Enter To Win The Professional Women in Building Luxury Playhouse
Los Solidarios – Those in Solidarity
During a trip to the Dominican Republic with Homes for HOPE in October, members of the Professional Women in Building of Richmond were fortunate enough to attend a meeting of Los Solidarios – a group of talented and resilient women who are working hard to build businesses and break the cycle of generational poverty in their community. Whether it’s to sell clothes, groceries, or household items… run a sewing business or bakery… pay school fees, cover medical expenses, or improve their homes… these capable women support and encourage each other as together they fight poverty in all its forms. Witnessing this camaraderie and determination, the Professional Women in Building were inspired and moved to realize that they, too, could relate and even see themselves in these entrepreneurial women and their commitment to invest in each other holistically. Please join us in celebrating the incredible women of Los Solidarios and their unwavering dedication to building a better future for themselves and their families. Solidarity indeed!
The Professional Women in Building of Richmond celebrate and support the entrepreneurial spirit of women worldwide. ~70% of the people HOPE serves are women, as they work hard to care for their families and invest in the next generation. This luxury playhouse, complete with a storefront, was built by an all-woman team of builders in honor of the women represented by Los Solidarios and the 2.7million people HOPE has had the privilege of serving over the past 26 years. A drawing will be held on Friday, 12/15 and all proceeds from entry fees will go to support the mission of Homes for HOPE.
Homes for HOPE utilizes microenterprise development tools such as business training, solidarity groups, mentorship, savings services, and loans averaging around $400 to give talented men and women living in poverty around the world a hand-up, not a handout. 97% of the loans HOPE disburses are repaid by these entrepreneurs, just like the women of Los Solidarios! That money is then sent back out as more loans, responsibly and sustainably increasing the impact microenterprise development strategies have on poverty over time. Since our founding in 1997, HOPE has been able to disburse over $1.6 billion in loans. And because of our efficient model of recycling loans, it only costs $25 to serve one family for a year! With your $25 entry fee, you will enable HOPE to serve one family for one year! Click the button below to enter the drawing for this beautiful, handmade playhouse.
Donate any amount to support Homes for HOPE
*Unlimited Entries Allowed.