Unless you live in some remote part of the world with terrible Internet service, chances are you’ve seen the Michael Jordan crying meme in all of its nearly infinite manifestations. The photographer behind the infamous photo and still potent meme source has been revealed.
Uproxx reports:
The Wall Street Journal (subscription only) tracked down Stephan Savoia, a photographer for the Associated Press who snapped the image of a crying Michael Jordan that infects Twitter after the conclusion of just about every sporting event on a given day. Savoia said it was news to him that the Crying Jordan image, which has become the meme of record since September, was the one he took when Jordan was weeping at his 2009 Hall of Fame ceremony.
The story doesn’t detail much about Savoia and the psychological toll learning Crying Jordan is his fault has taken on him. Has he locked himself in a hotel room away from his family? Has he begun to question his purpose in life and whether he should give up photography? In what would be the greatest of internet meme irony possible, has his wife left him?
Since Savoia only learned of this phenomenon a week ago, it’s fair to say he probably doesn’t care that the same joke has been made regularly for nearly five months about a picture he took seven years ago.
Best believe that after this weekend’s Super Bowl event, the Michael Jordan crying meme will be in heavy use once more.
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