Hello everyone
In science, we had to build a land yacht for our assessment blog and calculate how we could go fast over time. Our aim is to create a land yacht which can travel the greatest distance we can in a short period. The equipment we used was paper, tape and bamboo to create my group’s yacht. We used the paper for the sails of our yacht and used bamboo to hold the paper in place making a sail-like yacht. Then we used tape to hold the bamboo and paper in place so it wouldn’t fall off and it could be stable while being blown by the leaf blower.
In our group, while doing the yacht, we had someone time our results and we got around 9.41 seconds the distance is around 5.9 Meters and our Volcitry is 0.55ms-1, we used the formula to caudate the Velocity by V=D/T Which stands for velocity equals distance and time.

The 4 forces we used for our yacht are, the first force is gravity, gravity makes the object stay in the ground so it doesn’t float anywhere. second is thrust, which makes the yacht faster and speeds it up, third is drag, drawing is pulling the yacht so it can slow down and the fourth is support, support makes the object lift up, if there’s no support force then the yacht have would have gone down and there will be more gravity force then support force. Forces can be balanced and unbalanced depending on how much force is applied from the yacht, we measured balance and forces by Newton’s short “N”.For say if the newtons are balanced by 50 newtons from the left and 50 newtons on the right, the newtons will be balanced in place, but if one of the newtons drops or increases, it will be unbalanced. from our yacht, we had a balanced force due to gravity, thrust, drag support and the amount of force applied, if it’s an unbalanced force the yacht will fall down making an unbalanced force. What I think about the class results was pretty amazing, some people had different results from our yacht like going below our results and high.
Net forces are all forces summed up together, it shows how we measure forces and how many forces are together equally creating an unbalanced force or balanced force named by the famous scientist Sir Issac Newton since there’s a connection to his last name. people use Newton’s last name since Issac uses the unit Newton a lot.
Some people had different results of different sizes, different materials, different layouts and how it got done. Some people get different results is how they start the leafblower, when the leaf blower is close to the wind racer, there is so much thrust force that the wind racer might fall or break apart, but some people are clever and decide to go far first creating a slow start and not making the wind racer fall down.
In conclusion, my group has learned what to do next time, we had started a bit far so our yacht could be fast enough to reach our standard. But it can go faster by going a bit closer this time but not to the point that it will fall off. Also, we could change instead to paper, we could use plastic bags to hold some wind resistance and also the paper is really easy to fall off. We also learned that we measured our speed and distance, what forces we used in our yacht, what improvements we could’ve made, what is Newton and what we used for our land yacht.