Sulawesi Barat
West Sulawesi

West Sulawesi

Mellete Diatonganan - Meniti pada Kebenaran - Stick to the Truth

West Sulawesi (Indonesian: Sulawesi Barat) is a province of Indonesia. It is located in the western of the Sulawesi island. It covers an area of 16,937.16 km2, and its capital is Mamuju. The 2010 Census recorded a population of 1,158,651, while that in 2015 recorded 1,279,994; the latest official estimate (as at 2019) is 1,536,115.
The province of West Sulawesi was established in 2004, having been split off from South Sulawesi.


It is on the island of Sulawesi (formerly Celebes) and includes the regencies (kabupaten) of Polewali Mandar, Mamasa, Majene, Mamuju, Central Mamuju and Pasangkayu (formerly called North Mamuju). These areas are used to be part of South Sulawesi. The area of the province is 16,937.16 km2.


Its population at the 2010 census was 1,158,651 increasing at 2.67% annually. Of those 171,356 are classified as below the poverty line of Indonesia.

The population of West Sulawesi Province is predominantly Muslim, accounting for 82.22% of the total population. Then followed by religious residents; Protestants, as much as 14.82%; Catholic, as much as 1.47%; Hinduism, as much as .25%; Buddhism, as much as 0.04%; and Confucianism, as much as 0.01 %.

West Sulawesi

(km2) Area


Its economy consists mainly of mining, agriculture and fishing. Its capital is Mamuju.

Archaeological findings

In 11 December 2019, a team of researchers led by Dr. Maxime Aubert announced the discovery of the oldest hunting scenes in prehistoric art in the world which is more than 44,000 years old from the limestone cave of Leang Bulu’ Sipong 4.

Archaeologists determined the age of the depiction of hunting a pig and buffalo thanks to the calcite ‘popcorn’, different isotope levels of radioactive uranium and thorium.

Administrative divisions

West Sulawesi Province is divided into six regencies: Polewali Mandar, Mamuju, Pasangkayu, Mamasa, Majene, and Central Mamuju, The sixth regency. Central Mamuju Regency (Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah), was cut out of the existing Mamuju Regency on 14 December 2012.

Kabupaten & Kotamadya

Administratively, West Sulawesi Province consists of 6 Kabupaten. These Kabupaten government administration consists of 69 Kecamatan, 73 Kelurahan, and 575 Desa.

Sulawesi Barat
West Sulawesi