The Sasak people (Sasak script: ᬲᬸᬓᬸᬲᬲᬓ᭄; Jawi: سوكو ساساك ) are an ethnic group who live on the island of Lombok and speak the Sasak language. The word Sasak comes from the word sak sak, which means one to one. The word sak is also used by some Dayak tribes on the island of Kalimantan to say one. The Sasak people are known to be good at making cloth by weaving. In the past, every woman would be said to be an adult and ready to settle down if she was good at weaving. Weaving in the language of the Sasak people is Sèsèk.
The word sèsèk comes from the word tightness, tightness or tightness. Sèsèk is done by inserting the threads one by one (sak sak), then the threads are squeezed or pressed together until they are tight and dense to form a cloth by striking the loom. The unique sound that is heard when hitting the loom even then sounds like the sound of a sag and is only done twice.
That is the origin of the word sasak which is then taken as the name of the tribe on the island of Lombok. According to an Oral Source, who said that Lombok was once covered with wilderness, the Dictionary Compilation Team for the Center for Language Development and Development: Sasak means bamboo reeds or wood assembled together. Whereas in the Negarakertagama (Decawanana) Book: Sasak and Lombok it is explained that West Lombok is called Lombok Mirah and East Lombok is called Sasak Adi.
The Sasak tribe who originally inhabited the island of Lombok used the Sasak language as their daily language. The Sasak language is very close to the languages of the Samawa (Sumbawa) and Balinese tribes.

(million) Population