A Message from Our Executive Director
Dr. Octavio N. Martinez, Jr.

We are now two years into the COVID-pandemic. Our work over the past year has been strongly devoted to charting emerging trends as we look ahead to a world permanently changed by the pandemic.
This is especially true for our children and youth. A recent advisory by the U.S. Surgeon General found that youth mental health has suffered across a range of indicators during the pandemic, including rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts. This gives added urgency to the work of grant partners such as Children’s Grief Center of El Paso; or the grant partners that make up our Communities for Children initiative; or the energy of the extraordinary young people we met during the last Young Minds Matter conference. Children’s mental health isn’t a new concern for us, but the pandemic leaves in its wake a changed environment that we aim to be responsive to.
The Surgeon General’s report is a sign that the struggle for good mental health is being sorely tested by the pandemic. Our mission to understand the underlying conditions that shape mental health at the community level, and to leverage our influence to transform these conditions for the better, has never been more critical. Given this new urgency, it is even more inspiring that our grant partners and staff have stepped up as never before.
This Engagement Report is a high-level snapshot of our many successes from Fiscal Year 2021-2022. As such, it can only serve as a high-level summary of our accomplishments over the past year. As you read through this report, I want you to remember what our communities and grant partners have had to overcome, and the steadfast people behind the scenes who make it all happen.

FAQ Videos
Frequently Asked Questions about Hogg
The Hogg Foundation’s broad and diverse work is not easy to summarize. However, we are guided by fundamental strategy and core values. These videos are an introduction to who we are, our guiding principles, and our vision for Texas.

Texas Impact
Our Reach
As an organization whose mission is to help improve mental health and well-being across Texas, our geographical reach is expansive. We take pride in the fact that our grantees are hard at work transforming mental health in communities across the state, rural and urban.
For an accessible version of the grant and scholarship/fellowship funding data, download the PDF.

Funds Awarded (dollars)
Active Grants
New Grant Partners
Funds Awarded (dollars)
Hogg Foundation Funds Awarded All-time
total awarded funds (dollars)

Stories of Impact
Grant Partner Successes
As we look back at the recent history of the foundation, we shouldn’t overlook our established programs and activities. Some of these reached important milestones over the past year, which are worth celebrating.
Playing for the Future
Play allows children to better express their feelings, thoughts, and experiences than words. In a sense, play therapy is to children what counseling is to adults.
Integrating Mental Health Care in the Medical Setting
The Integrated Behavioral Health Scholars Program at Dell Medical School transforms the medical school experience.
Increasing Census Participation by LGBTQ+ Communities
The success of the Queer the Census campaign strengthened the capacity of the Montrose Center to advocate for Houston’s LGBTQ+ communities.

Pathways for Success
Supporting youth of color during the transition to young adulthood
Grant partners in the Pathways for Success for Transition-Age Youth of Color and Their Families project will develop supportive relationships with young people, work to bolster youth resiliency, and equip them with life skills and tools necessary to live independently as adults.
Pathways for Success Grant Partners
Get to know the new grant partners of the Pathways for Success initiative.

Pride 2022
Celebrating Equity and Inclusion
This past June, the Hogg Foundation embraced Pride Month. It was a moment of solidarity with a community whose mental health and well-being is under threat from a regressive political climate.
Power of Being Out
The health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals goes to the heart of our core values. A large part of each queer person’s journey is coming out, as there is power in being out as one’s true self.
Queer People of Color
As queer people of color face unique intersectional stressors and forms of structural oppression, they have also pioneered unique forms of resilience and community.
Policy Changes and Queer Mental Health
Anti-LGBTQ+ policy and legislation have drawn sharp attention to the lack of social acceptance and legal protection this community continues to face.

Language Matters for Mental Health
A Guide to Inclusive Language
Language matters in mental health. Words we use shape how we see the world–and ourselves. We have a choice in the words we use to describe ourselves, others, and the world around us. This one-pager contains practical advice for a challenging topic.

Policy: Looking Back and Ahead
Change and Reflection
2022 was an eventful year for the Policy Team. We said goodbye to Colleen Horton, our former Director of Policy, and welcomed Alison Mohr Boleware, who now follows in her footsteps.
Lessons Learned on Public Policy
In the spring of 2022, we sat down with retiring policy director Colleen Horton and David Johnson of Grassroots Leadership of Texas to examine the impact of the Mental Health Policy Academy and Policy Fellow Initiative.
Hogg Names New Policy Director
Alison Mohr Boleware was named new Policy Director in March of 2022.

Stephany June Bryan: Bold Spirit of Achievement Scholarship
Tribute to a Trailblazer
Stephany June Bryan was a beloved Senior Program Officer and Consumer & Family Liaison at the foundation for over 12 years, until her untimely passing from COVID-19. She brought much insight, transparency, and humor to the work of the foundation and to everything she touched. Even with her many gifts and contributions, as a life-long learner, Stephany still wanted to complete her college degree. In her honor, the foundation awarded two $5,000 scholarships for education in mental health.

