IN recent years, the evolution of cellular technology and connectivity has led to a major revolution in the wireless communication industry, with differnt major application scenarios i.e. enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine type communication (mMTC), ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC), and vehicle-to-everything (eV2X). In order to, target mMTC applications, the important scenario considered here is Internet of Things (IoT). Physical layer (PHY) requirements for mMTC application are: low latency; large number of connected devices; high reliability; asynchronous transmission; and dynamic fragmented spectrum access. Current (4th generation) cellular transmission schemes, which are based on Long- Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), employ orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform in PHY design. As is well known, synchronization represents one of the most challenging issues and plays a major role in PHY design and its impact can also be higher in future wireless cellular system, where the use of non-proportional sub-carrier spacing will be required to accommodate the necessary bandwidth. Motivated by this, I studied and realized this Thesis work that concerns with “Synchronization and Performance Evaluation of Future Wireless Cellular System Based on the Use of New Multi-Carrier Transmission Techniques”. With this aim, I started studying about the two categories of multi-carrier waveforms: legacy OFDM waveforms and new waveforms for future wireless cellular systems. For the legacy OFDM waveforms, I studied mainly about the cyclic prefix (CP)- based OFDM system and also an OFDM system with an advanced transformation tool, known as discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFrFT). DFrFT-based OFDM system is analogous to the conventional OFDM one with the difference that DFT and inverse DFT (IDFT) are replaced by DFrFT and inverse DFrFT (IDFrFT), respectively. DFrFT is a generalization of the ordinary DFT with an DFrFT angle parameter (\alpha). Moreover, I started analyzing the effect of synchronization issues, in particular, the problem of evaluating performance in the presence of symbol timing offset (STO) and carrier fre-quency offset (CFO). Here, we consider the chirp-based DFrFT method for both CFO and STO estimation. From the demonstrated results of mean square error (MSE) performance of CFO and STO estimations, it is realized that CFO and STO estimators with chirp-based DFrFT method performs better than other methods available in literature in case of the transmission over multipath fading channel. However, in the presence of oscillator drifts and time-varying Doppler shifts, residual CFO and STO are still present in the received signal after the application of synchronization algorithms. In order to improve the robustness to residual CFO and STO, an OFDM system based on DFrFT is considered. Therefore, it would be better to analyse the analytical symbol error probability (SEP) performance of the DFrFT-based OFDM by considering residual CFO and STO together. This is demonstrated by quantifying its effect in an analytical expression of the term responsible for introducing inter carrier interference (ICI) and inter symbol interference (ISI), which is one of the novel contributions of this Thesis. The results of the SEP performance of the DFrFT-based OFDM system in the presence of residual synchronization errors, i.e., CFO and STO, demonstrate that the performance of DFrFT-based OFDM system depends on the DFrFT angle parameter ( ) and, by properly selecting its optimal value opt, DFrFT-based OFDM system performs better than the one based on the DFT. Therefore, the calculation of optimal DFrFT angle parameter is important for better performance of DFrFT-based OFDM system. In this Thesis, we also derived an analytical expression to calculate the optimal value of opt based on CFO and STO values. This is another novel contribution of this Thesis. Finally, we also considered more practical aspects related to the realization of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) system which is used to implement hardware co-simulation of multi-carrier transmission techniques. We have considered field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-in-the-Loop (FIL) co-simulation of receiver with equalization of DFrFT-based OFDM system transmission over a frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel in presence of CFO. My simulation results clearly demonstrate