
Corsair Paw Doodle Portrait
BDO Class: Corsair Icon

Ocean, Barter NPC, & Sea Monster Map

This is an awesome map that shows the location of many important sailing NPCs.

  • Sea Monsters including Young and Hungry easy ones
    • Hekaru
    • Candidum
    • Ocean Stalker
    • Nineshark
    • Black Rust
    • Small Goldmont Battleship
    • Medium Goldmont Battleship
    • Large Goldmont Battleship
    • Saltwater Crocodiles
    • Lekrashan
  • Barter NPC
  • Sea Currents (Most Sea Currents were removed with a patch on Aug 9, 2023, however there are still “Fast Currents” that help speed your ship by 1.7 times.)

Thanks Map Creators! → created by gpw, sea currents and mapping by flockenburger, and Ceonsiune’s noice og map and color scheme

great ocean map sea route monsters barter npc


  • Great Expedition Guide Google Doc – Thank you to BDO family name: Airie (SEA), Akiri (Global-Lab), Discord: Kiri Airie#6217
  • Official BDO The Launch of a Great Expedition
  • Official BDO The Great Expedition Update
  • BDO Sailing/Vell Discord – talk and chat web app for everything Sailing