If you are looking for tradie-specific FAQs, please click here.
  • 01Manage/posting job

    Visit hipages.com.au and click Get Quotes. Fill out the form with as much information as you can. You can also add photos showing what needs to be done. Usually, the more information we have about the job, the better we can match you with the right businesses. Don’t forget to submit your request.
    First, log in to your account (or launch the hipages app on your phone). Select Contact Support and add the details you want to update. Our Support team will do the rest for you.
    You have two options. Here’s the easy way: - Log in to your account (or launch the hipages app on your phone). Next, select Contact Support and click the paper clip/camera icon. Our support team can post up to 5 photos to your job, but you can send all the photos you want to businesses responding to your job request. - Tip: Make sure all files are within the 10MB limit. They should also be in standard image types (JPEG/GIF/BMP/PNG). And here's the very easy way: - Just email the photos to support@hipages.com.au and we’ll add them for you.
    When posting a job, it’s best to include a full description of what needs to be done. If applicable, please also provide an approximate measurement, preferred materials, and photos. The more details you can provide, the better we can match you with the right businesses.
    It’s important to choose a single category for your job. If you need help choosing the most suitable category, our support team will be happy to help. Just log in to your account (or launch the hipages app on your phone) and click Contact Support. It may also help to browse our category list.
    hipages.com.au offers a free Get Quotes service that lets users post a job and get in touch with up to three local businesses. Businesses that charge a call-out fee for their time preparing a quote should disclose this before you engage them to quote.
    Your contact details will only be shared to businesses that accept your job invitation. If someone who isn’t on the list of hipages connected businesses contacts you, please don’t respond. Reach out to us through the hipages Message Centre with the details.
    You can, but we suggest you contact us first to avoid job duplication. Posting jobs under the same category will only invite the same set of businesses. If you need more help with this, contact us through the hipages Message Centre.
    Businesses usually respond within 24 hours. Once a business connects with you, you can also call them or send a message through the hipages Message Centre.
    While we can’t connect you exclusively with 5-star businesses, you can always state that you only want 5-star tradies to accept your job. You can also review the star ratings of your three businesses once you've connected with them. To find the 5-star tradies in your area, you can always browse our directory.
    While we do our best to connect you with up to three tradies, from time to time they may be unable to take on your job. If this happens, we recommend browsing the hipages directory and reaching out directly to local tradies.
    Yes, you can reconnect with the business you previously hired, as long as they still have an active listing. You can find them by checking on your Jobs Posted or through the Message Centre.
    They won’t be notified by us, but you can let them know by sending a message through the hipages Message Centre.
    You have the option to notify the other businesses once you hire someone. Once you click the Hire button, you’ll see a prompt asking if you’d like to let other businesses know. Just choose Notify I’ve hired.
    When you post a job, the budget in the questionnaire is only used internally. We don’t share it with the businesses when invites are sent out. However, if you have a specific amount in mind that you’d like to share, include it in the job description and the businesses will see it.
    Contact your connected businesses through the hipages Message Centre, using the app or website. You can also contact the businesses directly by phone or email.
    Once you’ve hired a hipages business, mark them as Hired (using the app or website) and close the job. Once the job is done, can also leave feedback. If you hired someone outside hipages, simply close the job.
    View your jobs by logging into your account using the app or website. Go to Jobs then choose which job you’d like to view, either Current or Past. For more help, contact us through the hipages Message Centre.
  • 02Close Job

    There are two different ways to do this, depending how you access hipages: - Using the web portal, log in to your account, go to My Jobs and find the job you want to close. Click In Progress (to the right of the job) and select Close Job in the drop-down menu. - On the hipages app, select the My Jobs tab, go to the Open Jobs tab and find the job you want to close. Tap the three dots to the right of the job and select Close. Confirm by clicking Yes, close my job.
    Once the job is closed, businesses can no longer accept the job invitation.
    You have the option to close the job once completed and leave feedback either using the app, or by logging in to your account at https://hipages.com.au/login. For more help, just contact us using the hipages Message Centre.
  • 03Feedback/Star Rating

