Thanks for stopping by Half Acre Heaven. I like to toss around the term “farm” when I describe our home. A more accurate description would be rural half acre where we raise chickens, rabbits, a garden, some fruit trees and a trio of semi-feral girl children.
We are learning to be frugal, green(ish), self-reliant and most importantly humbled before God, who has given us all we have. I love to dish out my opinion on all of the above but am by no means an expert on any of them, so I encourage you to leave your comments and opinions. In return I’ll share all I learn along the way.
Some of the links on this page are affiliate links which means if you use the link to make a purchase I get a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support! It helps keep the blog afloat and allows me to keep learning things to share with you!
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Occasionally I may do a product or service review. Opinions are always my own and I will ALWAYS let you know if I’ve been compensated, or provided with free products or services in exchange for a review.
If you have questions or suggestions. feel free to contact me by email or send me a message on facebook.
Awesome blog. I plan on curling up on the couch and reading more tonight! Thanks for sharing at NOBH.
Does the photo on the very top of your website show where your ‘1/2 acre’ is? That very much looks like NE Oregon to me (that’s why I’m curious).
That is the view from our half acre, in North Central WA, and it is my husbands stomping grounds. He has many stories of his childhood up there, catching rattlesnakes, high school “parties”, and it’s where we took our first camping trip together, and now take our children for hikes. It makes a beautiful picture to look at when I sit on the couch drinking my tea in the morning. Thanks for stopping by!
I just found your site on Homestead Barn Hop and I will be taking time to read more of your blog. It seems very interesting.
Keep me posted.Im willing to learn.Did you get my note on my dakota fire and digging for dry pine needles. Makes a good fire.
Didn’t get your note, did you send it to my email?
Keep me posted.Im willing to learn.Did you get my note on my dakota fire and digging for dry pine needles. Makes a good fire.
for my hubby & me.

Well, we don’t have our ranch/farm yet…it’s still something we talk about in the near year or two to come, as Rhe Lord leads
Neither my husband nor myself were raised on a farm & do not have the slightest idea of what to do if we were blessed w/ one now…BUT God has recently given us both a hunger & a passion to learn about these things!
We are looking at land. (The youngest of our 5 children just graduated last year & is now in out of state college, as well as her two sisters who are also in college, a son who w/ his girlfriend are venturing into “business” opportunities & another son who just got married this summer to a beautiful young woman who already had a son, now 4yrs old, & they are now expecting my grand baby:) they are the only ones that live in the same town as us & very much a joy to have close!)
So yes, as they say “empty nest” & NEW SEASON
We believe God has land w/ water & a home w/ a lot of space to care for as well as have plenty if room for lots of family, when they get to be with us, as they for sure will grow & multiply:))
But as I said to begin with we don’t have a clue of what all that includes, except for lots if work & trust in God:)
He has recently given us such a hunger to learn more about all of these things & Im so thankful for His preparation.
I have never blogged or been interested, but have been newly looking at lots of homestead, old fashioned , farm blogs & I love them! (This is how I found yours! One connected me to another & so on)
I have ALWAYS LOVED country & old fashioned living very much! Especially once my husband & I gave our lives to The Lord 22 years ago…just have never been able to have our own land & had lots of growing in Him to do….but as I said, IT’S A NEW SEASON:)
So I thank you for your site & look forward to getting recipes & learning more about the “country” life
Thanks again!
~Living On Purpose
Living For God
How exciting, Jenni! We are in a new season too, and your comment reminded me that I need to update my “About” page! I’m finally a stay at home mom, and we’re expecting baby #3! We’re still plugging away at trying to learn to be more self reliant/farmish, but I’m moving a little slower these days (31 weeks pregnant, and still have plenty of energy “most” of the time, but my belly and joints disagree with my to-do list some days!) Best wishes on your journey, and thanks for visiting!
So glad we connected! I look forward to reading more of your posts!