John Salley’s Explosive Interview!!!

John Salley’s Explosive Interview. Does John really have a valid point? Who bares the responsibility in interviews?
John Speaks About Vlad TV & Feds
John Salley’s Explosive Interview. In a very revealing interview basketball legend John Salley speaks. What John had to say about Vlad TV and the Feds was interesting.
Especially, since there have been a lot of controversy with this issue. Does Vlad TV exposes rappers criminal activity to the Feds?
According to John Salley, no matter what we do it is known by the government. And, I totally agree with John. Of course, there are some people who would beg to differ.
Why would some rapper glorify gang activity? As a matter of fact, some rappers sing about their involvement in criminal activity.
Could this be why rappers are going to jail? Because they get on TV and brag. Therefore, putting the spot light on them. Or does Vlad TV work with Feds to set up rappers?
Be that as it may, John addressed the issue during his interview with hosts O’God and SamAnt. Not to mention, John pointed out the obvious, which is the government is always watching.
Just take a look at your devices. In my opinion, everything we do is being tracked. Furthermore, it is foolish for rappers to believe they can get away with crime.
Nevertheless, some rappers blame Vlad TV for exploiting them. However, John quickly points out that is not the case. You don’t have to reveal anything you don’t want known in an interview.
Then people can only speculate whether you are involved in any sort of criminal activity. Just say no. Isn’t that what we have been taught?
By the same token, just don’t get involved with gangs and selling drugs. Then you won’t have to worry about being exposed.
Check out the video above for more details.
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