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Showing posts with label rod. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rod. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's OK to change your mind sometimes.

I was struggling this past few days with the activities for the lesson on Moses and Aaron appeal to Pharaoh. The activities I had come up with were just to similar to one another. So, I began thinking and praying. I NEVER want my kids to be BORED in class.

So, on Saturday it finally hit me. I decided the kiddos could make a "SERPENT." I began running ideas through my mind. I knew I had paper, foam, eyes, glue, etc. on hand. So, I began designing. I thought about using Circle shapes. (Decided they would look like worms.) Thought about Ovals. Thought they looked a bit like caterpillars. Tried the diamond shape and LOVED it.

This serpent was super easy to design. I made the diamond shape on my publishing program. I typed the verse on the diamonds. Printed and copied on card stock. Then colored, glued on a tongue that I had cut from red foam sheet. Added googly eyes...made the eyes stickers and pop up by attaching them to double sided (sticky) foam dots. Then attached all the diamonds with brads.

I think the kids will love this activity.

So, now I will use the activity I had planned to use this Sunday for their Explorer Journal Activity on Wednesday.

Happy Teaching.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Getting Ready for Sunday-- I know it is only Thursday.

Today I have spent several hours copying, cutting, gluing, making, coloring, laminating, etc. I am in full go for this next Sunday's Bible Class. We will be learning about Moses and Aaron speaking to Pharaoh.

I struggled a bit with this lesson....only in the fact that I can in NO way turn a rod into a snake. God's power is truly AMAZING!!! So, I came up with the idea of a type of "flip a flap" activity. The idea being on one side of the flap is a rod...the children lift the flap and there would be a snake. I will be letting the children "pick" their snake of choice out of several I bought at the local Dollar Tree. (One of my favorite places to shop for Bible Class.) They will glue the snake on under the flap...that way they can use the picture as a way of retelling the story to their Mom and Dad.

We will also be playing a review game called "Rods and Snakes." I made this to resemble the game "Chutes and Ladders." The children will answer questions and move "Aaron" the number of spaces the question card tell them to move him. If they land on a snake head....down they will slide....if they land on a rod bottom....then UP they will glide. I play all my review games in such a way as to have the entire class be the winner. Competition (only have 1 winner) is not a good idea with young ones. I have learned that if the entire class wins (together) we do not have any unhappy/crying young ones.

It may only be Thursday...but, I am 90% ready for Sunday. I have a few things left to finish up....I need to add the cards to my Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How? Wall. I need to make sure the Take Home Activity Table is ready with crayons and glue.

However, now I can spend time in review the lesson....praying that I can teach the children, in such a way as they understand God's Awesome Power....Focus on what and how I am going to tell them the lesson....and sing the songs that go with this lesson several times, before Sunday morning.

Spending time preparing makes for a more comfortable teaching experience...both for the teacher and the students. RLD