Bus services will resume on Thursday, May 11. No fares will be collected from May 11 – 22. For the latest updates on the status of transit services, visit www.grt.ca/updates.

50th Anniversary Bash @ Graduate House

Friday, October 21, 2022 @ 3:00 pm

Graduate House

200 University Ave W,
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

Join us Friday, October 21 to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Grad House, afternoon ’til night! Among the attractions are live music, tacos, and local breweries for cask and tap tasting.

Local acts Treephones, Hyness, and CxViolet will be performing, and we’ll also be hosting breweries Block Three, Neustadt Springs, and Wellington to show off their beers IN CASKS and on tap.

Pulled pork courtesy of proud bacon and beef provider Oakridge Acres (with a vegan option).

Follow our socials for more information about bands, breweries, and everything Grad House!