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Showing posts with label DANIEL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DANIEL. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2013


This is BOX 6!!  This is the box about the time period that the Hebrews were in Exile.  

Here is your sneak PEEK into the box.    

Here is what I have inside this box.    I have a "Ball and Chain" to represent the Hebrews being carried into captivity.  I have King Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Statue.    I have the Furnace.  I have a HAND for the hand writing on the wall.   I have the Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream.  I have Daniel and the lions and Queen Esther.  

The "BALL & CHAIN" came from Dollar Tree. 
The GOLDEN STATUE is a THRIFT STORE find. I just painted the black stand GOLD.   
The HAND came off a POINTER....I have seen them at Dollar Tree....although, this one came from a Garage Sale, FREE BOX.  
The FURNACE is from a DOLL HOUSE set.  E-BAY purchase.  (Better Picture of this later in the post.) 
The DREAM Statue is a former ACTION figure toy---I purchased it at the Dollar Tree and then Painted it, attached it to a base and added a rock.  

Queen Esther is a Baby Toy from Walmart.  (Found her in the Baby Section.)  

I have had Daniel for a LOOOOOONG time.   

The Lions came from the Safari Sets I received as a Mother's Gift---the one's that had the TENTS for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  

Here is a close up of the FURNACE.  I LOVE IT!!!!!  

We are almost through the OLD TESTAMENT BOXES....Just one more to go.....Can't Wait to share that one with all of you.  



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit-----Faithfulness

I want to apologize for the delay in  updating you on the progress of our Fruit of The Spirit unit.  I have been very busy as of late.  I made a trip to Indiana for a weekend of edification!!!!  There were 317 Christian Ladies gathered together for the purpose of learning, sharing, encouraging and edifying one another.  I was truly blessed by attending the Ladies Getaway.  
With that, I want to show you what the kiddos have been up to lately.  We have been pressing forward in our lessons on the the Fruit of The Spirit.    
Our recent lesson on FAITHFULNESS was so fun to teach.  We used the account of Daniel to show what it means to be FAITHFUL.  I pointed out that Daniel lived FAAAAAR away from his home land and was surrounded by "strangers."  I shared the fact that the "strangers" did NOT worship the REAL GOD, but DANIEL STAYED FAITHFUL!!!  We talked about how Daniel did not let the INFLUENCE of the "strangers" pull him away from GOD.  

I went on to explain that some of the "strangers" did NOT like Daniel and did not like the way GOD blessed Daniel.  So, the devised a plan to rid themselves of Daniel.  That is when we pretty much told the story of King Darius and Daniel and the lion's den.  The children were enthralled with the story.  I have not met a kiddo yet that does not LOVE the story of Daniel and the Lions!!!!

Our TAKE HOME activity was a set of easy to make "finger" puppets.  We made Daniel and a lion.  These very inexpensive to make.  I used cardstock and clip art to make this "Take Home" project.  The kiddos LOVED these!

Our memory verse this week was  Revelation 2:10.  I explained that MUST ALWAYS BE FAITHFUL TO GOD.  I explained that if we are FAITHFUL we will receive a CROWN of LIFE!  

The Game/Activity for this week was "Pin the Tail on the Lion" game.  I purchased this game a long time ago at the local Dollar Tree.  The kiddos LOVED wearing the Daniel Mask!  They had to answer a question from the lesson to get the opportunity to "pin" a tail on the lion.  SOOOO much fun and sooo inexpensive!!!  And very friendly on my time...I did not have to MAKE a game for this story. 

We added a few new words to our "WORD WALL."  We added the words: FAITHFULNESS and EXILES.  The children love learning  "BIG PEOPLE" words. --The WORD WALL is a great way of helping ME remember the WORDS we have learned in the past.  That way I am able to BRING them up in the current story and REMIND the kiddos of the use of the WORD.  

On  Wed. Evenings the children do an activity that they add to their EXPLORER JOURNAL.  For this story they colored the picture of Daniel in the Lion's Den...and then they added very fluffy yarn tales to the lions.  They enjoyed  making these and adding them to their Explorer Journal.


I also had something "special" for the kiddos.  We had a Daniel surrounded by  Lions!  The kiddos LOVED the 3D visual for the story.  The visual was a wonderful aid for me in telling the story too!  I love getting visuals from garage sales, thrift stores and Dollar Tree!!!!  Cheap and effective and the kiddos loved them.  SCORE!!!!!
It takes a great deal of effort to bring BIBLE events to life for the kiddos.  However, I encourage you to think outside the box.  Check your child's toy box, shop the thrift stores, stop at garage sales and check out your local Dollar Tree for inexpensive VISUAL AIDS!  

