Fishing Tips On How To Put A Hook On A Fishing Rod?
If you are a beginner who doesn’t know how to put a hook on a fishing rod and weight on a fishing pole, how to tie a knot into a hook or a snap swivel or a lure, this is the best guide to find out how.
Firstly, you may know that there are several types of knots you can tie into a hook or swivel. Most of the fishermen use the Palomar knot or clinch knot etcetera. These knots have their own reputation because they are very strong fishing knots.
You may think that; how hard it can be to put a hook and attached it with the fishing line, and also put a weight on a fishing pole?
Yes, you are right. maybe these are simple work, but believe me if you want to do these properly and desire to catch fish consistently, you definitely need some expertise.
So, here we are. Today, we are going to discuss how to tie Palomar and improved clinch fishing knot.
Do not worry. Once you learn these, you will master this for sure. By using these knots, ideally, you can make a hard fishing line with a strong hook attached to it.
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Why Putting a Hook Properly is Important?

You can fish properly while you have done the preliminary processes in proper ways. One of them is to put a hook on the fishing line. Putting a hook on a fishing reel (actually fishing line) is important. You know why? Because, if you tie the knot successfully, it will give much of the strength of the fishing line when stressed.
If you have done it wrong, the trout can easily fly away even with the hook. So, whatever the knot you used, it is important, especially for oversized fishes.
How to Put A Hook on A Fishing Rod (Palomar Knot)
Palomar knot is a very strong fishing knot, it is a great choice to attach a hook to the fishing line. It is not difficult or complex.
If you try some times, you will get it. You may do this knot even in the dark. The good thing is: if you already can do the overhand knot your shoelaces, then you already got the idea of how to do a Palomar knot. To do a Palomar knot, you are gonna need a fishing rod and reel, line clippers, hook.
Easy How-to Guide of Palomar Knot
- To tie a Palomar knot, take the end of your leader and double it over in order to form a loop. If you are doing the knot for the first time, you should make the loop a little larger so you feel comfortable to make the knot properly. You can form the loop by taking six inches of the line.
- Then, take that loop and pass it through the eye of the fishing hook or swivel. Put the hook in the middle of the loop in such a way that it can swing freely from the middle position.
- Pull it through making a nice big loop then simply take the loop and do an overhand knot, (just like you do with your shoelaces). If you do that, the knot allows the hook or swivel inside the overhand knot (not up or above the knot). Try not to twist the line in any way.
- Then take the hook and pull it through the eye and make it tighten. To make the hook tighten, pull the knot from both ends of the line. At a time, the loose end of the knot comes to Pull both ends of the line until the Palomar knot is tight.
- Once, you make sure that the knot is tight enough, you can cut the tag line and attached the other end of the line with the head of the fishing rod. And voila! You have done it.
Extra Tips
For the Palomar knot, it is more important that the loop should be big enough to take it and clear the whole length of the hook with the loop.
While you tighten the Palomar knot through the hook eye, lubrication the knot with some saliva. Don’t smile! It is effective. It will actually help to tighten more and also reduces the abrasion chances. This could lead to weakening the knot much quicker than usual.
Pros & Cons of Palomar Knot
Palomar knot actually has all the advantages you need for good fishing. But, the downside of this knot is if you are using a thick line and a small hook, it won’t fit through the hook or swivel’s eyelet.
Because we already know that the Palomar knot needs a double over the line loop. Another con is if you are trying to attach high-low rigs to the end of the line, it just makes it too complicated.
How to Put A Hook on A Fishing Rod (Improved Clinch Fishing Knot)

Here is another way you will know the answer to how to put a hook on a fishing rod? This method is called the Improved Clinch Fishing Knot. It is proven that; this knot can maintain much more strength of the fishing line when stressed.
This is the time to test the fishing knot process. Why called it “improved?” The most common logical answer to this question is: When the second and new version of Clinch knot comes, the fishermen forgot the old clinch method.
Besides, this hooking process/knot system can bear high tension compared to the other knot system. Moreover, the wrapping system of the fishing line is stronger and more reliable than the old Clinch Fishing Knot. That’s why they call it Improved. Now, let’s know how to tie an improved Clinch Knot properly.
Easy How-to Guide of improved clinch fishing knot
- First of all, take the fishing line and the hook, lure or snap swivel you want to tie with that line.
- Allow the line to pass through the eyelid of the hook in such a way (leave 6 to 12 inches gap) so that you can double back making five or six turns or wrap around the fishing or standing line.
- The end of the part of the line is called as a tag Take this tag end of the line, start wrapping (at least five or six wraps) around the line with the tag end.
- Then, take the tag end now to make sure you made a good long tag end and pass it through the little opening which has been created as a result wrapping this through.
- Finally, pull tight hardly by holding the hook and the fishing line. This should make a coil with the standing line and the tag line.
- Put some saliva or water to reduce the friction caused by the two lines rubbing together. Because that friction can cause to weaken the know.
- You can cut the tag end to remove an unnecessary
Pros & Cons of Improved Clinch Fishing Knot
Easy How-to Guide of improved clinch fishing knot
This knot is great for light tackle, (lines up to 20-pound test), Also has heavy % breaking strength (95% approximately). The downside can be considered as Clinch fishing knot is not recommended for any braided line.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
01. Which are the best fishing knots?
Ans: It is actually hard to say. Some believe that the best or 100% fishing knot is a myth. However, it is considered that some of the fishing knots that are very popular are actually great too for fishing. Like the above two types of knots. There are so many things you need to think to tell someone which is the best knots of all time. Moreover, each knot is useful for a specific line.
02. Between Palomar Knot and Improved Clinch Fishing Knot, which is best?
Ans: That depends on how much expertise you have. If you are a pro at fishing, a Palomar knot may be best. Otherwise, go with a Clinch fishing knot.
03. Which knot the beginners should try first?
Ans: We recommend, that the beginner should go with the Improved Clinch Fishing Knot first. Because it is more reliable and simpler than the Palomar knot.
04. Is the improved clinch knot good for fluorocarbon?
Ans: Yes, the improved clinch knots well for fluorocarbon and lighter monofilament.
05. What can I use to attach to the improved clinch knot?
Ans: The improved clinch knot allows a variety of materials can be used. You can use lures, hooks, swivels & chips, Weights, and Flies to attached to the improved clinch knot.
A lot of studies have been done on how to put a hook on a fishing rod and the two popular, simple but effective knots, that you can use for happy fishing.
We hope the information in this content will help you out with any hook or knot-related problem. Let us know, what knot you prefer to catch fish in? Or, if you just get started to fish, we suggest you go with the improved clinch knot. Happy fishing!
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