    To leave feedback, log in to your account and go to Messages. Select the name of the business you hired and click the three dots (found beside their contact number). Next, click Leave Feedback and fill out the survey form.
    Go to My Jobs. Select the job and the business you wish to leave feedback for. Click View Details and then More/3 dots. Choose Leave Feedback.
    To edit your review, log in to your account and go to Messages. Select the business name and click the three dots (found beside their contact number). Next, select Leave Feedback and update the survey form. Your answers will be saved automatically.
    To check recommendations, open the business’ profile page on the hipages website or app. Click the Recommendation tab and it will show their list of recommendations. Some businesses may not have any recommendations yet, especially if they're newly registered.
    This may happen if the business is newly registered with us or if users haven’t provided any recommendations yet.
    The star rating is based on the percentage of positive feedback a tradie receives. We only use feedback where the tradie has been confirmed as hired, so you can be confident it's genuine. Also, only businesses with feedback on at least three confirmed jobs will show a star rating.
    We’re not a review site, and there are other sites that post negative reviews. However, the feedback you share with any tradie you may have hired will affect their star rating. If you’ve had a bad experience, our Trust and Quality Team will be happy to help you. They’ll manage any negative feedback and complaints through our internal mediation process.
    We usually publish your recommendation within 24-48 hours (as soon as our Team has reviewed and verified it).
  • 04Messaging

    Sorry, but you can’t delete messages yet (we’re working on it though). However, you can unsubscribe from our marketing and promotional emails by contacting the Message Centre.
  • 05Unsubscribe

    We keep all jobs for tracking and record purposes, so we can’t delete them for you. However, you can always close a job by logging in to your account.
    We can’t delete accounts at this stage, but if you contact the Message Centre, we can unsubscribe you from our mailing list.
  • 06Complaint

    Once we receive the details, our Trust and Quality team will be on the case. They’ll be in touch within five business days.
    Our Trust and Quality Team manage any negative feedback and complaints through our internal mediation process. If you've had a bad experience, please contact us through the hipages Message Centre and we’ll be happy to help.
  • 07About hipages

    Using the details and contact information provided in your job request, we invite relevant tradies in your area. Each business will quote and explain their charges according to how they operate. That’s why we aim to provide up to three quotes. This way you can compare, get a feel for the market, and review the star ratings and recommendations left by others.
    You can download the hipages Consumer app here: https://hipages.com.au/get-the-app. Enter your mobile number, click on Send Link, and you’ll receive a download link to your mobile. You can also find the hipages Consumer app on Google Play or Apple Store.
    View our full terms here: www.hipages.com.au/terms
    We do our best to invite businesses based on your location. Our initial invitations go to businesses within a 30km radius of your suburb and postcode. If there aren’t enough responses from the initial invitation, we’ll adjust it to 100km radius.
    hipages.com.au is a free quote service, and we don’t get any commission on jobs posted by consumers. Businesses listed with us pay a monthly subscription fee to cover our services and any job leads they accept.
    Yes, we check the ABN and licence details (where required) for all businesses that sign up with us. While we verify any required licences when tradies join our platform, licences can expire or become invalid for many reasons. So before hiring any tradie, we recommend that you check their licence to make sure it’s current, covers the actual business you’re dealing with, and is appropriate for the value and type of work you require. Also, remember that some tradies have multiple employees and subcontractors. It’s important to check the licence of all tradies working on your job.
    The businesses listed with us pay a monthly subscription fee that covers our services, and the job leads that they accept.
    We operate Australia wide.
    Yes, a lot of tradies work with the NDIS. To connect with one, please state that it's an NDIS job in your description.
  • 08App

    Absolutely. The hipages app is free to download. This gives homeowners the convenience of posting jobs on the go, managing jobs, communicating with tradies, and accessing hipages support. You can download the hipages Consumer app here: https://hipages.com.au/get-the-app
    We recommend first going to the App Store to make sure you're using the most recent version. If you’re still having problems, please take a screenshot and send the details to the hipages Support Team using the hipages Message Centre or by sending an email to support@hipages.com.au
    On the app's landing page, click Forgot Password? and you’ll receive an email with instructions to reset your password.
  • 09About Tradies

