art blog: heckinartshenanigans



i want to take this moment to appreciate the way that the actors say their lines in such comedic ways

why do i love this show


so what i got from the pizza episode was:

choromatsu - cares about their budget and what his choices are based on what his brothers will also eat 
todomatsu - cares about the cons of getting a pizza based on their nutritional value and towards his wellbeing aka his body (e.g., calories that can cause weight gain and since pizza is greasy, it can cause blemishes, etc.), so in a way he’s selfish, hence only one pizza  
ichimatsu - cares but at the same time doesn’t really care, especially when given the chance to choose because he stubbornly doesn’t want to be the center of attention and that’s why his brothers keep calling him childish and baby talk him, he even refuses to do the pick up option when he was actually being mindful of their budget 
jyushimatsu - logic out the window, when asked to choose a pizza, he’ll choose something else that’s entirely different, so no matter what, his brothers think he’s hopeless 
osomatsu - selfish like todo but not in a way where he’s looking out for its nutritional value or taking care of his wellbeing, it’s basically osomatsu being osomatsu as in all he cares about is eating for himself, that’s why he chose 3 pizzas instead of 2 that he doesn’t mind eating and not really thinking if his brothers would like them (lol i like how his brothers just accepted this part of his personality) 
karamatsu - selfless = “i don’t care what you choose as long as you guys don’t drag me along with your bs” he thinks of the pizza choosing as a joke and that’s why he snapped when they called him out saying “exlusivematsu” (排他; lit. anti-other) meaning he’s the type that wouldn’t participate with whatever they were doing and that’s why they asked him what he really thinks (congrats to kara for speaking out 👏) 

The uninhabited island question


The seiyuu’s in-character answer (left), the staff answer (center), and the seiyuu’s reaction (right). 

(From the Osomatsu-san Livestream Event)


Part Two here


How Ichimatsu Celebrated His Birthday This 2024!

May 24, 2024

あ……えっと、、聞こえて…る……? あいつらは寝ちゃったんだけど、おれはちゃんと起きてたよ。 おれたち、誕生日おめでとう。 じゃあ、おやすみ。(一松)#松野家6つ子誕生祭2024#松野家6つ子公式ジャック  — 「おそ松さん」公式アカウント (@osomatsu_PR) May 23, 2024ALT

⏰ 12:05am


Ah…uhmm, can you.. hear me…?

The others have fallen asleep, but I’m wide awake.

I wish us a happy birthday.

Well then, goodnight. (-Ichimatsu)

昨日夜更かししてたから、、まだ眠いんだよね・・ みんなはあのあと眠れたの…?  今日は誕生日だし、せっかくだから猫たちに会いに来たら、みんないつもの場所に集まってくれてた。でも、猫じゃらしはもう飽きちゃったみたいで、猫が好きなおもちゃでおすすめなものあったら教えて。(一松)…  — 「おそ松さん」公式アカウント (@osomatsu_PR) May 24, 2024ALT

⏰ 3:00pm



I’m still sleepy.. because I was up late last night…

Did you all go to sleep after that…?

Today’s our birthday, so I went to see the cats and they were all gathered in the usual spot. But, it seems like they’ve gotten tired of the cat teaser. If you guys have any recommendations for toys that cats like, please let me know. (-Ichimatsu)

今日はみんな、おつかれさまでした。おれも猫とたくさん遊んで疲れたから、もう寝ようかな。  みんなも早く寝て。おやすみ。(一松)#松野家6つ子誕生祭2024#松野家6つ子公式ジャック  — 「おそ松さん」公式アカウント (@osomatsu_PR) May 24, 2024ALT

⏰ 10:00pm



Thank you for your hard work today everyone. I’m tired too after playing with the cats a lot, so I think I’ll go to bed now.

You guys go to bed soon too. Goodnight. (-Ichimatsu)

All: Ichimatsu Karamatsu Jyushimatsu Todomatsu Osomatsu Choromatsu


My brochure for the Osomatsu san movie came in, and it’s full of model sheets, screenshots, and a lot of other stuff! There’s a few pages that has small interviews with the voice cast along with their picture and printed autograph (and it’s not just the main 6, the supporting cast of the movie is included!), and some bonus manga pages, and at the end there’s several ads for all the merch (lol).

Bonus from the very end of the booklet




Unlike other Osomatsu-san related material, the English dub is particularly hard to obtain due to the digital copies not being available for purchase in many countries nor it being available in legal streaming services such as Crunchyroll. These are resources for fans to be able to check it out before buying the blu-ray sets! 

These are in 480p, which is to mean, not a super high resolution format, but it was needed for storage purposes. Down below you’ll find links to .torrent files of all episodes in HD (1080p) if you’d like to watch them in a better quality! Here’s a tutorial on how to download torrents.

This post will be updated semi-regularly.

Watch Online

Season 1

Season 2

Bonus: Season 2 Blu-ray shorts

Google Drive (Downloadable!)

Season 1

Season 2

Bonus: Season 2 Blu-ray shorts

Torrent links to the 1080p rips:

Please let me know if you have any trouble downloading these! This is my first time making torrent files.

For easier linking: !



It IS true that being on here gives you a tumblr accent. This morning my mother asked me something and i replied “i don’t know i’ve never heard these words in that order” and she nearly choked laughing. It wasn’t even that funny


“I’ve decided not to vaccinate my animals. Think about it, how often do you see a rabid dog?”

Yes Heather think about it. Think about how few rabid dogs you see in your comfortable western country with easy access to vet care. Think about why it might be that you’ve never seen a rabid dog. Really dig deep here you absolute fucking fool.



everyone decided to skip in the bathroom

(shakily and brittlely: im never doing backgrounds again)



playing this game felt like watching MPGIS but on mega steroids (positive)