New Student Health Requirement

University of Nebraska-Lincoln requires all new students to complete a health requirement. This health requirement is different for domestic and international students. Keep reading for more information.

Domestic Students International Students

Domestic Students

Domestic students are required to show proof of two separate rubeola measles/MMR immunizations or a positive rubeola lab result. The immunization record typically can be obtained from your high school or health care provider. It is strongly recommended students complete this requirement before beginning classes.  

To complete the health requirement:

  1. Click this link to log into the Immunization Form.
  2. Attach the relevant immunization records to the form.

If you are unable to submit electronically, you can mail in a copy of your records to:

The Office of the University Registrar 
002 Canfield Administration Building 
Lincoln, NE 68588

Records must be in English, contain your full legal name and date of birth, and show that you had your first MMR vaccine no earlier than your first birthday and your second vaccine at least 28 days later.


Please email the Office of the University Registrar at [email protected]

Meningococcal Vaccine Available at the Health Center

Meningococcal disease is a rare infection with potentially devastating results. The vaccine is strongly recommended for first-year students living in university residences but is not required by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

To make an appointment to receive your meningococcal vaccine, call 402-472-5000.

More information on the Meningococcal disease and vaccine.

International Students

All new international students are required to complete a tuberculosis test at Nebraska Medicine–University Health Center and to show proof of two separate rubeola measles/MMR immunizations or a positive rubeola lab result. It is strongly recommended students complete this requirement shortly after arriving at the university to begin classes.  

To complete the health requirement:

Part 1: Complete the tuberculosis test

  1. You need your NCard at least one day before coming to the health center for your tuberculosis test.
  2. You do not need to schedule an appointment for the tuberculosis test. Calling to schedule an appointment is recommended to ensure you can be seen that day, but walk-in appointments are accepted if time allows.
  3. Arrive at the health center and go to the second-floor check-in desk. You can visit the health center anytime between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday.

If you have questions about the tuberculosis test, call 402-472-7477 or email [email protected].


Part 2: Upload your measles/MMR immunization record to MyRed

To upload your immunization record, follow these steps:

  1. Click this link to log into the Immunization Form.
  2. Attach the relevant immunization records to the form.

Records must be in English, contain your full legal name and date of birth, and show that you had your first MMR vaccine no earlier than your first birthday and your second vaccine at least 28 days later.

If you have questions about the MMR requirement, email the Office of the University Registrar at [email protected].

If immunization record can’t be found:

You have two options:

  • Receive two rubeola measles/MMR immunizations at Nebraska Medicine–University Health Center scheduled 30 days apart. Appointments are required. Call 402-472-5000 to schedule. This will incur a cost and the patient will be responsible for the bill


  • Have a rubeola blood test drawn at the health center. This blood test will look for rubeola measles antibodies to determine if a person has received the MMR vaccine. Appointments are not required for this test at the health center. Drop into the health center anytime Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and tell them you are here for a lab test.

All health requirement costs are the responsibility of the student. For students who have the University of Nebraska’s student insurance plan, the cost is paid by the student insurance. For students who have another insurance plan, their insurance provider may or may not cover the cost. Students can ask their insurance provider what they will cover.