
January 2023 | Jose I. Guerra, Inc. Celebrates 50th Anniversary & Names New President

Jose I. Guerra, Inc. is proud to announce its 50th anniversary of service in Texas. Founded in 1973 by Jose I. Guerra, P.E., the firm began its operation as a structural engineering sub-consulting practice based in Austin. Today, Jose I. Guerra, Inc. is a full-service engineering firm, providing a comprehensive range of civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection engineering services to clients throughout the state of Texas, from offices in Austin, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi.

As a part of a planned succession, the firm has named Shawn Allen, P.E., LEED AP as its new President. Allen has been with Jose I. Guerra, Inc. for 19 years and previously served as Vice President and Director of Operations. In his new role, Allen will provide firm-wide leadership development and operational oversight. Working closely with leadership in Austin, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi, he will maintain and develop relationships with clients across the state. As the third President of the company, Allen will continue to grow and diversify Jose I. Guerra, Inc. while embracing the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Rick Guerra, P.E., F.NSPE will remain as Chief Executive Officer for Jose I. Guerra, Inc., where he will continue to provide firm-wide strategic and administrative oversight. Guerra has been with Jose I. Guerra, Inc. for 28 years and has served as the firm’s President and Chief Executive Officer since 2009. “I am so proud of what we have accomplished as a firm over the past 50 years, and I look forward to the new heights we will reach under Shawn’s leadership.”

October 2022 | American Constructors Annual Clay Shoot

Shawn Allen, Colby Brock & Tom Ingram had a fun time at the annual clay shoot event that supports the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area.  Guerra supported this event as a Silver Sponsor. Guerra - Clay shoot 2022 Guerra at Clay Shoot

July 2022 | Reese Hatridge, P.E. – Selected for the Corpus Christi Under 40 Award

Jose I. Guerra, Inc. is pleased to announce that Reese Hatridge, P.E., Mechanical Project Engineer was selected for the 2022 Corpus Christi Under 40 Award!  The Young Professionals of the Coastal Bend organization recognizes a group of outstanding leaders in the community each year who are under 40 years of age. Thirty honorees were selected this year from a wide variety of professions throughout the Costal Bend area. We are excited to see Reese receive his award at the July 7th Award Ceremony in Corpus Christi!

April 2022 | Debby Williams – Austin SMPS Member of The Year Award

July 2021 | NSPE installs Rick Guerra, P.E., F.NSPE as President for 2021-22

Jose I. Guerra, Inc. is pleased to announce the installation of Rick Guerra, P.E., F.NSPE as President of NSPE (National Society of Professional Engineers) for the 2021-22 year.  Mr. Guerra is a past president of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers and a member of the Texas Engineering Foundation Board of Trustees and the TSPE Political Action Committee for Engineers Board of Trustees.  Mr. Guerra was elected Vice President of NSPE in July of 2019 and has served on the organizations’ Board of Directors since that time. The National Society of Professional Engineers is the recognized voice and advocate for the 470,000 licensed Professional Engineers in the U.S.  Founded in 1934, NSPE serves its members and the public through 47 state and territorial societies and 329 chapters.  For more information, please visit

November 2019 | Light the Night for Leukemia & Lymphoma

It was a very special night as several friends and family came together to create a team, sponsored by Jose I. Guerra, Inc., for the “Light The Night Walk” for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. “Team Fiona” proudly carried brightly lit lanterns as they walked the track at the Circuit of the Americas with thousands of people from across Austin. It was truly a fantastic way to show our continued support for the daughter of Joseph Heilman, a valued member of our “Guerra Family” as she fights her fight against leukemia.

Fall 2019 | Texas A&M Music Activity Center – Project Complete!

Nov 2019 | Thanksgiving Wishes from Jose I. Guerra, Inc.

Oct 28 2019 | Winner of the Pumpkin Carving Contest!

Our San Antonio Office participated in the 4th Annual I-LinCP/Skanska Pumpkin Carving Contest on Tuesday Oct 28th. Guerra took home the 1st Place Trophy for our pumpkin theme called “The Spurs Coyote”. Great job guys!! The I-LinCP San Antonio and SKANSKA event proceeds support the I-LinCP scholarship fund.

Sept 9 2019 | Austin FC MLS Groundbreaking Ceremony & Special Guest

It was an exciting morning as for our Jose I. Guerra, Inc. team to attend the groundbreaking for the Austin FC MLS Stadium as our firm is proud to be part of this amazing project. Mayor Steve Adler, the CEO of Austin FC and Two Oak Ventures, MLS Commissioner Don Garber, and Matthew McConaughey were in attendance.  