that the FPGA implementation of a DFrFT-based OFDM system in presence of CFO has the same performance as that obtained from Monte Carlo simulation. Also, the performance is validated with the fixed-point model of DFrFT-based OFDM. The approach described in the thesis constitutes an efficient way to convert the floating point model into a fixed-point one to be run in an FPGA and then verifies its correctness through FIL co-simulation. However, as it is well known, CP-based OFDM uses fixed set of waveform parameters, including sub-carrier spacing and length of CP that, are uniformly applied across the entire system bandwidth. Due to the lack of flexibility in supporting mixed services with different waveform parameters within one carrier, which is a key requirement in the PHY design of future cellular network. Additionally, high out-of-band (OOB) emission in frequency-domain is introduced by the time-domain rectangular pulse shaping filter. Also, OFDM signal with one CP per symbol may have a prohibitive low spectral efficiency and also increase the OFDM symbol duration. For this reason, new waveforms that are able to support variable and customizable pulse shaping filters in order to achieve a better trade-off between time-domain and frequency-domain localization is one of the research priorities. With this aim, generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) is one of the proposed multi-carrier waveforms for future wireless cellular systems, which is based on the use of circular filtering at sub-carrier level. Compared to CP-based OFDM, the important advantages of GFDM consist in a reduction of OOB emission, achieved by means of filtering at sub-carrier level, in an increase of spectral efficiency, obtained through the introduction of tail biting, which makes the length of the CP independent from that of pulse shaping filter. Moreover, the flexible frame structure of GFDM is achieved, by changing the number of time slots and sub-carriers in a frame, covering both conventional OFDM and DFT-spread OFDM. (DFT-s-OFDM), which results in complete backward compatibility with LTE. Motivated with the GFDM, we focus on the integration of GFDM in the timefrequency grid of LTE system and then analyse the impact of “Better than Nyquist” pulse shaping filters on OOB emission and symbol error rate (SER). Moreover, we also consider the concept of wavelet for better time-frequency localization of pulse shaping filters by using the Meyer auxiliary function. After the impact of pulse shaping filter, for an efficient implementation of receiver in time-domain, a relationship between GFDM signal and discrete Gabor transform (DGT) is investigated for reducing the complexity. After that, we implement DGT-based GFDM when the synthesis function, i.e. pulse shaping filter, and the analysis function, i.e. receiving filter, satisfy the Wexler-Raz identity. Choosing functions that satisfy the Wexler-Raz condition allows for optimal symbol-by-symbol detection after DGT-based receiver in case of ideal channel. However, when transmission takes place over a frequency selective channel, symbol-by-symbol detection of sub-symbols is no longer optimal due to intersub- symbol interference (ISSI) generated by sub-symbols transmitted over the same sub-carrier, to improve the performance maximum likelihood detection (MLD) is implemented as a optimal detector for all the sub-symbols on the same sub-carrier, which is another novel contribution of this thesis. Finally, we derive exact SEP expressions for GFDM waveform in the presence of CFO in AWGN channel and frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel. The analytical expressions of SEP are derived when matched filtering is implemented at the receiver for BPSK, QPSK, and 16-QAM in case of AWGN channel and for BPSK only in case of frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel which is another contribution. Monte Carlo simulations are presented to demonstrate the exactness of the derived SEP expressions.
Negli ultimi anni l’evoluzione tecnologica nell’ambito delle comunicazioni radiomobili cellulari ha portato a una grande rivoluzione nel settore delle comunicazioni wireless, con nuovi scenari applicativi quali l’aumento della velocità di trasmissione a banda larga (eMBB, enhanced mobile broadband), le comunicazioni tra un numero elevatissimo di macchine (mMTC, massive machine type communication), le comunicazioni ad altissima affidabilità e a bassa latenza (URLLC, ultra-reliable and low latency communications) ed, infine, quelle veicolari ed infrastutture fisse e mobili (eV2X, vehicleto- everything). Per quanto riguarda le applicazioni mMTC lo scenario più importante qui considerato è l’internet delle cose (IoT, Internet of Things). I requisiti del livello fisico (PHY) per applicazioni mMTC sono la bassa latenza, il gran numero di dispositivi connessi, l’alta affidabilità , la trasmissione asincrona e un accesso dinamico allo spettro frammentato. Gli attuali schemi di trasmissione cellulare di quarta generazione, basati su LTE (Long-Term Evolution) e LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), impiegano forme d’onda con multiplazione a divisione di frequenza ortogonale (OFDM) a livello fisico. Come è noto, la sincronizzazione rappresenta uno dei problemi più impegnativi e svolge un ruolo importante nella progettazione del livello fisico. Il suo impatto può anche essere maggiore nei futuri sistemi cellulari in cui verrà richiesto l’uso di una spaziatura tra sottoportanti variabile per allocare la banda necessaria. Con tale motivazione, in questo lavoro di tesi ho studiato ed analizzato il problema della sincronizzazione e la relativa valutazione delle prestazioni nei sistemi cellulari di prossima generazione che sono basati sull’impiego nuove modulazioni multi-portante. A tal fine mi sono concentrato su due categorie di forme d’onda multi-portanti: i) “OFDM compatibili”; ii) “nuove forme d’onda”. Per quanto riguarda le forme d’onda “OFDM compatibili” ho studiato principalmente il sistema OFDM basato sul prefisso ciclico (CP) e quello basato su una tecnica avanzata di trasformazione nota come “trasformata frazionaria di Fourier discreta (DFrFT)”. Il sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT è analogo a quello OFDM convenzionale con la differenza che trasformata discreta di Fourier (DFT) e la sua anti trasformata (IDFT) sono sostituiti, rispettivamente, dalla DFrFT e dalla anti trasformata DFrFT (IDFrFT). La DFrFT è una generalizzazione della DFT ordinaria che è definita da un parametro alpha, che definisce l’angolo tra la dimensione temporale e quella frequenziale. Durante l’attività mi sono occupato anche dei problemi relativi ai problemi di sincronizzazione, con particolare riferimento alla valutazione delle prestazioni in presenza di offset nella sincronizzazione di simbolo (STO, symbol-timing offset) e di frequenza portante (CFO, carrier frequency offset). Nella tesi ho considerato la DFrFT basata su chirp per effettuare sia la stima di CFO che di STO. Dai risultati ottenuti, misurati in termini di errore quadratico medio nell’errore nella stima di CFO e STO, si evince che gli stimatori di CFO e STO con DFrFT basata su chirp offrono migliori prestazioni rispetto ad altri metodi disponibili in letteratura nel caso di trasmissione su canale selettivo in frequenza. In presenza di derive temporali dell’oscillatore e spostamenti Doppler, si verifica che CFO e STO residui sono ancora presenti nel segnale ricevuto dopo le correzioni apportate dagli algoritmi di sincronizzazione. Al fine di migliorare la robustezza nei confronti di CFO e STO residui si è considerato un sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT. Per tale sistema si è effettuata l’analisi delle prestazioni considerando il calcolo analitico della probabilità di errore sul simbolo (SEP) di un sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT in cui si considera la presenza simultanea di CFO e STO residui. Il loro effetto congiunto è stato quantificato in un’espressione analitica che tiene conto del termine responsabile dell’introduzione dell’interferenza tra sotto-portanti (ICI) e interferenza intersimbolica (ISI), che è uno dei nuovi contributi di questa tesi. I risultati delle prestazioni SEP del sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT in presenza di errori di sincronizzazione residui dimostrano che le prestazioni del sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT dipendono dal parametro . Selezionando opportunamente il valore ottimo opt, il sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT permette di ottenere prestazioni migliori di quello basato su DFT. Pertanto, il calcolo del parametro ottimo è importante per migliorare le prestazioni del sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT. In questa tesi, ho anche derivato un’espressione analitica per calcolare il valore ottimale di opt in funzione dei valori dati di CFO e STO. Questo rappresenta un altro contributo importante del lavoro di tesi. Infine, ho preso in