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  18h Khoisan
Marc Morais
You arrive uninvited—
slipping into my dreams,
stirring up the ache
of an empty bed.

We are fault lines,
two halves of a broken bridge
waiting for the river
to wash us clean—
unsure of which side
to stand on—

We are left and right,
bold and broken,
fierce and faded—
a paradox
of love and ache.

I love you—
but mostly,
I hate you—
for what we were,
for what we are,
for the bridge between us,
neither of us
how to mend.
Pearly leaves,
Over the cliffs.
Amid twilight,
Seeking your light.

Foggy sky,
Veiling my cry.
Frisking love,
In the cherry clove.
This is not a common era

The trouble is threefold

Drinking from an empty glass

Opening the door to strangers

Walking along these jagged cliffs

If you tolerate this

Your children will be next
Khoisan 1d
is an acquired taste
of the devil's guise
in a ghettoclysmic
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