Stir fry noodle

Hello Everyone

In food tech, we cooked a dish that is with a lot combination of vegetables and sauces which is stir fry noodles, the vegetables we have used are

  • Onions-Dice
  • Carrots-Julience Strips
  • Broccoli-Florets
  • Capsicum-Strips

But before we cooked and doing the cooking we had to start by doing the basic things like

  • tying up your hair
  • washing your hands
  • clean the table
  • aprons on
  • Mise en place(Gathering food and equipment)

In the end, I ate my dish overall it was really good, it has a lot of flavour from the sauce and refreshing vegetables with onions and broccoli. Here are some pros and cons of what my team said

  • Good cause amount
  • Noodles Cook
  • Chicken yummy in my tummy





Hello Everyone

In English we had to choose between books or devices, we have given these options because of what platform is best to work in my opinion. I choose devices because they are more compatible, easier, faster, and easier to write with our Chromebooks. I would rather not have books because I am terrible at handwriting and when I write it normally my hands hurt and cause me to not write anymore. plus devices are starting to take over writing because of devices and new technology. Another question my teacher gave me is do teacher sites help me with my learning? In my opinion, I think it is useful since I can easily access and see today’s lessons, we can go through the teacher’s sites if we need to review our previous lesson to memorise and refresh our memories. so yes I think we should use devices for our learning instead of books also I think that teacher sites our useful since it is compatible.

Term 3 Week 1 Assembly

Hello Everyone

In Assembly, our dean Miss Taylor was talking about what was going to happen in Term 3 and what the expectations were for this week, the first this term some people have a chance to do the CAA exam again for the people, who did not pass the CAA exam in term 2, the results didn’t come back due it is still marking. then we have to choose our options for next year for year 11. The exceptions the to follow the CARR values to our learning.




Science Land Yacht Assessment

Hello everyone

In science, we had to build a land yacht for our assessment blog and calculate how we could go fast over time. Our aim is to create a land yacht which can travel the greatest distance we can in a short period. The equipment we used was paper, tape and bamboo to create my group’s yacht. We used the paper for the sails of our yacht and used bamboo to hold the paper in place making a sail-like yacht. Then we used tape to hold the bamboo and paper in place so it wouldn’t fall off and it could be stable while being blown by the leaf blower.

In our group, while doing the yacht, we had someone time our results and we got around 9.41 seconds the distance is around 5.9 Meters and our Volcitry is 0.55ms-1, we used the formula to caudate the Velocity by V=D/T Which stands for velocity equals distance and time.


The 4 forces we used for our yacht are, the first force is gravity, gravity makes the object stay in the ground so it doesn’t float anywhere. second is thrust, which makes the yacht faster and speeds it up, third is drag, drawing is pulling the yacht so it can slow down and the fourth is support, support makes the object lift up, if there’s no support force then the yacht have would have gone down and there will be more gravity force then support force. Forces can be balanced and unbalanced depending on how much force is applied from the yacht, we measured balance and forces by Newton’s short “N”.For say if the newtons are balanced by 50 newtons from the left and 50 newtons on the right, the newtons will be balanced in place, but if one of the newtons drops or increases, it will be unbalanced. from our yacht, we had a balanced force due to gravity, thrust, drag support and the amount of force applied, if it’s an unbalanced force the yacht will fall down making an unbalanced force. What I think about the class results was pretty amazing, some people had different results from our yacht like going below our results and high.

Net forces are all forces summed up together, it shows how we measure forces and how many forces are together equally creating an unbalanced force or balanced force named by the famous scientist Sir Issac Newton since there’s a connection to his last name. people use Newton’s last name since Issac uses the unit Newton a lot.

Some people had different results of different sizes, different materials, different layouts and how it got done. Some people get different results is how they start the leafblower, when the leaf blower is close to the wind racer, there is so much thrust force that the wind racer might fall or break apart, but some people are clever and decide to go far first creating a slow start and not making the wind racer fall down.

In conclusion, my group has learned what to do next time, we had started a bit far so our yacht could be fast enough to reach our standard. But it can go faster by going a bit closer this time but not to the point that it will fall off. Also, we could change instead to paper, we could use plastic bags to hold some wind resistance and also the paper is really easy to fall off. We also learned that we measured our speed and distance, what forces we used in our yacht, what improvements we could’ve made, what is Newton and what we used for our land yacht.