considerazione anche aspetti più pratici legati alla realizzazione di un sistema “Software Defined Radio (SDR)”, che viene utilizzato per implementare la co-simulazione hardware delle tecniche di trasmissione multi-portante. Ho preso in considerazione la co-simulazione di FPGA che implementa l’equalizzazione della trasmissione del sistema OFDM basata su DFrFT su un canale soggetto a fading di Rayleigh selettivo in frequenza in presenza di CFO. I risultati della mia simulazione dimostrano chiaramente che l’implementazione FPGA di un sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT in presenza di CFO ha le stesse prestazioni ottenute con la simulazione Monte Carlo. Inoltre, le prestazioni sono validate con il modello a virgola fissa di un sistema OFDM basato su DFrFT. L’approccio descritto nella tesi costituisce un modo efficace per convertire il modello in virgola mobile in uno a virgola fissa da eseguire in un’FPGA e, quindi, consente di verificarne la correttezza attraverso la co-simulazione FPGA-in-the loop. Come è ben noto, l’OFDM basato su CP utilizza un insieme predefinito di parametri, tra cui la spaziatura tra le sotto-portanti e la lunghezza di CP, che vengono applicati sull’intera larghezza di banda del sistema. Tutto ciò provoca una mancanza di flessibilità nell’offerta di servizi con diversi requisiti. Inoltre, un altro problema è legato all’elevata emissione fuori banda (OOB) nel dominio della frequenza che viene introdotta dal filtro di trasmissione ti tipo rettangolare nel dominio del tempo. Inoltre, il segnale OFDM con un CP per simbolo può avere una bassa efficienza spettrale. Per tale motivo, una delle priorità di ricerca riguarda a definizione di nuove forme d’onda in grado di supportare filtri a spaziatura variabile e modificabili al fine di ottenere un migliore compromesso tra la localizzazione del dominio del tempo e della frequenza. Con tale finalità, la multiplazione a divisione di frequenza generalizzata (GFDM) rappresenta una delle tecniche multi-portante proposte per i futuri sistemi cellulari wireless, che si basa sull’uso di filtri circolari a livello di sotto-portante. Rispetto all’OFDM basato su CP, i vantaggi importanti del GFDM consistono in una riduzione dell’emissione di OOB, ottenuta mediante filtraggio a livello di sotto-portante e in un aumento dell’efficienza spettrale, ottenuta attraverso l’introduzione del “tail-biting”, che rende la lunghezza del CP indipendente da quella del filtro di trasmissione. La struttura flessibile della trama GFDM è ottenuta modificando il numero di slot-temporali e sotto-portanti in una trama, permettendo di ottenere sia l’OFDM convenzionale che il DFT-spread OFDM. (DFT-s-OFDM), che permettono quindi di ottenere una retrocompatibilità completa con l’LTE. Con tale motivazione, mi sono concentrato sull’integrazione del GFDM nella griglia tempo-frequenza del sistema LTE e ho quindi analizzato l’impatto di filtri di forma che realizzano impulsi di Nyquist ottimizzati che permettono di ridurre l’emissione OOB e migliorare il tasso di errore sul simbolo (SER). Inoltre, ho considerato anche il concetto di ondina (wavelet) per migliorare la localizzazione in frequenza e nel tempo dei filtri di forma usati in trasmissione attraverso la funzione ausiliaria di Meyer. Successivamente, per studiare l’impatto dei filtri di trasmissione e ricezione, ho studiato la relazione esistente tra il segnale GFDM e la trasformata di Gabor discreta (DGT) al fine di ridurre la complessità . In particolare, mi sono focalizzato sull’implementazione della GFDM basata su DGT, in cui il filtro di trasmissione e quello di ricezione soddisfano l’identità di Wexler-Raz. La scelta delle funzioni che soddisfano la condizione Wexler-Raz consente la rivelazione ottimale simbolo per simbolo nel caso di trasmissione su canale ideale. Tuttavia, quando la trasmissione avviene su un canale selettivo di frequenza, la rilevazione simbolo per simbolo non è più ottimale a causa dell’interferenza inter-simbolica tra simboli inviati con la stessa sotto-portante. Per migliorare la prestazione si considera l’implementazione a massima verosimiglianza (MLD) in cui tutti i sotto-simboli trasmessi sulla stessa sotto-portante sono rivelai in modo ottimo. Tale aspetto rappresenta un altro contributo innovativo di questo lavoro di tesi. Per concludere, ho derivato le espressioni esatte di SEP per la forma d’onda GFDM in presenza di CFO per trasmissione su canale AWGN e su canale con fading di Rayleigh selettivo in frequenza. Le espressioni analitiche del SEP sono state derivate per le modulazioni BPSK, QPSK e 16-QAM nel caso di canale AWGN e per la sola BPSK nel caso di canale con fading di Rayleigh selettivo in frequenza. L’esattezza delle espressioni di SEP ottenute è stata dimostrata mediante
