He is like a strong river that never runs dry,
and like the sweet rain that falls down from the sky.
As He daily refreshes my body and my soul,
so my testimony can be strong and bold….
Bright like the sun always lighting my way,
warm and embracing with each golden ray!
He tends to my soul with such deep loving care,
There is nowhere I go that He is not there…
There’s no pain that I suffer He hasn’t felt first,
No loss, or sorrow, no hunger or thirst.
He holds all my days, in the palm of His hand,
All My hurts and my sorrows He understands,
I will serve Him with all of my heart and soul,
For His love to me is more precious than gold…
Thank you Lord Jesus for loving me so,
For planting your seeds and helping them grow!!
Thank you one day I will see you in glory!
Help me till then to share your sweet Gospel Story,
For by sharing your love with others I can plant salvations seed,
And assure others that For them Christ did intercede!
Then on the day when at last I’m called home,
Finally I will be able to worship before your throne!!
Thank you Lord for all you have done,
Especially for the gift of your precious Son!
By: Barbara Janis ♥️✝️♥️✝️♥️✝️♥️✝️♥️