Anonymous asked:

Where can I find the Hayley gifs?

Anonymous asked:

what would be considered as hayleys talisman?

Aren’t talismans mostly a witch thing? I don’t think she’d have one.

wolfielou-deactivated20231216 asked:

Hi! I love you blog the details and gifs are amazing!

I’m searching for years the exact reference of the Doc Martens (the high black boots) that Hayley is wearing when she feeds Hope on the porch of the house in season 2.

She also wears high doc martens many times in season 2.

If you have it I will be happy to buy the same.

Thank you and again amazing work!

My friend who runs ptonkinstyle said they were Dr Martens Patent Leather Mid Calf Boots in Black. Hope that helps!

moonstruckalpha asked:

Hii! I was wondering if you could help me figure out what episode of season three this was from?

wolfielou-deactivated20231216 asked:

Hi! Do you know if the character of Hayley is described in any books from TVD?

Amazing blog btw ^^

To my knowledge - no.

Hayley was an original creation for TVD, though feel for anyone to correct me if I’m wrong, and she’s not featured in the TO trilogy (that came out in 2015) because I think that takes place in the 18th century.

Anonymous asked:

Is this account still active

we don’t really do anything but answer questions anymore tbh - the fandom is pretty much dead, Hayley died and the manner in which it was revealed and went down pretty much killed all the passion we had for editing/giffing

Hayley is still my fave character of all time, but I just have no motivation to create anything anymore. This blog exist mostly as an archive for roleplayers if we’re being honest

Anonymous asked:

Can I just say y'all are doing a great job at this whole blog?? Stunning.

We only really answer questions these days but thank you for the support, it means a lot <3

Anonymous asked:

Was Hayley a girly girl? In each episode it seems that she wore makeup and did her hair/jewlery/had nail polish etc. I loved her outfits from TVD and the first season of TO. I feel like she started to wear more girlier stuff later on. Was she well liked and had alot of friends her whole life or a loner? Would she ever be in a soririty or was she not for simple girly drama? I remember she said to caroline "Yea I dont do Teen Drama". What is her personality like? Is she nice to strangers?

Not to be rude, but have you watched the show beyond the first season of TO? Because I feel like a lot of your questions are answered within the series. 

No, I don’t think Hayley was a girly girl by any means or would ever willingly step foot in a sorority. I also think as the series progressed, her style became a lot less girly (which also depends on the definition of girly) and her hair/makeup even more simple. Who has time for all of that when the Mikaelsons keep dragging you into their shenanigans? Or someone is trying to kill/kidnap your child every other week? But Hayley’s main style as the series progressed seemed to be top, jeans, leather jacket, and boots. Occasionally, she wore dresses and skirts but post-s1 that doesn’t seem to be her regular attire.

I don’t think Hayley is rude to strangers, but also doesn’t instantly become friends with them. 

Tbh, her nails being done probably had more to do with Phoebe wanting her nails done in her own life, and for hair and makeup it just being standard for actors to have hair and makeup done for the show.

Anonymous asked:

Do you think Hayley was ever depressed? Her emotions seem so well put together. She is so strong and holds it together well but do you think she wasnt happy?

We see her suffer from depression early in season two when she’s struggling after giving up Hope. And then again in season three after Jackson has been murdered. At times, I think all of the characters were unhappy. Hayley goes through a tremendous amount of trauma throughout the series and we do see how that weighs on her emotionally, but she kind of has to keep it together as Hope’s primary caregiver. 


Anonymous asked:

What kind of cars would Hayley Drive?

Honestly, I’m not really a car person. So, naming makes and models isn’t my thing. Pre-TVD, I imagine she took the bus a lot (we see that in the series). Then early in the Originals she drives a  2013 Ford Mustang GT. 

I imagine after that she drives whatever the Mikaelsons have in their arsenal of cars. 


deafchild2000 asked:

I know you are mostly Hayley based, but I have a certain ideas on why Camille and Jackson never interacted.

We are 100% Hayley based, it’s a Hayley blog. It’s not something we’re particularly interested in, with no offence intended. I’m sure there are some Cami or Jack stans out there who’d be interested though!

Anonymous asked:

What type of job would Hayley do if she was not a hybrid/werewolf and did not get mixed up with the orginals? I feel like she would own a bar but I cant see her in a white collared job. I am trying to understand her personality and backstory. Was she nice to strangers? Did she ever love her adopted parents? Was she a partier and extroverted or more shy?

I don’t think she would have ever had a white collar job. We know in-canon that her adoptive parents kicked her out when she was 13 and she spent the rest of the pre-TVD time going from pack to pack not really staying anywhere long. To me this would make any white collared job out of the question unless she got her GED (and likely attended some kind of post-high school education), since those typically require a high school diploma and an associates degree or specialized training at the very least. 

I could see her owning a bar, somewhere where wolves could congregate. But, ultimately, I think Hayley would have continued her search for her family. I think that was such a determination on her part that maybe she would have had the odd job working in a bar, but I don’t think she would have put down roots until she found what she was looking for. 

I think we can find from canon that she definitely didn’t have a strong connection to her adoptive parents. They kicked her out when she was 13 which is pretty horrifying, and speaks volumes to how they likely treated her/the state of their relationship. 

We also know the wolf curse was triggered while she was on a boat with friends and became drunk and accidentally killed someone. Though, I don’t believe we ever learned the full story. This incident plus the fact that we know Hayley frequented Hollis’ bar as a teenager (iirc, he mentions her dancing on bar tops) does lead me to believe pre-TVD Hayley was a partier. 

- Sarah

Anonymous asked:

which episode was it when hayley had the axe?

3x15 - An Old Friend Calls

Anonymous asked:

This is super specific, but, do you have any gifs of Hayley at her wedding when she lifts her head and she's got her glowy wolf eyes??

5th Birthday!

It was our 5th birthday yesterday

Lawd how time flies, I remember starting this up in total fury because everyone *but* Hayley had an active fanpage at that point, and she was getting so much flack from the fandom. 

I started this as a one woman team, I roped in a few friends who got me going and bowed out quietly (but their contributions are still priceless to me) and I’ve met a few absolute Angels through making this blog, ladies I speak to almost every single day. Who I’ve laughed and cried and lived life with.

Thank you to every single person whos followed, liked, rebloged, viewed, requested, sent kind words of encouragement, who just drops by every now and then to tell us you miss us/love us, even those who drop by for debate, we appreciate and value you all.

Thank you to the ladies past and present who have helped me out with this blog, I started it alone but I couldn’t have got this far without help.

And thank you to Hayley, my comfort character, a character that dragged me through hard times. 

This blog will probably never fully be active again - I’ll admit. But it was fun running it for as long as I did, and I appreciate everything.

Hayley Marshall Daily