By Noah Parks

There is this great job. It requires you to be whip smart, on the ball, and ready to serve. It also is a lot easier if you can smile with your eyes (because…masks). It’s not something you want to do as a kid but, by 33 (my age) it’s a job you ponder as you make student loan payments. Ambassador.  Brand ambassador. Celebrity ambassador. Ambassador to the UN. There are a lot of ambassadors. But, now there’s a new one: Wellness Ambassador.  HMG+ has developed this new role to meet the moment we’re in.

Ben Franklin was drumming up support for American independence in Paris, Rihanna was selling perfume, the university liaison checking in on students during finals, and HMG+ is going to make sure daily operations and events are safe. After months of discussion and development I can start to think about beginning my life as an ambassador! The lobby, the reception desk, cafeterias, large private dining rooms, conferences, conventions will all have people that are eager to engage but require a little assistance from the Wellness Ambassador to keep those people and places safe.  

I’ve been enjoying the progress the state has made in reopening as much as the next person but, no one seems to be taking much time to consider the potential spread going on. Everywhere I look I see chin guards, folks standing shoulder to shoulder, and I hate to say it, but men that leave the restroom without even glancing at the sink.

The goal of the Ambassador is not to create rigid rules or to enforce regulations, but rather to offer the security of a professional to safely guide workplace and event interactions. There is no guarantee that following every single rule or line of guidance will protect every individual all the time. With the aid of the Ambassador all clients will be able to strive for a healthy and safe workplace.  

The Wellness Ambassador is responsible for maintaining the health and wellbeing of individuals while in a work environment. This may be as simple as reminding guests/clients to remain six feet apart or offering hand sanitizer. This may also include providing information about best practices at the office and during events to keep folks as safe as possible from spreading or being infected with COVID-19.  They are also a point person for other hospitality staff when questions regarding COVID-19 specific issues arise. They can direct staff and clients effectively to ensure the safety of both. It’s a role destined to be fulfilled by affable, intelligent, HMG+ service professionals.  

HMG+ is building based on what is known right now for the future. And while the unknowns seem large and looming, the Wellness Ambassador is grounded in what we can do to keep people safe. It’s a refined and soft edge solution to the messy situation we find ourselves in. A reassurance that it’s okay to enjoy work or an event as long as you’re adhering to the guidelines and protocols of the client, business, and CDC. I’m probably not going to get a nice parking spot or a library named after me for helping promote proper COVID-19 etiquette and personal wellness. That’s fine with me because at the end of the day the reason I do my work is to build community and bring people together. Safely.  



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