This is BOX 6!! This is the box about the time period that the Hebrews were in Exile.
Here is your sneak PEEK into the box.
Here is what I have inside this box. I have a "Ball and Chain" to represent the Hebrews being carried into captivity. I have King Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Statue. I have the Furnace. I have a HAND for the hand writing on the wall. I have the Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. I have Daniel and the lions and Queen Esther.
The "BALL & CHAIN" came from Dollar Tree.
The GOLDEN STATUE is a THRIFT STORE find. I just painted the black stand GOLD.
The HAND came off a POINTER....I have seen them at Dollar Tree....although, this one came from a Garage Sale, FREE BOX.
The FURNACE is from a DOLL HOUSE set. E-BAY purchase. (Better Picture of this later in the post.)
The DREAM Statue is a former ACTION figure toy---I purchased it at the Dollar Tree and then Painted it, attached it to a base and added a rock.
Queen Esther is a Baby Toy from Walmart. (Found her in the Baby Section.)
I have had Daniel for a LOOOOOONG time.
The Lions came from the Safari Sets I received as a Mother's Gift---the one's that had the TENTS for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Here is a close up of the FURNACE. I LOVE IT!!!!!
We are almost through the OLD TESTAMENT BOXES....Just one more to go.....Can't Wait to share that one with all of you.