Linux Fu: Use The Source (Command), Luke

You can argue if bash is a good programming language or not, but you can’t argue that it is a programming language. However, there are a few oddities about it that make it different from most other languages you probably know. For one thing, variables are dynamically scoped. Second, you can easily change variables in an upper scope. This leads to a problem when you want to do something like reset your path:

#: This does NOT work

Well, actually, it does work; it just doesn’t work the way you imagine it might. The key is to realize that when you execute our script (say, resetpath), a new copy of bash runs. It inherits all the variables from your shell. Now the script sets PATH for the new copy of bash. Anything else you run in that script will see your change. But when the script exits, the new copy of bash is gone and the old copy sees the same old PATH it always did.

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Pixel Watch 3’s Loss Of Pulse Detection: The Algorithms That Tell Someone Is Dying

More and more of the ‘smart’ gadgets like watches and phones that we carry around with us these days come with features that we’d not care to ever need. Since these are devices that we strap onto our wrists and generally carry in close proximity to our bodies, they can use their sensors to make an estimation of whether said body is possibly in the process of expiring. This can be due to a severe kinetic event like a car crash, or something more subtle like the cessation of the beating of one’s heart.

There is a fairly new Loss of Pulse Detection (LoPD) feature in Google’s Pixel Watch 3 that recently got US FDA approval, allowing it to be made available in the US after previously becoming available in over a dozen European countries following its announcement in August of 2024. This opt-in feature regularly polls whether it can detect the user’s pulse. If not found, it cascades down a few steps before calling emergency services.

The pertinent question here is always whether it is truly detecting a crisis event, as nobody wants to regularly apologize for a false alert to the overworked person staffing the 911 or equivalent emergency line. So how do you reliably determine that your smart watch or phone should dial emergencies forthwith?

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Illustrated Kristina with an IBM Model M keyboard floating between her hands.

Keebin’ With Kristina: The One With The Batwing Typewriter

[Alex] of YouTube channel [EastMakes] wrote into tell me about his fantastic QWERTY ‘hexpansion’ board for the 2024 EMF Tildagon badge, and [Alex], I’m super glad you did. The system works!

Let’s back up a bit. Essentially, the idea is to have a badge that can be used beyond a single camp, with the creation of expansion boards being the other main attraction. Our own [Jenny List] covered the badge in detail back in June 2024 when she got her hands on one.

A pair of hands holds the 2024 EMF Tildagon badge with a QWERTY keyboard Hexpansion built by [EastMakes].
Image by [EastMakes] via YouTube
[Alex] started by importing the Tildagon into Fusion360 and designing a way for the keyboard to attach to it physically. He then modeled the keyboard after the Blackberry types that can be found on Ali using the official EMF buttons established in earlier badges.

This QWERTY hexpansion is based on the RP2040, which is soldered around back and visible through the 3D-printed backplate. In order for the 90°-oriented board to align with the… not-90° connector, [Alex] built a little meander into the PCB.

The default OS on the Tildagon doesn’t know natively what to do with the serial messages from the keyboard, so [Alex] wrote an application that reads them in and decodes them. Be sure to check out the build and walk-through video after the break.

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TrapC: A C Extension For The Memory Safety Boogeyman

In the world of programming languages it often feels like being stuck in a Groundhog Day-esque loop through purgatory, as effectively the same problems are being solved over and over, with previous solutions forgotten and there’s always that one jubilant inventor stumbling out of a darkened basement with the One True Solution™ to everything that plagues this world beset by the Unspeakable Horror that is the C programming language.

As the latest entry to pledge its fealty at the altar of the Church of the Holy Memory Safety, TrapC promises to fix C, while also lambasting Rust for allowing that terrible unsafe keyword. Of course, since this is yet another loop through purgatory, the entire idea that the problem is C and some perceived issue with this nebulous ‘memory safety’ is still a red herring, as pointed out previously.

In other words, it’s time for a fun trip back to the 1970s when many of the same arguments were being rehashed already, before the early 1980s saw the Steelman language requirements condensed by renowned experts into the Ada programming language. As it turns out, memory safety is a miniscule part of a well-written program.

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Conservationists Are Flying Microlites To Teach Birds How To Migrate

When it comes to what birds have and what humans don’t, your mind might first land on the ability to fly. However, birds are also pretty good at navigating from the air… assuming, that is, they know where they’re trying to go in the first place.

In recent decades, conservationists have been trying to reintroduce the northern bald ibis to central Europe. There’s just one problem—when the birds first died out on the continent, so did their handed-down knowledge of their traditional migration route. Somehow, the new generation had to be taught where to go.

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Inexpensive Repairable Laptops, With Apple Style

Despite a general lack of real-world experience, many teenagers are overly confident in their opinions, often to the point of brashness and arrogance. In the late 90s and early 00s I was no different, firmly entrenched in a clichéd belief that Apple computers weren’t worth the silicon they were etched onto—even though I’d never actually used one. Eventually, thanks to a very good friend in college, a bit of Linux knowledge, and Apple’s switch to Intel processors, I finally abandoned this one irrational belief. Now, I maintain an array of Apple laptops for my own personal use that are not only surprisingly repairable and hacker-friendly but also serve as excellent, inexpensive Linux machines.

Of course, I will have ruffled a few feathers suggesting Apple laptops are repairable and inexpensive. This is certainly not true of their phones or their newer computers, but there was a time before 2016 when Apple built some impressively high quality, robust laptops that use standard parts, have removable batteries, and, thanks to Apple dropping support for these older machines in their latest operating systems, can also be found for sale for next to nothing. In a way that’s similar to buying a luxury car that’s only a few years old and letting someone else eat the bulk of the depreciation, a high quality laptop from this era is only one Linux install away from being a usable and relatively powerful machine at an excellent bargain. Continue reading “Inexpensive Repairable Laptops, With Apple Style”

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Hackaday Links: March 9, 2025

It’s been a busy week in space news, and very little of it was good. We’ll start with the one winner of the week, Firefly’s Blue Ghost Mission 1, which landed successfully on the Moon’s surface on March 2. The lander is part of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services program and carries ten scientific payloads, including a GPS/GNSS receiver that successfully tracked signals from Earth-orbiting satellites. All of the scientific payloads have completed their missions, which is good because the lander isn’t designed to withstand the long, cold lunar night only a few days away. The landing makes Firefly the first commercial outfit to successfully soft-land something on the Moon, and being the first at anything is always a big deal.

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