Monday, March 24, 2025

Special Delivery Quilt!!

 Towards the end of last year, I started a fun new gig with my good friends at Riley Blake Designs!!  I am getting to test some of their up and coming Patterns!! Sometimes they are for kits, they often use the panels in a line, and they are always super fun, and so far, super fast as well, double bonus!!!   

So here is the whipped up last October that is now available :)   It is called Special Delivery and uses the Take Heart fabric line by J.Wecker Frisch and highlights the Large Patch Quilt Panel from the line.  Isn't it so fun!!! To me, it gives a roaring 20's vibe that is just so great :)   And ya, it whips up fast and is such a cute way to frame those super chic panels!!  

And an interesting part about this new gig . . . I just make the quilt top.  Once I have tested the pattern I ship the quilt top back to my wonderful friends at  Riley Blake Designs where they quilt is with an all over design.  Isn't it so gorgeous!!! 

And then they take gorgeous pictures of the finished quilt!!!  Yes, I so wish I could say these are my stunning pics, but alas, I am not that good with my camera.  But it sure is fun to see the quilt I made in such a pretty setting and lighting.  Just amazing :)

And you know, I have already made lots more of these "tester quilts" over the last few months ;)  I will share them all as the fabric is released.  I can't wait to see all of the pretty pics the amazing team at Riley Blake takes!!

So now I am curious??  Do you like working with panels in your quilts??  I just love how fast they whip up such pretty quilts!!!   What are your thoughts on panels??  

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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Moda's Making a Flower Child Kit!!!

 I am so super excited to share with you all that Moda Fabrics is going to be making a boxed kit of one of my Happy Quilting Patterns!!!   Eeekk, I am just super happy :)   In Moda's March 2025 catalog, you can find my Flower Child Pattern in Elena Amo's new Blossoms and Blooms Fabric being offered as a kit!!   Isn't that just so pretty :) 

And I was lucky enough to be able to also make the sample for the Kit so that I could play with these beautiful Blossoms and Blooms Fabric and see exactly what the Quilt Kit could be made into :)   The Kit is for the Lap Size which is 63" x 84" so it is perfect for cuddling up with a good book! 

And I quilted it with all over swirls, because who doesn't love the yummy texture of all of those swirls!!

The Flower Child Quilt Kit will come with all the fabrics you need to make the Lap Size quilt (which includes a Blossoms and Blooms Layer Cake, Background, Accent, and Binding) as well as the Flower Child Pattern and a Modified Drunkards Path Template Set for cutting out all of those yummy curves!!  

And can you believe, my good friends at Fat Quarter Shop already have a Flower Child Quilt Kit posted!!  But here it the hard part . . . This fabric and kit actually releases in October.  Sorry, a bit of a wait . . .  but you can sign up to be notified when it arrives so you don't forget :)  

Or, if you just can't wait and want to make your own Flower Child Quilt  today . . .  Flower Child is actually the $5.00 Pattern of the Month!!   (See how I did that ;)    So you can grab your pattern on sale all month, and then get started on another Flower Child quilt ;)  So much fun!!!  

What an excited share today, just wow!!!  Now I can't wait to see the fun little box it comes in.  I will share more as soon as it is available :)

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!! 

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Monday, March 17, 2025

Luck of the Irish Chains!!!

This is the Irish Chain Quilt that started all of this Happy Quilting!!  I realized I share this story all the time in trunk shows, but I don't know if I have shared it in full here.  So here it goes :)  

My mother learned to quilt so that she could make me a quilt for my wedding. She decided to start with  Elanor Burns, Irish Chain in a Day,  since honestly, that is where everyone seemed to start at that time ;)  

My Double Irish Chain I made that is my version of 
the wedding quilt my Mom made for me. 

 A few years later, when we were getting ready to travel across the country for schooling, my mom taught me quilting basics.  I wanted to have a "hobby" to keep me busy when the kids were asleep and my husband was studying.  

My first book (that is sadly out of print) that was
one of the biggest highlights of my quilting journey!!  

That led to making up  quilts for friends who were expecting.  I had no idea at the time that when I opened good old Excel, (yes, I was an accountant before I was a mom ;) that I was "designing" quilts.  I was just playing with shapes and colors and seeing what I came up with.

Single Scrappy Irish Chain - A fun and free tutorial here on the blog

Then in 2010 I joined an online quilt along.  I was sharing my weekly progress on  the cute little "family blog"  that my husband had created.  After a few weeks, he let me know that rather than hijacking the family blog with quilt pictures, that I should just start my own blog.   Man oh man, he had no idea what that little statement was getting us into ;)  

Super Scrappy Triple Irish Chain -
block Tutorial that I had bee mates use to make this quilt:)


So I started my Happy Quilting blog . . . which led to sharing tutorials, which led to being publishing in a magazine, which then led to be publshied in a compilation book, which then led to can you believe it . . .  writting my own books and patterns!!  And ya, this is why my first book was all about Irish Chain Quilts because that is where it all started.

Dizzy Days Irish Chain - A great scrap buster pattern
 that I have made again and again over the years. 

And the best part of the story, when I was at Quilt Market to introduce my new book, I was doing a book signing and who but who walked up and said "I love Irish Chain Quilts!".  Yup, Elanor Burns!!  I flipped open the book and showed her my cute little family sitting on her Double Irish Chain Quilt in a  Day and explained how it was my mother's first quilt, and then she taught me, and now here I am, sharing my first book on Irish Chain Quilts at Quilt Market!!  And then I cried, and Elanor Cried, and we Hugged, and it was one of the best moments of my life :)  

Braided Irish Chain - Probably my most popular quilt pattern and last year
Jenny Doan shared a You Tube tutorial for it, so exciting!!!  

