Upload or download multiple PGP keys

The System > Manage Integrations > PGP Configuration screen allows the System Administrator to upload or download multiple public PGP keys with designated names. Such named keys can be used in various flows to encrypt the data files. Any of such keys when added to the system can be used by Analytics, Data Extracts or generating the data files. This is useful when the data files are meant for different parties (for example: different vendors, users or managers accessing Analytics extracts that belong to different organizations and so on).

Figure 1. PGP Configuration
PGP Configuration

You can click UPLOAD NEW KEY to upload a new PGP Public key by providing the Name, Description, and PGP key file.

This screen shows the list of already existing keys. You can perform the following actions on every existing PGP key:
  • Edit: Allows updating the uploaded PGP key file.
  • Download: Downloads the already uploaded PGP key file.
  • Make Inactive: Allows marking an already uploaded PGP key as Inactive. Inactive PGP keys cannot be associated with any new Jobs for encryption. However, they will still be available for existing (already associated) jobs.
    Note: An Active key is available for Data Extract and Analytics screens for association with Jobs.
  • Make Default: Once a PGP key is marked as the default PGP key, this PGP key will be used for all the data processing jobs where no specific encryption key is configured.

    Default key: The system uses this key to encrypt data files for all the data processing jobs where no specific encryption key is configured.

    Note: For existing jobs or schedules (prior to this update) where there is no explicit PGP key associated, a default (pre-existing) PGP key will be used.