    Businesses that advertise with hipages operate independently. That means the requirement to hold appropriate ABNs, licences and insurance lies solely with them. We do our best to see that tradies only carry out work they're licensed for, in line with state and national requirements. However, insurance isn't mandatory across the board, so providing insurance information is the business’ responsibility. We encourage homeowners to ensure a business is properly qualified before hiring them. And please let us know if a business doesn't meet your needs and requirements. We’ll be happy to help connect you with more suitable businesses.
    When a business signs up at hipages.com.au, we provide them with a profile page that has all the relevant details and information relating to their services. We also verify their ABN and licensing information (if it’s required to advertise in that trade). However, it’s up to each business to make sure these details are current and relevant to their trade and state (Building Licenses, Plumbing, Electrical, etc). If a business has listed these details, you can see them on their profile page. You can view our full terms and conditions at http://www.hipages.com.au/terms
    Log in to your account using the app or website. Go to Jobs and choose Current. You’ll see the list of connected businesses that showed interest. If you need more help with this, just contact us through the hipages Message Centre.
    If a business that contacts you isn't listed in the connected businesses on your job, please cease contact with them immediately. Contact hipages on the Message Centre and we’ll investigate.
    At hipages we simply post your job and invite local businesses who can help you. The quote and explanation of the charges will depend on the businesses. That’s why we aim to provide up to three quotes. It lets you compare, get a feel for the market, have some options, and review the recommendations left by others. If you have questions about a quote, it’s best to query this directly to the business. You’re never obliged to go ahead with a business if you're unhappy with their quote.
    While hipages connects you with tradies, we don't provide invoicing or payment terms. We recommend asking the business about this directly. Tip: It’s always best to ask for a written quote. Make sure it itemises the cost of labour, cost of materials, taxes, and other fees and charges. That way, when you and the tradie agree to the cost, it’s final and you have documentation to prove it.
  • 10Tradie Sign up

    First, thanks for your interest. Please fill out this form to list your business and get jobs. When we have your details, our team will be in touch to explain your membership options and answer any questions. You can also call us on (02) 8396 1397 Mon - Fri: 9am - 5:30pm (AEST). We look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • 11Partnership

    To partner with us, just fill out this form and our Partnerships Manager will be in touch.
    hipages helps some of the biggest brands in Australia find quality tradies. Our partners include IKEA, Ray White, realstate.com.au, HIA, Bunnings and the NSW Department of Education. For more information about our partners, visit https://hipagesgroup.com.au/our-partners/
  • 12Edit your details

    If you’re using a web browser to update your profile, visit https://hipages.com.au/account/edit. You can also use the hipages Message Centre to send your new details to the hipages Support Team.
  • 13General Platform Usage

    Go to https://hipages.com.au/login and click on Forgot your Password. Enter the email address you registered with hipages and click Send. You’ll receive an email with instructions to reset your password.
    Please remember that hipages doesn’t necessarily recommend the businesses that advertise in the directory. While we connect consumers with tradies, the decision to hire a business is yours. If you don't feel that a business is the right fit for you and your job, there’s no obligation to hire them.
    To use our portal, go to www.hipages.com.au and click Sign In (at the upper right corner of the page). Then, either Continue with Facebook or sign in with your email address and password. You can also log into the hipages app with your registered email address
  • 14COVID

    Some tradies listed with us list their COVID-19 vaccination status on their profile page. Many others are vaccinated but may not display this badge. While we recommend that all businesses listed with us have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place, it’s a good idea to discuss this directly with the tradie you connect with if you have any concerns.
  • 15Payments

    It’s best to discuss which payment method to use with the business you hire. Tradies who have set up an account for hipages Payments can send payment requests to their customers by SMS or QR code.
    The deposit amount depends on your agreement with the business. The Domestic Building Contracts (DBC) Act of 2000 governs payments and deposits for building projects, providing guidance for consumers and contractors alike. According to this Act, smaller contracts ($3,500 to $20,000) shouldn’t incur deposits more than 10%, inclusive of labour and materials. Projects over $20,000 require a 5% deposit. Deposits can be negotiated for works costing less than $3,500. There are also state-specific regulations governing contracts. It’s best to coordinate with your local government body to get more details about this. We have more information about this on our website.