September 2019 | SMPS Board 2019 – Debby Williams  

Rick Guerra, P.E., F.NSPE as the Vice President of NSPE for the 2019-20 year

JOSE I. GUERRA, INC. is pleased to announce the election of Rick Guerra, P.E., F.NSPE as the Vice President of NSPE for the 2019-20 year.  Mr. Guerra is President/CEO of Jose I. Guerra, Inc., a full-service facilities engineering firm with offices in Austin and San Antonio.  He is a past president of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers and a member of the Texas Engineering Foundation Board of Trustees and the TSPE Political Action Committee for Engineers Board of Trustees.  On the national level, Mr. Guerra most recently participated on the NSPE Strategic Planning Steering Committee and Committee on Policy & Advocacy and has participated in the Future of Professional Engineering Task Force and Professional Engineers Conference Task Force.  He will become president of NSPE in 2021-22.
The National Society of Professional Engineers is the recognized voice and advocate for the 500,000 licensed Professional Engineers in the U.S. Founded in 1934, NSPE serves more than 26,000 members and the public through 52 state and territorial societies and over 400 chapters.  For more information, please visit

November 2018 | Light The Night event to fight Leukemia

November 2017 | Light The Night event to fight Leukemia

It was a very special night as several friends and family came together to create a team, sponsored by Jose I. Guerra, Inc., for the “Light The Night Walk” for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society on November 18, 2017. “Team Fiona” proudly wore their “Superhero Fiona” t-shirts and carried brightly lit lanterns as they walked the track at the Circuit of the Americas with thousands of people from across Austin. It was truly a fantastic way to show our continued support for the daughter of Joseph Heilman, a valued member of our “Guerra Family” as she fights her fight against leukemia.

October 2017 | Jose Guerra, P.E. – Celebrated at SEAoT State Conference


It is our pleasure to announce that Jose Guerra, P.E., the founder of our firm, is the recipient of the 2017 SEAoT Schoeller Award and was honored at the SEAoT State Conference on October 27, 2017 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Congratulations Jose!

Sept 2017 – The 2017-2018 SMPS Austin Board

August 21, 2017 | Eclipse Experience

Many of us at Guerra enjoyed viewing the Solar Eclipse with special safety glasses!

March 30, 2017 | St. Mary’s University Project – “Topping Out” Ceremony

Rick Guerra, Jorge Olivares and Daniella Lerma attended the “Topping Out” Ceremony for our project at St. Mary’s University for New Student Housing located in San Antonio, Texas.

Jan 26 2017 | SMPS Austin Black + White Bash

Guerra was excited to be a sponsor at the 2nd Annual SMPS Austin Black + White Bash held at The Highball Club. SMPS Austin’s award-winning Black + White Bash brings together over 200 A/E/C industry professionals for a festive cocktail party + awards ceremony. Awards include member of the year, leadership, community service, and marketing awards for firm brochure, mixed media, email campaign, website, special event/holiday piece and social media.

Dec 3 2016 | Annual Guerra Christmas Celebration

It was a blustery winter evening as everyone gathered at Top Golf to enjoy a fun and festive Christmas celebration with friends, delicious food, great prizes and a few swings of the club!


November 2016 | Light The Night event to fight Leukemia

It was a very special night as thirty-six friends and family came together to create a team, sponsored by Jose I. Guerra, Inc., for the “Light The Night Walk” for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society on November 12th.
“Team Fiona” proudly wore their “Fiona’s Fight is Our Fight” t-shirts and carried brightly lit lanterns as they walked the track at the Circuit of the Americas with thousands of people from across Austin. It was truly a fantastic way to show our continued support for the daughter of Joseph Heilman, a valued member of our “Guerra Family” as she fights her fight against leukemia.


October 2016 | Guerra San Antonio Office – Sponsors at IES Golf Event

Robert De La Cruz, P.E. and Jorge Olivares, P.E. represented our San Antonio office as sponsors at the IES Golf Tournament. IES is the Illuminating Engineering Society and the event helps raise money for their San Antonio section so that they can continue providing superior lighting education to the lighting design community.


October 2016 | I-LinCP San Antonio Event

Jorge Olivares, P.E. with our Guerra San Antonio office joined forces with David Valadez (Luna Architecture) and Paula Smart (Thomas Print Works) at the SKANSKA and I-LinCP San Antonio Chapter “Pumpkin Decorating Contest benefitting I-LinCP Scholarship Fund”.


September 2016 | San Antonio Team – CANstruction

Our Guerra San Antonio office was excited to be one of the sponsors for the CANstruction event in San Antonio. The title of our display was “Knocking Hunger Uncanscious”. We will be looking forward to helping again next year!



October 25, 2016 | 2016 Hispanic Small Business of the Year

Rick Guerra, P.E., President/CEO of Jose I. Guerra, Inc. was very excited and proud to accept the award for the 2016 Hispanic Small Business of the Year. The award was presented by The City of Austin’s Small & Minority Business Resources Department at the Annual Contractors’ and Consultants’ Appreciation event on October 25th in Austin, Texas. Thank-you to everyone at The City of Austin’s Small & Minority Business Resources Department!


