Dan Fessler’s HD Index Painting Technique let’s you paint pixel art in Photoshop in a non-destructive manner, and lets you use pretty much every tool in a perfectly pixel-gradient fashion!
The article gives you everything you need to try it out for yourself.It’s easy to set up and use, and the results are so fucking cool.
pixel artists everywhere dying just so they can roll in their graves
sometimes if i’m having trouble drawing certain head/body shapes of animals i practice by drawing over photos of them…..
i never share them though because i think it’s kind of silly….
I should so try that
Wow thats a really cool trick!
(via bloochikin)
credits: ron lemen, kevin chen, michael hampton, michael matessi, various others
Hope this will help you to draw mechanical stuff and objects on the BGs~ I still suck in tutorials X)))
(via wannabeanimator)
Hey, this post may contain sexually explicit content, so we’ve hidden it from public view.
Shape is one of those words that sound really weird when you say it over and over again.
Welcome to your new curse.
Some process shots of the latest illustration… A few of the sketches, the color study, then the final.
Direction from Jade Chang, final on Goodreads!
(please don’t re-post these away from this post.)
I’ve been asked a lot about how I draw hoods, mostly Talon’s hood, so I hope this helps a little? Just a pretty basic thing but hey there ya go
Hoods are pretty cool, they usually have a lot of variety in how they can look (and sometimes people even wear two hoods at once) so just get creative with it and have fun
!! Woah guys! Pixelovely’s new tools are finally out, one for hands & feet, and one for faces!
There’s now 429 photos of hands & feet, and 314 photos of faces. Dang!!
This is super cool news and I certainly can’t wait to start using them haha
I’ve got tons of tutorials on hands, feet and faces in their relevant tags, so be sure to check those out too nwn
Check out Pixelovely! I usually start my drawing day by warming up with the figure drawing practice sessions.
(via wannabeanimator)
Hey Anon! Sorry I took so long to answer this—I wanted to do something more in-depth over just a ‘ok draw a circle now MAKE IT AWSUM.’ I also tried to recall from other tutorials stuff in them I didn’t feel like they spoke about.
also—I’m very sorry I don’t have more advice to give about ears. I am not completely confident with them yet! Gotta keep practicing.
As always, I am not 100% correct on everything, so feel free to use what you want and ignore what you don’t want!
Here’s some more tutorials on noses and ears that might be helpful, if this one isn’t:
Step-by-step coloring nose tutorial
Ear tutorial by the same artist. This artist has TONS of other useful tutorials too, btw!
(via bloochikin)