Synchronization and performance evaluation of future wireless cellular system based on the use of new multi-carrier transmission techniques
IN recent years, the evolution of cellular technology and connectivity has led to a major revolution in the wireless communication industry, with differnt major application scenarios i.e. enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine type communication (mMTC), ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC), and vehicle-to-everything (eV2X). In order to, target mMTC applications, the important scenario considered here is Internet of Things (IoT). Physical layer (PHY) requirements for mMTC application are: low latency; large number of connected devices; high reliability; asynchronous transmission; and dynamic fragmented spectrum access. Current (4th generation) cellular transmission schemes, which are based on Long- Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), employ orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform in PHY design. As is well known, synchronization represents one of the most challenging issues and plays a major role in PHY design and its impact can also be higher in future wireless cellular system, where the use of non-proportional sub-carrier spacing will be required to accommodate the necessary bandwidth. Motivated by this, I studied and realized this Thesis work that concerns with “Synchronization and Performance Evaluation of Future Wireless Cellular System Based on the Use of New Multi-Carrier Transmission Techniques”. With this aim, I started studying about the two categories of multi-carrier waveforms: legacy OFDM waveforms and new waveforms for future wireless cellular systems. For the legacy OFDM waveforms, I studied mainly about the cyclic prefix (CP)- based OFDM system and also an OFDM system with an advanced transformation tool, known as discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFrFT). DFrFT-based OFDM system is analogous to the conventional OFDM one with the difference that DFT and inverse DFT (IDFT) are replaced by DFrFT and inverse DFrFT (IDFrFT), respectively. DFrFT is a generalization of the ordinary DFT with an DFrFT angle parameter (\alpha). Moreover, I started analyzing the effect of synchronization issues, in particular, the problem of evaluating performance in the presence of symbol timing offset (STO) and carrier fre-quency offset (CFO). Here, we consider the chirp-based DFrFT method for both CFO and STO estimation. From the demonstrated results of mean square error (MSE) performance of CFO and STO estimations, it is realized that CFO and STO estimators with chirp-based DFrFT method performs better than other methods available in literature in case of the transmission over multipath fading channel. However, in the presence of oscillator drifts and time-varying Doppler shifts, residual CFO and STO are still present in the received signal after the application of synchronization algorithms. In order to improve the robustness to residual CFO and STO, an OFDM system based on DFrFT is considered. Therefore, it would be better to analyse the analytical symbol error probability (SEP) performance of the DFrFT-based OFDM by considering residual CFO and STO together. This is demonstrated by quantifying its effect in an analytical expression of the term responsible for introducing inter carrier interference (ICI) and inter symbol interference (ISI), which is one of the novel contributions of this Thesis. The results of the SEP performance of the DFrFT-based OFDM system in the presence of residual synchronization errors, i.e., CFO and STO, demonstrate that the performance of DFrFT-based OFDM system depends on the DFrFT angle parameter ( ) and, by properly selecting its optimal value opt, DFrFT-based OFDM system performs better than the one based on the DFT. Therefore, the calculation of optimal DFrFT angle parameter is important for better performance of DFrFT-based OFDM system. In this Thesis, we also derived an analytical expression to calculate the optimal value of opt based on CFO and STO values. This is another novel contribution of this Thesis. Finally, we also considered more practical aspects related to the realization of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) system