A ceanothus in full bloom, humming with bees in late spring is a sight to behold and the milky-white flowered variety Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Millerton Point is an unusual, classy version of the more commonly seen blue-flowered shrub.Also known as the 'Californian Lilac', ceanothus are vigorous climbers which are generally frost-hardy and thrive in full sun on well-drained soil. This version would look particularly spectacular in a white and green planting scheme with its glossy, healthy, evergreen foliage and creamy white clusters of honey-scented flowers which are also excellent for cutting and adding a little froth and scent to floral arrangements.Plant against a wall or trellis allowing lots of room for this shrub to reach its full spread of 3m by 3m providing a stunning backdrop to your other plants, or as a showpiece on its own.Prune after the flowers have faded and you will be rewarded with another glorious display next spring.