Chemistry of the Human Body
This talk can be between 45 and 60 minutes and for any number of people of all ages.

What a piece of work is a man!
There are 92 naturally occurring elements in the Periodic Table but how many of them would you need to make a human? The chemical formula for a human has some surprising inclusions and the recipe to make a fully functioning person is carefully balanced. This talk looks at some interesting facts about the elements that make us what we are.
This talk looks at the role of five elements in human biology to illustrate the diversity and complexity of life processes. There is often a ‘Goldilocks’ amount of an element necessary to keep your body healthy, not enough of an element and things go wrong, but too much can be just as dangerous. Many elements perform a variety of roles in the body and determining these has involved matches, mad kings, foul smells and fainting goats.
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