So ya, Irish Chain Quilts have a very special place in my heart!!  Hence why I keep making more tutorials and patterns of them ;)  And even if it doesn't have Irish Chain in the title of the quilt like all of these shared, you will find "chains" in so many of my designs. It is just always a great designing feature that never gets old.   And ya, I've got more in the works!!  So here is to the Lucky Day of the Irish and making my favorite Quilts ;)  

So whether you are thinking about starting your first Irish Chain Quilt or your 50th, I wish you all a very  Happy Irish Quilting Day!!!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

2 New Projects in Progress

Well, it's Wednesday, and I have two new projects in progress to share :)  And they have something in common, shapes other than rectangles!!

We start out with a whole bunch of Triangle Wedges!!  Aren't they just so pretty!!  Those are Sagewood Fabrics by Crystal Manning and she is quickly becoming a favorite designer of mine.  I just love her bold colors and beautiful prints!!  I cut out all of these fun wedges with my Starburst Ruler and now, it's time to sew them together.  So what do you think these wedges will turn into??  You can see a pretty big hint here :) 

And Project 2 brings us the curves!!!  You all know, I just love some curve pieing!!  I know, it sounds super scary and all that jazz, but really, with a little practice you can fly through it with ease ;)  I have a tutorial here for this 3 pin method of piecing curves.   And how could I not love piecing these curves in all of their purple goodness!!!  And these are actually for a new Happy Quilting pattern that I am working on, (yes, it will use my same curved templates  ;)  that hopefully will be ready to release soon ;)  Want another sneak peek??  

So excited!!!  And it is amazing how much progress you can make in a day with no interruptions :)  I have been enjoying some serious sewing the last 2 days, but now the kids are on a school break, so we will see how it goes for the rest of the week.   Either way, it is always fun to be starting new projects!!

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day! 

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Monday, March 10, 2025

Wedding Quilts - 3 Times the Joy!!

This was such a wonderful weekend!!! Truly the absolute best of times. We welcomed a new daughter to our family on Saturday as Michelle and Spencer were sealed for time and all eternity :)  And we are just so thrilled for both Spencer and Michelle!!!  

And of course, for such an amazing occassion, there had to be some amazing quilts to go with it!! I actually ended up making 3 for 3 times the Wedding Joy!!!  I started with this  adorable Fairy Garden Quilt to hang at the reception.  The tables were decorated with adorable Fairy Gardens and this quilt hung by the gift tables.  Isn't it just so cute :)  I was thrilled with how well it matched the theme ;)   

The wedding colors were dusty pink and dusty blue South Hill was the perfect prints for this quilt.  I just love how cute it turned out.   And using the scrap 10" squares for my binding, adorable!! 

When it came time to quilt it (and honestly, that was 2 days before the wedding :)  I wanted to add to all of the whimsy in the quilt so I decided on an all over combination of swirls, heart curls, paisleys, and pebbles.  I did this on a pretty small scale and I just love how much movement it added to the quilt. 

And that is the Fairy Garden Quilt for the reception.  Now the couple can hold on to it for a bit.  I think this would just be the cutest nursery quilt and it fits Spencer and Michelle's style just perfect.  I should clarify, I am not saying I need to be a Grandma in 9 months :)  But when the time comes, I think it would just be adorable.   And ya, Ill just say it, I am so looking forward to being a Grandma, but all in good time ;)    

Next up, the couples Wedding Quilt!!!   I love Spencer and Michelle and that they are both so perfectly quirky for each other!!  I know a lot of people were wondering why in the world I would make a Quilt for this new couples bed that has Gnomes, Frogs, Musthrooms, and a Dragon . . . but it is just perfect for Spencer and Michelle!!!!  

I used the  Chillin' With my Gnomies Quilt pattern by Kiley's Quilt Room with the Expansion of hovels, frogs, and mushrooms and then adjusted the Dragon Dreams Quilt Pattern by Apples and Beavers  so it fit in 3 "spaces" in the corner of the quilt.   I used a  Crossweave bundle by Moda and coordinating yardage.  I love how it made this quilt super soft and still so bright and happy!! 

And when it came time to quilt it (again, pretty last minute) I wanted to keep that soft texture of the crossweave so I did a generally large swirl.  I think it adds to the texture without taking away from the quilt design just perfectly.   And I had a little white space above the dragon head, so I added a little special signature in the quilt for the Happy Couple!!

And this quilt was draped over the gift table and now it is back home in Cedar and I will be taking it over to the couples apartment for them so when they come home from their honeymoon it will be their new bedspread.   I have to say, it just makes me smile every time I see it.  It is just so perfect for them and I am so glad they love it as much as I do ;)  

And I have one final quilt to share ;)   The week before the wedding I was teaching in Delta and I found this oh so adorable Dragon Dreams fabric from QT Fabrics in their local Mom's Crafts and Fabric shop ;)  Apparently they had just got it in the day before and I knew I could whip something special up with it.  Ya know, Panel quilts with a few borders go together in an hour ;)  

I quilted this with an all over (attempted) dragon scale design :)  I wanted to keep this super soft so I double batted the quilt and it is so perfect for snuggling up in now!!

We gave this to our son, Spencer, the morning of the wedding.  Just one last gift from Mom and Dad before he took this wonderfully amazing step in his life :)   And ya, he sure loved it.   Now it can just be a quilty hug from Mom and Dad whenever he needs one!

So those are my 3 Wedding Quilts!!   Dragons, Gnomes, Fairies, Toads, and Mushrooms!!!   So perfect for Spencer and Michelle!!!   We just could not be happier and look forward to watching you two grow in love and joy over the years to come ;)  
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