Term 2 Guitar Lesson

Hello everyone

In music this term we had a student teacher us this term. I learned about guitar about also of things like teaching chords, what different chords to play and how we play the guitar. Do read Guitar chords there are different letters for each chord. Here are some examples like ABCDEFG, which is the normal guitar chords to play, it also plays different tones and different pitches. For this term, I have now learnt how to play “I Gotta Feeling” by Black Eyed Peas, that’s the only song that I know how to play guitar on. I have learned a lot of things but being specific this is what I learned in term 2 music.

  • Reading the notes and rests

Rests is a note that you don’t play and beats that you have to play

  • Time Signatures

Time Signatures is how many beats you play in one note

  • Sharps and flats

The chord is a high note or a low note or the word sharp of flat

  • Clefs

There are 2 types of clefs, the bass clef and the treble clef, the bass clef do lower and deeper notes while treble clef goes higher notes

Read Theory Task

Hello everyone

In English, we did this thing called “Read theory” For today’s score I got 82%. The reason why I got 82% is that I made one mistake in one of the questions, it was my mistake since first I didn’t read the question properly, and second I mistakenly chose the wrong answer. I have learned from my mistake by trying to read the question really carefully and answering it with my own choice

Guitar Reflection

Hello everyone

In music, we have learned about learning guitar chords. We have to Learn about different chords and what it does. A chord is a music chord so you can learn what to play on a specific instrument or note. Chords can be in symbols and letters, the popular chords’ names are called Marjor and Miner. In music, we also know this specific letter to play different notes, There is 1 named EGBDF which means ” Every Good Bou Deserves Fruit” and the other note name is called “Face”.

Term 2 P.E

Hello everyone

In P.E. we played 2 sports, one was touched and 1 was football, I mainly like football because is it easy and pretty fun in my opinion we did this for about 5 weeks and boys and girls were split into 1 this blog, I am going to tell you about my journey in term 2 PE. In this term I chose 1 skill to learn about, I learned about passing the ball to my teammates, it was really hard for me but I accomplished my goal so I know how to pass. In football and touch, I learned 3 things, 1 try to use or kick the ball correctly so I can get good results, 2 try to communicate with my teammate and opponent so I can have a better understanding of the game. 3 try to use my CARR value so I can pass PE.How I showed respect to others by showing people that I am trying and try to treat my opponents fair. we need to show resilience when we do good or bad because we will have to try even if we are doing good or bad.

Term 2 English

Hello everyone

In English, we have been practising for the “CAA” test. we have been reading paragraphs, and sentences and keeping an eye on the main point of sentences so we can improve our English and be ready for the CAA. We had Miss Tozer a relief teacher helping us to improve our reading and grammar. We read something in a story and answered questions to improve our reading comprehension, we also enhanced our spelling, how we did it is our teacher gave us 3 words the same words as each other but 2 of them were spelt wrong and one spelt correctly. This really helps me with spelling and vocabulary so I can spell properly in the English writing exam.

The story that we have read with Miss Tozer is a story called “He-y Come on Ou-t!”.It is the story of a Thaiifoon who was destroying a village then one day a big massive deep hole came out in the hole.

To be honest, this kind of helps me, I want to improve my spelling and my writing more because I have auto-correct which is a bad habit for me, but I think I need more studying for it but I think I will be fine.


Issac Newton Research

Hello everyone

In science, we are learning physics and we have a task to research Isaac Newton.

His Full name is “Issac Newton” but he is normally known as “Sir Issac Newton” Since he made major achievements in his life, he got a new title from the queen named Sir after his name. Issac was born on January 4 in England Woolsthorpe Lincolnshire 1643 and died on March 31 1127 from Mercury Poisoning. Issac Newton studied at this place called “Trinity College, Cambridge” in 1661 and studied in his college. He learned and studied Mathematics, physics and astronomy and he is also famous for “The Apple Incident” which an apple fell nearby and got an idea for “gravity”.An interesting fact about him is that the apple never fell on his head, instead, it fell near him.