State Hospital Archives Project
Preserving a Landmark Institution
The foundation awarded $260,000 to The University of Texas at Austin for the Austin State Hospital Archives Project. The goal is to assist Austin State Hospital (ASH) in the identification and preservation of the historical documents maintained from its opening in 1857. The project is led by Dr. King Davis, who formerly led the Central State Hospital Archives Project in Virginia, which cataloged and digitized hundreds of thousands documents and photographs for a historically Black psychiatric hospital, as well as addressed how to provide access to an important history while maintaining the privacy of sensitive historical psychiatric records.”.
Award Announcement
The Hogg Foundation recognizes the importance of the archival sciences to its mission. The State Hospital Archives project will help to ensure future access to the records by researchers and the broader public.
HHSC Statement
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is committed to preserving the history of Austin State Hospital. This statement explains the significance of that effort.

Young Minds Matter 2021Project
Healing, Justice, and Connection for Mental Wellbeing
The Hogg Foundation held a free virtual event for people who care about children, youth, families, and caregivers. Like previous Young Minds Matter conferences, the focus was on children, transition-age youth and their caregivers, with an added emphasis on engaging historically excluded and underrepresented groups.
Session Resources
Resources from the conference.
Young Minds Matter: The Healing Future
This post was guest authored by Marissa Howdershelt, who is involved with New Deal for Youth Changemakers’ Healing and Well-being initiative.
Podcast: A New Deal for Youth
What makes a youth changemaker? In this podcast we explore the connection between healing and justice as it relates to youth mental health and well-being.

Year in Review
A Timeline of Highlights
October 2020
Hogg Foundation Executive Director Named to Centers for Disease Control Advisory Committee
In October 2021 our executive director, Dr. Octavio N. Martinez, Jr., is appointed to the Advisory Committee to the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Learn more
Political Determinants of Health
Executive Director of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at the Morehouse School of Medicine and former National Advisory Council Member, Daniel Dawes sat down with foundation staff to discuss his new book, The Political Determinants of Health. Read the Book
November 2021
People, Parks and Power
The Hogg Foundation produces an podcast episode featuring a conversation between Sheila Savannah of Prevention Institute and Kelly Burnett, activation and volunteer manager of Houston Parks Board. The topic was the Healthy Outdoor Communities Initiative. Learn more
January 2022
Dr. Martinez Adds New Role
Martinez accepts an added role as Associate Chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin.
February 2022
Hogg Foundation Addresses Controversy over Social and Emotional Learning Programs
The Hogg Foundation publishes an op-ed defending Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and other mental health programs in schools. Learn more.
Hogg Foundation Launches Pathways for Success
The foundation announces the funding opportunity for the Pathways for Success for Transition-age Youth of Color and Their Families. Learn more
March 2021
Healthy Minds
The foundation awards $50,000 to 10 organizations for African American mental health and well-being. Learn more
Hogg Names New Policy Director
The Hogg Foundation named Alison Mohr Boleware as its new Director of Policy. She fills the role formerly held by Colleen Horton, who retired in February. Learn more
April 2022
Hogg at Austin Archives Bazaar
Elizabeth Stauber, foundation Archivist and Records Manager, discusses the Hogg Archives at the Austin Archives Bazaar. Learn more
Dr. Martinez Speaks on Social and Emotional Learning
Texas Standard/KUT interviews Hogg executive director Dr. Octavio N. Martinez, Jr. about Social and Emotional Learning (SEL.) SEL helps young people manage anxiety and relationships in an effort to improve academic performance and lower the risk of negative outcomes such as suicide. Learn more
May 2022
Addressing the Youth Mental Health Crisis in Central Texas
Our communications manager, Ike Evans, speaks with Spectrum News about the youth mental health crisis in Texas. Learn more
Policy Team Meets Beto O’Rourke
The Hogg Policy team has a chance encounter with gubernatorial hopeful Beto O’Rourke on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol. Tweet
June 2022
Policy Director Gives Testimony
Alison Mohr Boleware, Policy Director, gives testimony to the Special Committee for the Protection of all Texans about school safety and mental health. Learn more
Announcing New Policy Fellows
The foundation announces $1.4 million in grants over two years to hire the newest Hogg Policy and Peer Policy Fellows. Learn more
Hogg Hosts Fay Fuller Foundation
The Hogg Foundation hosts Niall Fay, CEO of the Fay Fuller Foundation, for a discussion of recent Hogg programs and possibilities for future collaboration. Learn more
July 2022
New Voices Showcase for Youth
The foundation launches the New Voices Showcase for Youth. The project seeks creatives aged 16-24 to make short videos with quality, originality, and relevance to our mission. Learn more
Racism is a Mental Health Crisis
During minority mental heath month, the foundation releases a new video about our Declaration of Racism as a Mental Health Crisis. Watch the video and sign the declaration. Learn more
August 2022
Ima Hogg Scholarships
The foundation announces the nineteen 2022 Ima Hogg Scholarship awardees. Winners are graduate social work students from across Texas and were nominated by the heads of their social work programs. Learn more.
Policy Academy Orientation
The Hogg Policy Academy Orientation for the 2022-24 Cohort took place in Austin. Fellows gathered from around the state for learning and fellowship. Learn more
Learn More
The Hogg Foundation isn’t just a funder. We are tirelessly committed to influencing the broader conversation around mental health and well-being. Stay up-to-date with these resources.