Is the power of crystals & quartz energy a scam?
No way! How will I prove that to you?
By throwing some science at it, of course!
Quartz is amazing in so many ways.
It makes up some of our very favorite crystals to work with:
- clear quartz
- amethyst
- citrine
- smokey quartz
- rose quartz
- aventurine
- jaspers
- ….I could go on & on
What’s so special about it?
OK, really quick we’re going to dip into some physics here. But I’ll make it painless…I swear.
Oh, c’mon…it’s not that bad.
So a wee bit ago (in the year 1880) in a Paris lab, physicist brothers Jacques & Pierre Curie (husband to Marie) made a new discovery regarding quartz crystals.
Together they found that by wiring a quartz crystal to a recording meter & striking it, they could produce an electric signal. Whoa!
Then they found that squeezing it resulted in the same. Wait! A rock crystal was making electricity here?
Well, not really making it. Crystals cannot create or generate energy, despite that popular name given to quartz crystals of a certain rare shape & size: “Generators”. But, some crystals can serve as transducers.
So what the flip is a transducer???
A transducer is capable of transforming one form of energy into another…rather than generating it
In this case we’re talking about transducing mechanical energy into electrical energy. Or vice versa: an electric current into a mechanical force. A wee bit ‘o physics. Ya with me so far?
So, what I’ve just described & what the Pierre bro’s discovered is known as: piezoelectricity. And it’s 1 super-geeky reason why quartz is so scientifically magical!
It means that quartz produces a voltage when pressured in some way. An electric charge actually builds up in the quartz as a reaction to the stress.
In fact, some scientists think that “ball lightning” may be the result of electrified gas in our atmosphere from quartz-bearing rocks being subjected to tectonic stress & pressure from Mama Earth moving her crustal plates around, like granite. How cool is that?
Great Balls of Lightning!
![By Joe Thomissen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons](
How does Quartz do this shizzle?
Let me show you.
Quartz is able to conduct an electrical charge b/c of its precise crystalline nature. Because of this, it vibrates at a very specific frequency making it ideal for use in watches & other technologies.
The next question I often get from my students is:
“What frequency is quartz crystal? I heard it was ‘High Frequency’.”
And my answer is…
From a scientific point of view, that’s the wrong way to look at it. See, a particular quartz crystal’s resonant frequency depends on many variables such as:
- its particular size
- shape
- flexibility
- unique crystalline structure
- the speed of sound of the material
- or even the environment that’s it’s in at the time
Yeah, I know! Not so simple.
So this piezoelectric thing was a HUGE discovery for the Pierre Bro’s & gave quartz crystal a whole new importance…while validating what the metaphysical community had inherently known since ancient times, but didn’t have the relatively new science to back it up! BTW, that’s the whole premise of my crystal courses…science backing up & giving confidence to our crystal healing & therapy practices.
Today, piezoelectricity is commonly used in our modern technology in so many ways. (Since I fear losing too many of you with this physics-stuffs, I’ll just link to examples if you care to dig deeper into that.)
Quartz is unique; its flexible yet resistant to temperature-induced expansion & contraction, unlike other materials.
So what?
Well, this makes quartz perfect for use in the accurate mechanics used in things like a watch!
Busting the Fantasy Bubble: Now, I know we’d all like to imagine a mini crystal like this one below lives inside our quartz watch…
But instead, they actually are high quality, high-purity quartz crystals laser-trimmed in a lab into the shape of a tuning fork & vibrate at a very specific frequency. B/c of its piezoelectric property, this teeny quartz tuning fork is manipulated by applying a voltage with this specific vibrational frequency (usually 32,768 Hz) until it entrains & sets…& they look like this…

But, quartz isn’t the only crystal that’s got this cool property!
Crystals that are Piezoelectric
- All quartz
- Berlinite (a rare phosphate mineral)
- All Topaz
- All Tourmaline
- Macedonite (lead titanite)
BTW, I consider quartz, topaz & tourmalines to be some of the most powerful & potent crystals to work with. Now you know why.
So how does all this science help us with Crystal Healing?
Piezoelectric crystals are highly beneficial to our energy fields.
I always teach that we really need to pay attention to our energetic hygiene b/c anything neglected there will eventually become more dense; condensing & manifesting in our physical bodies.
In my Hibiscus Moon Method, I teach a very specific technique in detail that allows our Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healers to tap into all the power inherent in this pyroelectric property…and I teach you more on the physics behind why it works.
Just to quickly explain, the piezoelectric property of quartz allows us to tap into the body’s polarity. We also couple it with other properties & involve the transducing aspect to play a big role in crystal therapy. Pretty cool, huh?
