
Join the Hand Eye Society

Whether you’re looking for like-minded game enthusiasts, fellow creators, or artistic collaborators, getting engaged where it starts. Our mandate of showcasing and nurturing games made primarily for creative expression has inspired many similar organizations internationally, and we’d love you to be a part of it!

There are several ways to get involved with the Hand Eye Society, including Paid Membership (Monthly, Annual and Student) and Volunteer Membership (10+ hours of service per year). We also recommend subscribing to our e-mail newsletter to keep on top of videogame arts news and opportunities around the city. Keep on reading for more details on how to support us and get involved!

Join the Hand Eye Society

Whether you’re looking for like-minded game enthusiasts, fellow creators, or artistic collaborators, getting engaged where it starts. Our mandate of showcasing and nurturing games made primarily for creative expression has inspired many similar organizations internationally, and we’d love you to be a part of it!

There are several ways to get involved with the Hand Eye Society, including Paid Membership (Monthly, Annual and Student) and Volunteer Membership (10+ hours of service per year). We also recommend subscribing to our e-mail newsletter to keep on top of videogame arts news and opportunities around the city. Keep on reading for more details on how to support us and get involved!

Become a member

You can choose to pay dues month-by-month or annually. Memberships will automatically
renew both subscriptions every month or year
, depending on which option you choose.
You can cancel any time through your membership settings.


$10 /month

$120 /annual

For current post-secondary students with proper identification/proof of enrolment and for seniors (65+) with proper identification.

Emerging Membership

$15 /month

$180 /annual

For Individuals with less than 5 years of game experience.

Full Membership

$20 /month

$240 / annual

For Individuals with 5 or more years of game experience.

Studio Membership
$2,160 /annual

For Studios and Collectives with 10 members.

*10 Memberships, $240 in savings

Institution Membership
$4,550 /annual

For large scale organizations, educational institutions, etc. membership for 20 members.

*20 Memberships, Save $250

Membership Access Chart
Membership Perks
Student/Senior Emerging Full Studio Institution
Early Access X X X X X
Discounts X X X X X
Seasonal Socials X X X X X
Workshops X X X X X
Seasonal Show & Tell X X X X X
Partnership Discounts X X X X X
Membership Showcase X X X

Basic Membership
$7 /month

Membership with the Hand Eye Society includes the following:

  • get 20% off your Work With Indies purchase;
  • get $100 off your policy fee on insurance with KASE Insurance;
  • discounts on workshops, talks, and special events like the annual Hand Eye Society Ball;
  • membership badge on our Discord channel;
  • voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.

Student Membership
$5 /month

Membership with the Hand Eye Society includes the following:

  • get 20% off your Work With Indies purchase;
  • get $100 off your policy fee on insurance with KASE Insurance;
  • discounts on workshops, talks, and special events like the annual Hand Eye Society Ball;
  • membership badge on our Discord channel;
  • voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.

Studio Membership
$200 /month

Studio memberships include three individual memberships, plus:

  • shoutout on our social media as a studio member for the year you signed up for;
  • profiled posting of your job ads on our newsletter (1200 subscribers);
  • launch event consultation, where you can tap our event experience and venue network;
  • join the ranks of amazing and supportive studios like Capybara Games, and many more

Having problems or have questions? Send us an email.
Memberships for Hand Eye Society powered by Join It. 

Thanks To Our Studio Sponsors!

Laundry Bear
Uken Games
Phantom Compass
Asteroid Base
Prodigy Games
Finish Line Games
Longbow Games
Cream Productions

Subscribe to our Newsletter!

* indicates required


Thanks so much for offering to help out! The Hand Eye Society relies on volunteer power, not only to get things done, but also because it has proven to be a great way to maintain the health and sustainability of the organization. In fact, many of our current staff members started out as volunteers! Whether it’s running a workshop, lending a projector, helping a dev watch their game booth or helping to move a massive arcade cabinet, we’re super appreciative of whatever you have to offer. If there are things you’re interested in learning such as a specific skill through volunteering, let us know! We want you to benefit from volunteering with us, so if there’s anything you think we can help you achieve your goals let us know.

To register as a volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form and we will reach out to you when the time comes. This allows us to keep records of who has expressed interest in helping out so we can notify people of specific opportunities, though we will occasionally do general call-outs via e-mail/blog.

If you’ve volunteered 10+ hours in the last year, you might be a Hand Eye Society Volunteer Member!

If you’ve volunteered at least 10 hours or more with any videogame-related arts/culture activity in the previous year (even non-HES events), you automatically qualify for a year’s worth of HES membership. To get the process started, please e-mail [email protected] with the subject line: 10 HOURS VOLUNTEER and the following information in the body of the e-mail:

  • Your name
  • A brief description of your videogame volunteer activities for the year

Feel free to ask any questions about this process!

Membership Questions

What will my membership dues go towards?2022-07-06T23:05:32-04:00

The vast majority of our budget goes towards paying people to run programs (WordPlay, Game Curious, one-off events, etc). While no one is full time or salaried, coordinators are paid an hourly wage. We also think it’s important to be able to pay guest speakers, presenters, mentors and artists when they contribute to videogame culture, so the more money we have coming in, the more interesting and diverse content we’re able to put out. We have a long wish-list of initiatives we’d like to get off the ground, but the reality is that we sometimes have to wait for the right financial opportunities.

Don’t you get support from arts councils and other public funders?2022-07-06T23:05:52-04:00

Yes, we do, and we make a small amount of money go a long way! But public funding is always vulnerable to political changes, and there is a limit to the kinds of things the arts councils are able to fund. To continue the work we do, we need to be bringing in a mix of income streams to keep the organization viable. Having additional support from a variety of sources allows us to have a greater flexibility in the kinds of things we program and the number of people we’re able to pay. (Incidentally, all of our revenue and expense information is accessible to our membership during our Annual General Meeting.)

What’s the difference between being a paid member and a volunteer member?2022-10-15T10:02:04-04:00

Not much; the perks are basically the same. We want anyone who is interested in games to be able participate with the lowest possible barriers of entry. The only difference is the way people choose to help support the organization, either with time or money (or both). These two contributions are very valuable to the running of our daily operations, so huge shout out to our members!

I love the Toronto game scene and/or what you guys do but I don’t live in Toronto. Can I become a member?2022-07-06T23:08:15-04:00

You can! International pals welcome. Any other questions? Please email us!

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