The picture above
Hawki, Gail, Pauline, Joy, Winnie, Joann, Chris, Jean, Kathy, Mary, Sue & Joann
The picture above features:
Hawki, Sharyn, Kathy, Cha, Betti. (Alias: Sharon Mattson, Sharon Douville, Kathleen Andria, Margaret Chacich, Betty Lindsay).
The picture above right
features Bonnie Jetty. Click here to read a memorial story with many old high school pictures. (The picture
above also shows Kathy Warner & Pauline Taylor to the left of Bonnie).
Welcome to the Hibbing High web site
featuring the Class of 1961!
Watch for our 65th reunion in july, 2026. Sign Up Here
Class of '61 - It's your 80th Birthday Party
Come Join you classmates on June 24th, 2023 Checco's Tavern in Hibbing6pm - 9pm+
No cover charge/admission Click here for details
The 50th Year Reunion
for the Class of 1961
July 15 - 17, 2011
Was a Blast! Click for Details & Photos
The 53rd Reunion
was July 7-13,2 014
part of the all class reunion. Click here for photos.
For some great Hibbing history with photos, go to
Hibbing Trivia and Lore page on Facebook Click here and join the discussion
Flip through the original Hi-Times
Click Here for all the copies from 1955 - 1961
on the Blue, underlined web links
Letters From Classmates
Communications and photos received
(updated Oct. 3rd, 2017 with
email from Martin Horsted)
Class of 1961 List
A listing of all the members of the class of 1961. Even ones who didn't graduate.
(updated 3-18-20)
Bonnie Jetty Memorial Story
Dedicated to all the deceased members of the class of 1961. Interspersed
with many old photos of the way we were.
(April 2008 - Click here to read email about Bonnie's grandkids)
of 1961 Elementary School Stuff
Kindergarten pictures and class list, first grade class list, and other news items from 1948 to 1955.
(Updated 8-22-18)
TV Report on Hibbing High 3 1/2 minute quick tour from 2013 featuring the auditorium. Click here.
Iron Mining Industry on the range - late 40's. Video Clip.
Robert J. Thiel
12:56am Dec 7
I was reading a bit tonight about Fleetwood Mac- an article in Rolling Stone about Stevie Nicks and Mick Fleetwood by Greil Marcus. Marcus is a San Francisco-born author, social critic and pop culture historian. He himself went to the same high school from which Nicks and Fleetwood graduated. Marcus recalls in an essay a comparison of his high-class high school to our own Hibbing High after he visited in 2007=
"Menlo-Atherton High was a sleek, modern plant: one story, flat roofs, huge banks of windows in every classroom, lawns everywhere, and three parking lots, one reserved strictly for members of the senior class. The school produced Olympic swimmers in the early 60s; a few years later Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks would graduate and, a few years after that, make Fleetwood Mac the biggest band in the world. The school sparkled with suburban money, rock ‘n’ roll cool, surfer swagger, and San Francisco ambition—and compared to Hibbing High School it was a shack. “I know Hibbing,” Harry Truman said in 1947, when he was introduced to Hibbing’s John Galob, the National Commander of Disabled American Veterans. “That’s where the high school has gold door knobs.”
Outside of Washington, D.C., it’s the most impressive public building I’ve ever seen. In aerial photographs, it’s a colossus: four stories, 93 feet high, with wings 180 feet long flying out from a 416-foot front. From the ground it is more than anything a monument to benign authority, a giant hand welcoming the town, all of its generations, into a cave where the treasure is buried, all the knowledge of mankind. It speaks for the community, for its faith in education, not only as a road to success, to wealth and security, reputation and honor, but as a good in itself. This town, the building says, will have the best school in the world."
An outsider's unjaded view sometimes helps to validate one's own vein opinion of our "Castle in the Woods".
Hibbing, Minnesota
This web site is a repository for pictures, stories,
memorabilia and remembrances of the Hibbing High School featuring the Class of 1961.
of you that know me understand that I collect and save lots of �stuff�.
It�s not too surprising that I still have a lot of �stuff� related to the
class of 1961. This web site is my way of sharing it with everyone else.
I hope
you enjoy our history as much as I do. I�ll continue to share what I have
collected until it�s all here or I�m not.
If you
have additional pictures or information for this website, please email me
at [email protected]
or mail to:
Web Site Host & Administrator:
Dennis Odin Johnson
37955 Bridge Road
North Branch, MN. 55056