Horticulture Magazine

10 Incredible Acer Tree Types From The Chairman Of The Maple Society

a Red Japanese maple

Elizabeth is a Permaculture Garden Designer, Sustainability Consultant and Professional Writer, working as an advocate for positive change. She graduated from the University of St. Andrews with an MA in English and Philosophy and obtained a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design from the Permaculture Association.

/ Updated October 4th, 2023
Reviewed By DAN ORI
Dan Ori, MCIHort, Horticulturist

Dan has over 27 years’ under his belt caring for plants and gardens. Working as a Horticultural Instructor and Consultant, he draws on a diverse range of experience that includes working as a Head Gardener, Tree Surgeon, Garden Centre Trouble Shooter, and writer of academic papers. Dan has a Level 3 Diploma in Horticulture and is currently a candidate for the RHS’s most prestigious award – The Master of Horticulture.

/ Meets Our Editorial Guidelines
Contributions From AGUSTIN COELLO-VERA
Agustin Coello-Vera, Chairman of The Maple Society

Agustin is the Chairman of The Maple Society, a society founded in the UK in 1990 that has now turned into an international community. Agustin has 30 years of experience growing maples, with about 700 taxons planted in his forest garden. He frequently shares his knowledge with other garden societies and on gardening podcasts.

Kim Wilkie - Landscape Architect

Kim Wilkie is an award-winning Landscape Architect, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects and Fellow of the Landscape Institute. Kim won the Urban Design and Masterplanning Award from the Landscape Institute in 2017 and published his first book, Led by the Land, in 2012. He has previously sat on both The National Trust Garden Advisory Panel and the English Heritage Urban Panel.

Cecily Withall - Climbing Arborist, Kew Royal Botanic Gardens

Cecily Withall is a Climbing Arborist at Kew Royal Botanic Gardens with previous training from The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Berkshire College of Agriculture. She recently won Young Arboricultural Professional of the Year from the Arboricultural Association and has sat on panels for their 'Women in Arboriculture' events.

Acers are a genus of trees and shrubs commonly referred to as maples and a number of the 128 species within this group can be successfully grown in the UK.1Maples (Genus Acer). (n.d.). iNaturalist UK. Retrieved March 9, 2023, from https://uk.inaturalist.org/taxa/47727-Acer

Many Acer species are popular as ornamental trees – prized in particular for their autumn colour.

“Acers seem to be doing really well in the current climate, so I’d suggest growing one,” shares Climbing Arborist Cecily Witall.

“Have a look at what is available to you and look at trees that come from areas that have cold winters but lots of heat in the summer. Look towards their natural habitats and use what you can.”

They make popular specimen trees in many gardens, but the problem is, there are literally thousands of different cultivars to choose from.

In this article, we explore some of the best options for UK gardeners to consider.

Maples can be both trees and shrubs and can vary significantly in shape, size, colour, form and habits.

Some are suitable for small gardens, and some are even suitable for growing in containers.

Maple Society Favourites

We asked Agustin Coello-Vera from The Maple Society to share some of his favourite Acer varieties.

“This question is often asked by visitors to my forest garden and my answer is that it depends on the day,” he says. 

“Almost every maple shows wonderful colours, including red, orange, yellow, purple, black, or golden brown.

Acer griseum with peeling bark
Acer griseum

“Not only are the leaves beautiful in the autumn, but many maples also present a good display of fruits in various colours.

“Maples may have splendid bark, such as the snake bark maples or the paperbark maple, Acer griseum

“Many maples flower profusely in spring, such as the Norway maple, A. platanoides, which provides a wonderful display of clear yellow flowers.”

If, like Agustin, you are struggling to choose a favourite, read on for more suggestions for you and your garden:

1) A. campestre (Field Maple)

large Acer Campestre tree

The UK’s only maple that is native to these shores, the field maple can be an excellent garden tree.

It is commonly chosen as a garden tree or a tree for city parks because of its compact growth habit, its tolerance of atmospheric pollution and, of course, its stunning autumn foliage.

One of the reasons why it is a good idea to consider a native maple is that as a native plant, it offers a lot more to native wildlife.

The field maple is attractive to aphids, which means that it also benefits their predators such as ladybirds, hover-flies and birds.

“One of my favourite plants is the field maple, as it is a real champion of a tree that can grow on chalky soil,” shares Gardener Kim Wilkie.

field maple foliage with mature seeds

Many species of moths also benefit from the tree, and feed on its leaves.

The flowers provide nectar for pollinators such as bees, and birds and small mammals eat the fruits.

The field maple can grow in most fertile but well-drained soil types, in full sun or partial shade.

It can cope with a range of less-than-optimal conditions and may form as a shrub in chalky soils.

As well as being a specimen tree, the field maple can also be coppiced, or used as a hedgerow plant.

“One cultivar I have planted many of as street trees and in gardens of all sizes is Acer campestre ‘Queen Elizabeth’ also known as ‘Evelyn’,” says RHS qualified Horticulturist Dan Ori.

“Its compact relatively columnar shape and its tolerance of drought and most soil types/pH make it a great pick.”

2) A. rubrum (Red Maple)

large acer rubrum tree

The most abundant native tree in the northeastern United States, the red maple can also be grown in the UK.2Red Maple. (n.d.). National Wildlife Federation. Retrieved March 9, 2023, from https://www.nwf.org/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Plants-and-Fungi/Red-Maple

It is incredibly adaptable to soil type and conditions, and can cope well in full sun or partial shade.

