
  • Contents

Open a log file

To display a log file in Log Viewer:

  1. Select PureConnect from the Start menu. then select Log Viewer Utility.

  2. Click File > Open.

  3. Navigate to a drive and folder that contain log files.

    Trace log folders are named using their creation date, using a YYYY-MM-DD format. For example, 2020-03-19.

    •  Trace logs for CIC subsystems are stored in the \Logs share on the server. The default physical path is \i3\IC\Logs.

    • On a client PC, logs for locally installed client applications (such as CIC client or Interaction Attendant) are stored in the C:\Program Files\Interactive Intelligence\Interaction Logs folder.

    • Phone logs are named using the phone's MAC Address. Logs are created when a phone is rebooted.

  1. Select a log file. Trace log files have an .ininlog extension. The index for a trace log has an .ininlog.ininlog_idx extension.

  2. Click Open.

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