July 28, 2016 | 500 CHICON – Austin

Great celebration on July 28th of the unveiled newly renovated Texas Society of Architects headquarters building. The beautiful 1920s building went through a substantial update and looks fantastic! Congrats to TSA, Lawrence Group, our MEP Team at Jose I. Guerra, Inc. and Flynn Construction! TSA July 28

June 24, 2016 | Rick Guerra, P.E., Announced as President of TSPE

Rick Guerra, P.E. accepts the role of the President of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) for the 2016-2017 year at the 2016 Professional Engineers Conference in Dallas on June 24. TSPE is a state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers and represents the 60,000+ licensed professional engineers in the state of Texas. Its mission is to promote the ethical, competent and licensed practice of engineering, and to enhance the professional, social and economic well being of its members through networking opportunities, political action at the state and local levels and student outreach.
Rick Guerra, P.E. TSPE

June 20, 2016 | Jorge Olivares, P.E. joins the Jose I. Guerra, Inc. team in the San Antonio Office

Mr. Olivares is a licensed electrical project engineer with more than 18 years of experience in the design of electrical systems. Mr. Olivares is a Lieutenant Commander and is a current Navy Reservist. Mr. Olivares has a broad range of project experience that includes commercial, educational, financial, governmental, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing and religious facilities. All of us at Jose I. Guerra, Inc. welcome Jorge and are excited to have him join our team!
Jorge Olivares, P.E.

June 2016 | Rick Guerra, P.E., Congratulates the Brooks Academy Graduating Class of 2016!

Rick Guerra, P.E., President & CEO of Jose I. Guerra, Inc. delivered the keynote address at the commencement ceremonies for the Brooks Academy of Science and Engineering in San Antonio on June 6th 2016. Rick was honored to have been asked to speak at the Brooks Academy commencement ceremonies, suggesting to the 2016 graduates “You chose to study in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math because you have an inquisitive mind and you love to solve problems”. Rick shared that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that 9 million new STEM jobs will be created between 2012-2022 and that these opportunities will be waiting for them. In closing, Rick wished the new graduates the best of success and shared these inspiring words “When you have earned your STEM degrees, you will be equipped to change the world in ways that most of us could never have imagined.” Rick Guerra, P.E. | Tobin Center Rick Guerra, P.E. | Speech at Brooks

May 2016 | Guerra Team Attends Event for a Local Charity

The MEP team at Jose I. Guerra, Inc. had a great time at the American Constructors’ 5th Annual Clay Shoot Event that benefits the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area. Colby Brock, David Dodd, Tom Ingram, Matt LeMaistre, JR Sanchez and Shawn Allen (not pictured). AMC_Clay Shoot 2016 - Copy

Feb 2016 | Reese Hatridge – Giving back to UT Austin

Reese Hatridge, Mechanical Design Engineer with Jose I. Guerra, Inc. gave a lecture to Architectural Engineering students at the University of Texas at Austin on HVAC Design and Energy use in Buildings. Reese was asked to present by his past Professor at UT Austin, Gregory Brooks, who is a local Architect and who teaches the 3rd Year Architectural Engineering Studio Course. Reese

July 2015 | Sam Houston State – New Project

Prikle ground breaking

July 2014 | Jose I. Guerra, Inc. Opens a San Antonio Office in The Tower Life Building

Jose I. Guerra, Inc. opens a San Antonio office in The Tower Life Building, a landmark and historic building in downtown. Constructed in 1927 and opened in 1929 the eight sided, neo-gothic brick and terra-cotta tower (complete with gargoyles) was designed by noted local architectural firm Ayres & Ayres. The other completed building in the development is the former Plaza Hotel (also designed by Ayres & Ayres), which opened in 1927. The building is now named for its current owner, Tower Life Insurance Company. In 1991 the building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. SA Office

Austin Engineering Firm Jose I. Guerra Inc. Awarded “Small Business of the Year” by the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Jose Guerra - Small business of the year 2011(March 5, 2011, Austin, TX) Austin engineering firm Jose I. Guerra, Inc. was recognized as the “Small Business of the Year” by the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GAHCC) at the organization’s Annual Awards Banquet, “Celebrando Austin”, the GAHCC’s signature event of 38 years.

The event, held at the Hilton Austin Hotel, included a number of distinguished awards, the installation of the new Board of Directors and live music and entertainment. Accepting the award on behalf of the firm were founder Jose I. Guerra and Rick Guerra, President and CEO.

“I couldn’t be more honored to accept this award from such a prominent local organization that is devoted to fostering Hispanic businesses in Central Texas,” said Guerra. “It is a great feeling to be recognized among so many other leading Hispanic firms.”

The award was presented to the Guerras by The Honorable Justice Eva Guzman. Other awards presented were the Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Dr. Teresa Lozano Long, Corporation of the Year to Seton Family of Hospitals, Businesswoman of the Year to Rosie Mendoza, and Businessman of the Year to Novert Morales.


Like Father, Like Son

Rick Guerra, president of Austin engineering firm Jose I. Guerra Inc., just received top industry honors by being named Engineer of the Year by the Travis Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. While prestigious in its own right, Guerra and his father made local engineering history by being the first father-son duo to win the same accolade. Some 26 years prior, Jose Guerra was bestowed the same Engineer of the Year honor by TSPE. Adding to the sense of irony – or destiny, as it might be better phrased – the younger Guerra is 49 years old, the same age as his father was when he won the same award. “When I tell people I have my mother and father to thank, I mean it as much as a man can,” Rick Guerra says, noting his mother is the reason he studied engineering in college. For more information contact Rick Guerra at (512) 445-2090 or [email protected].