which is used to implement hardware co-simulation of multi-carrier transmission techniques. We have considered field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-in-the-Loop (FIL) co-simulation of receiver with equalization of DFrFT-based OFDM system transmission over a frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel in presence of CFO. My simulation results clearly demonstrate that the FPGA implementation of a DFrFT-based OFDM system in presence of CFO has the same performance as that obtained from Monte Carlo simulation. Also, the performance is validated with the fixed-point model of DFrFT-based OFDM. The approach described in the thesis constitutes an efficient way to convert the floating point model into a fixed-point one to be run in an FPGA and then verifies its correctness through FIL co-simulation. However, as it is well known, CP-based OFDM uses fixed set of waveform parameters, including sub-carrier spacing and length of CP that, are uniformly applied across the entire system bandwidth. Due to the lack of flexibility in supporting mixed services with different waveform parameters within one carrier, which is a key requirement in the PHY design of future cellular network. Additionally, high out-of-band (OOB) emission in frequency-domain is introduced by the time-domain rectangular pulse shaping filter. Also, OFDM signal with one CP per symbol may have a prohibitive low spectral efficiency and also increase the OFDM symbol duration. For this reason, new waveforms that are able to support variable and customizable pulse shaping filters in order to achieve a better trade-off between time-domain and frequency-domain localization is one of the research priorities. With this aim, generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) is one of the proposed multi-carrier waveforms for future wireless cellular systems, which is based on the use of circular filtering at sub-carrier level. Compared to CP-based OFDM, the important advantages of GFDM consist in a reduction of OOB emission, achieved by means of filtering at sub-carrier level, in an increase of spectral efficiency, obtained through the introduction of tail biting, which makes the length of the CP independent from that of pulse shaping filter. Moreover, the flexible frame structure of GFDM is achieved, by changing the number of time slots and sub-carriers in a frame, covering both conventional OFDM and DFT-spread OFDM. (DFT-s-OFDM), which results in complete backward compatibility with LTE. Motivated with the GFDM, we focus on the integration of GFDM in the timefrequency grid of LTE system and then analyse the impact of “Better than Nyquist” pulse shaping filters on OOB emission and symbol error rate (SER). Moreover, we also consider the concept of wavelet for better time-frequency localization of pulse shaping filters by using the Meyer auxiliary function. After the impact of pulse shaping filter, for an efficient implementation of receiver in time-domain, a relationship between GFDM signal and discrete Gabor transform (DGT) is investigated for reducing the complexity. After that, we implement DGT-based GFDM when the synthesis function, i.e. pulse shaping filter, and the analysis function, i.e. receiving filter, satisfy the Wexler-Raz identity. Choosing functions that satisfy the Wexler-Raz condition allows for optimal symbol-by-symbol detection after DGT-based receiver in case of ideal channel. However, when transmission takes place over a frequency selective channel, symbol-by-symbol detection of sub-symbols is no longer optimal due to intersub- symbol interference (ISSI) generated by sub-symbols transmitted over the same sub-carrier, to improve the performance maximum likelihood detection (MLD) is implemented as a optimal detector for all the sub-symbols on the same sub-carrier, which is another novel contribution of this thesis. Finally, we derive exact SEP expressions for GFDM waveform in the presence of CFO in AWGN channel and frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel. The analytical expressions of SEP are derived when matched filtering is implemented at the receiver for BPSK, QPSK, and 16-QAM in case of AWGN channel and for BPSK only in case of frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel which is another contribution. Monte Carlo simulations are presented to demonstrate the exactness of the derived SEP expressions.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 29/11/2019
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