The Department of Health has defined wellbeing as:“A positive physical, social and mental state.”
Do read our article About Wellbeing which explains more about our holistic approach to wellbeing and our how we have defined our articles categories in the right-hand menu.
We all need to feel good about ourselves, but we are all very different and wellbeing will mean different things to different people. Importantly, it needs to be what is right for us and not what peer-pressure deems is right. For example, the impact of social media means far too many young people are over-obsessed with their bodies and develop unhealthy eating habits because they are trying to be stick thin! Or, for those who have genuine weight issues, peer pressure can cause mental health issues.
Conversley, it is far easy to completely neglect our physical and mental health. There is no absolute right or wrong way to ensure we are the best we can be: we don’t all need a gym membership – but we do ALL need to get regular exercise; we don’t all need to look like fashion models, be we do ALL need to eat and drink sensibly; we don’t all need to be outdoor adventurers, but we do ALL need a reasonable amount of fresh air.
The purpose of our articles is to provide interesting advice and information. Interesting options so you can make your own choices.
For example, if you don’t know much about complementary therapies, you might like to read this article: