About Us
If you are facing a critical medical decision, be it a health question or a diagnosis, you would want to make sure that you are not just getting it right. You want to make sure you perfectly understand everything.
That is why we are here! We are dedicated to helping you understand the different topics concerning your health such as common medical diseases and illnesses, rare/critical illnesses, minor and major surgeries, latest treatments, drugs, supplements, and the likes.
We are dedicated to providing you with the accurate information straight from the world-renowned medical experts. Our goal is to provide you with an in-depth and easy to read the medical information presented in a user-friendly way.
We have a team of experts in the medicine field including doctors, researchers, and allied healthcare professionals. Hence, you are guaranteed that we bring you only the most comprehensive, well researched, and sought after healthcare information.
We continue to do our best for our readers. We strongly believed that a medical information shouldn’t be as complicated as they are presented in the textbooks. Our medical site aims to educate people about the healthcare industry in the simplest way possible. This is the reason why we are one of the top referred medical sites. Feel free to browse our site and we hope that you will enjoy your time with us as you learn.
Dr. Jackie Te, RN, MD
Graduated in Saint Louis University – College of Medicine 2017
Finished internship at Lorma Medical Center 2018
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2. Dr. Rajesh MD
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