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Noosa's Surfing History banner imageMerry-go-round, Kin Kin Festival, Kin KinSurfers, Noosa Main Beach, Noosa Heads, 29-30 January, 1967 Noosa's Surfing History banner imageReg Cannon, John Ribot (Reebs), and Wayne Bennett,  Victory Hotel, Cooroy, ca early 1980sTeachers, Group Photo, Cooroy State School, Cooroy, 1957Noosa's Surfing History banner imageGeorge Larard, Lake Cootharaba, Boreen Point, 1929 Tennis Club members, Cooroy State School, Cooroy, 1933 Noosa's Surfing History banner imageCompetitors, Noosa Festival of Surfing, Noosa Main Beach, Noosa Heads, 10 March 2013Green Gables Café, Golden Beach 1950sNoosa's Surfing History banner image


Welcome to Heritage Noosa, an online collection of images, videos, interviews, documents, maps, and memorabilia held in the collections of the Noosa Library Service Heritage Library and other local heritage organisations. The site provides easy online access to a rich store of heritage material relating to the Noosa Shire region, its people, places and events, past and present.

The aim of the site is to continually grow and add to the Noosa Story. If you think something is incorrect or have additional information related to any of the items on the site, please register and login (by clicking the link in the top right corner) and add what you know.

We are always interested in new material to add to the collection, either as a loan of items to digitise or as a donation. Please contact us if you have images, videos or memorabilia to share.

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Please note that the names and images of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may be contained within this collection.



Bayview GuesthouseCherryn Lomas, Andrew Sisters Tribute Show, Remembrance Day, Looking Forward to Peace Event, Tewantin-Noosa RSL Memorial Park, Tewantin, 11 November 2018Poppies, Remembrance Day, Tewantin, 11 November 2018'Seadancer' Sun Cat, Noosa River, Tewantin, 14 June 1985Pillow fight, Noosa Heads Surf Life Saving Club, Festival of Waters, Tewantin, 26 August 1973Noosa Yacht and Rowing Club under construction, 142 Gympie Terrace, Noosaville, 1993 - March 1994Edna, Jack,  Daisy and Iris Parkyn (l-r) with Gas Producer CarAerial view Noosa Heads, ca 1987-88Bulldogging, Noosa Rodeo, Weyba Ranch, Sunset Drive, Noosa HeadsAerial view, Noosa Waters, Noosaville, December 1972Rhonda Burns, Noosa Regional Gallery, Tewantin, 1980sSailing, Noosa River, Noosaville, ca 1980sGranite Bay access sign to Winch Cove, Coastal Walk, Noosa National Park, Noosa Heads, 1 August 2023Hayden spoon, Noosa Main Beach, Noosa Heads, October 2021Duchess of Bedford and sunbathers poolside, Surfair International Hotel, October 1971'Seaview', Hastings Street, Noosa Heads, 23 October 1972Aerial view, Maroochy River mouth and Bar, Maroochydore,  21 February 2005Munna Point, Noosaville, ca 1940sManning Homes exhibit, Festival of Waters, Noosaville, August 1986Boating party, 'Miss Tewantin', Noosa River, 1928Launch day,  'John Waddams' rescue boat, Coast Guard Noosa QF5, 21 January 2003 Devil's Kitchen, south of Alexandria Bay, Noosa Heads, 1920 Aerial view, Noosa River mouth and Bar, Noosa Heads, 10 February 2005Prize winner, Cane Toad Derby, Noosaville, 1967Duke's house, Noosa North Shore North Coast Railway, Mt Cooroora, Pomona, ca 1940sSwimming pool, Pine Trees Motel, Hastings Street, Noosa Heads, August 1974Northern side of Mudjimba Beach, 15 November 1966Aerial view, Sunshine Beach, 10 February 2005Waterskiing, Noosa River, Tewantin, 29 August 1971Mayor Clare Stewart, Kerri Contini and Tracey King (l-r), Noosa Libraries mobile library vehicle launch and 50th birthday celebrations, Joe Bazzo Park, Reserve Street, Pomona, 10 June 2023Dorothy, Alan and Richard Dunstan (l-r), Wallace House, Noosaville, January 1932Reg Harris, LG & SR Lennox meat delivery vehicle, Pomona State School 75th anniversary celebrations, 15 November 1972 Collecting sand from 'Coloured Sands' cliffs, Noosa North Shore, 1952Aerial view, Noosa River mouth and Bar, Noosa Heads, 10 September 2003Beach erosion, Noosa Main Beach, Noosa Heads, 1995Aerial view, Teewah Beach community, Noosa North Shore, 1970Grand Parade, Agriculture ShowSpectators, Festival of Waters, Noosa River, Tewantin, 27 August 1972Granite Bay access sign to Winch Cove, Coastal Walk, Noosa National Park, Noosa Heads, 1 August 2023Boiling Pot, Coastal Walk, Noosa National Park, Noosa Heads, 1 August 2023Noosa Heads Hotel MotelBack to Tewantin, Tewantin State School Reunion, Tewantin, 1984 Official opening, Wallace House, Noosaville, 8 June 1993The Big Shell, TewantinCar racing, Sunshine Coast Speedway, Wappa Falls Road, Yandina, 1970sBeach erosion, Noosa Main Beach, Noosa Heads, after cyclone, 29-30 January 1967 Kayaking, Noosa River, October 1981Skeleton costume, Fancy Dress Ball, Tewantin State School, Tewantin, 1952Campers, Munna Point, Noosaville, ca 1940s

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Proudly supported by Noosa Council Heritage Levy