BTW, quartz also has some other cool physics properties like pyroelectricity & triboluminesence, but I think I’ll hold over to see how this blog post goes over before I dive into those aspects.
So please let me know if this blog helped you to learn a bit more about the science behind crystal healing in the comments below…or if it sent you running for the hills, let me know that too!
Crystal Blessings,
P.S. If this sort of thing appeals to you & you’d like to go way deeper in your crystal practice, I teach all about this & so much more in my Certified Crystal Healer Course. We’ll be enrolling again for our fall term very soon. You can get on the Wait List here.
I appreciate the work you put into your post. But it has not helped me understand how quartz is beneficial to us, espeicalyl in relation to EMF protection. Okay phsyical pressure on it creates an electrical field. What does this have to do with our health or emf protection? I don’t see any conneciton, in fact i would say (i amy be wrong) but i would expect a negative rather than positive for us.
I’d really appreciate more clarity.
That is because Quartz doesn’t block emf at all. It is an amplifier. It’s a common misconception that quartz blocks emf. I like to use pyrite and shungite for emf protection myself.
Interesting article. I must admit though I want to know all the nitty gritty of crystals, there is so much information to grasp. Not so sure I could explain the whole concept to someone else.
Where is your source regarding piezoelectricity and “ball lightning”
Thanks for explaining the power of what a quartz does when under pressure and its just not a rock. Can’t wait to learn more how it helps us and how if we can put a crystal quartz under extreme pressure with the palm of our hands.
Well, that was a lot to take in. Not sure I understand, however, I have a few quartz crystals that I do feel energy from them while in my hand. Looking forward to learning and understanding piezoelectricity. Thank you!
I almost forgot how much I love science. Almost! I’m totally picking up what you’re putting down here. This Ohmwork is for sure whetting my appetite for more. Moaaaar!
To be honest I am not sure i understand how Quartz being able to change from mechanical to voltage power is going to help my quartz crystal for healing and protection against negative energies, or in the course.
Please help me understand 🙂
I really enjoyed this blog and would love to go further on the pyroelectricity and triboluminesence. Looking forward starting classes on the 16th!❤️
Wow! That was a lot to take in; however, how does that affect us?
Nothing short of awesome, as usual! Looking forward to more of the same and going deeper…no one gets into it like you! Loving it all…keep it coming!
Love digging into the science behind quartz crystals. The watch tuning fork is amazing and so interesting. I’ve had a few crystals all my life but never really learned the why’s and how’s. So excited to be in your upcoming class and learn more. I hope I will be able to follow the science. Does look a little overwhelming. But I’m game!!!! See you on the 16th.
My mind is applying everything you just explained, and I am in awe. So excited to have opened this door of learning with you, Hibiscus Moon!
I would like to know the action radius of a Rose quartz. I know it would depend on the size of the quartz. I have the same question regarding the clear quartz and Topaz.
So how does this energy get released without pressure?
Very interesting and I’m not at all a science kinky. Oh but I see myself talking all this talk because you are teaching me how to manifest the picture in my head of what I knew to be there and out for others to see.
Lol! Meant to type junky. My autocorrect.
Absolutely love this article, very, very, clear explanations to everything discussed, really peaked my interest.
VERY informative ????????
I enjoyed this article. Thank you! I really like how you go into the physics of crystals. There are a couple of places in which you refer to the “Pierre brothers”, but what you meant to say was “Curie brothers”. You may want to correct that so it isn’t confusing.
This was fascinating! I always wondered how quartz crystal was used in watches, so thank you for that explanation and the picture. The science of it all wasn’t daunting at all! Makes me look forward to the HMCA Crystal Practitioner Certification course I finally signed up for! Thank you for all the great information – I could have read all about the pyroelectricity & triboluminesence too. 🙂
This is how my brain works!!! Always needing the whys and hows. Thank you, this makes complete sense to me. Definitely gonna look up pyroelectricity and triboluminesence.
Interesting article. I must admit though I want to know all the nitty gritty of crystals, there is so much information to grasp. Not so sure I could explain the whole concept to someone else.
Thank you… I love the way you explain. My hubby (the engineer) helped explain some of my vibrational medicine required reading just 2 paragraphs in! That is how I see you and your explanations. You take the ‘big stuff’ and make it simple. Thank you. I am enjoying my course.
Fascinating thank you!
Thank you for the awesome breakdown of how very important quartz and crystals are! You have made this information so fun and interesting. I am so looking forward in this crystal class! My heart is so full! Thank you!
[…] piezoelectric […]
Very interesting and informative.
You should check your information on the electricity and quartz !
It was really amazing👍😍