Of course, this is a stunning ornamental tree.

As the name suggests, the leaves turn bright red in autumn – these autumnal displays will be most vivid when the red maples are planted in acidic soils.

Acer rubrum can be good for city planting because they are fairly tolerant of air pollution.

red maple leaves in autumn

However, the trees have low, invasive root systems which can cause damage to paving etc.

It is also important to note that this tree can restrict the growth of a number of other plants when they are grown close by. 

Since this is an Acer that grows into full-sized trees up to 30m in height, this is not necessarily the best choice for smaller or more restricted spaces.

However, where the space is available, these can be truly stunning specimen trees.

A number of cultivars make excellent bonsai, and can even be grown in containers.

Some red maple cultivars to consider in the UK are:

A. rubrum ‘October Glory’
two Acer Rubrum 'October Glory' trees side-by-side with deep red foliage

Dependable autumn colour and vigorous growth.

A. rubrum ‘Red Sunset’
acer rubrum 'red sunset' branches and foliage

Good drought/heat tolerance, upright, vigorous growth habit and orange-red autumn colour. 

A. rubrum ‘Northwood’
Acer Rubrum 'Northwood' emerging flower buds

Open habit with branches 45-degree angle to the trunk forming an attractive oval crown. Its colour is not as intense as other cultivars.

3) A. saccharum (Sugar Maple)

single Acer Saccharum in a large field

The sugar maple is another North American native Acer that can also be grown successfully in some southern parts of the UK.

In addition to being known for its brightly coloured autumn foliage, the sugar maple is of course also known for being the primary source of maple syrup.

Unfortunately, the seasons and climate conditions here in the UK mean that the potential for worthwhile sap production and harvesting is negligible – but that does not mean that you cannot still consider growing these attractive trees.

Acer saccharum leaves turning red and orange in autumn

These are large, deciduous trees that will grow up to 20m tall, with dense oval or rounded crowns, and five-lobed leaves that turn yellow, orange and reddish in the autumn.

These trees can be grown as specimen trees in full sun or shade, in moist but well-drained soil.

Though it can be a useful specimen tree in Cornwall and other warm and protected southern gardens, it should be noted that this too is a bad companion plant, and may inhibit the growth of a range of other plants grown close by. 

4) A. saccharinum (Silver Maple)

silver maple trees against a blue sky backdrop

Another very vigorous deciduous tree, the silver maple should not be confused with the similarly named species above.

It will grow to more than 12m in height and be wider than 8m once fully grown.

It will not be the best choice for smaller gardens, as it has invasive roots that can do damage to pipes or structures.

It can also have allelopathic (growth-slowing) effects on nearby plants.

beautiful Acer saccharinum foliage in sunlight

It is also worthwhile noting that this is a comparatively short-lived tree – it will typically live between 125 and 140 years. 

Like other maples mentioned above, however, this is another maple species that can provide amazing autumn colour in a large, sheltered garden.

It can do well in many different soil types as long as the soil is moist but well-drained.

The shallow root system can also be useful for use in erosion control in certain situations. 

5) A. platanoides (Norway Maple)

huge Norway maple tree with other trees in the background

The Norway maple was introduced to the UK in the 17th Century.3Trust, W. (n.d.). Norway Maple (Acer platanoides). Woodland Trust. Retrieved March 9, 2023, from https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/british-trees/a-z-of-british-trees/norway-maple/

Though not a native plant, this is another tree that can be beneficial for wildlife in a UK garden.

The leaves are eaten by a range of caterpillars and a number of birds and small mammals eat its seeds. 

This is a broadleaf tree that can grow to an eventual height of around 25m.

large leaves and unripened seeds of Acer platanoides

Leaves will fade to yellow and occasionally to ruddy brownish red before they fall in the autumn.

In spring, conspicuous clusters of yellow flowers form on the bare branches. 

This plant will grow in Britain in all but the very poorest of soils, so it can be an interesting specimen tree to consider for many gardens.

However, it is worth noting that like many maples, this tree can also have a detrimental effect on certain other plants grown close by. 

6) A. pseudoplatanus (Sycamore)

large rounded sycamore tree with yellow foliage

Not to be confused with the similar species above, the sycamore maple, commonly called simply ‘sycamore’ in the British isles is another option to consider.

It is believed that the sycamore may have been originally introduced to our shores by the Romans, or in the 1500s.4Trust, W. (n.d.-b). Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus). Woodland Trust. Retrieved March 9, 2023, from https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/british-trees/a-z-of-british-trees/sycamore/

It is believed to have naturalised from around the mid-1800s.

This broadleaf tree can grow up to 35m high, and live for 400 years or so – meaning it is important to be careful where it is planted.

sycamore leaves with helicopter seeds

The ‘helicopter’ seeds spread this tree quickly and it has colonised native woodlands to the detriment of native species.

However, it can be an option to consider in larger gardens, where, like other native and naturalised maples, it has benefits for a wide range of garden wildlife.

It may be particularly beneficial as part of a wild break or shelterbelt. 

7) A. griseum (Paperbark Maple)

Paperbark Maple (Acer griseum) tree with greenery in background

Another tree to consider for certain UK gardens is the paperbark maple.

It is a small, spreading tree which is deciduous, with leaves that turn a brilliant orange and red in autumn.

The tree is also known for its attractive peeling and paper-like bark, which has a lovely rich chestnut-brown colour. 

The tree can reach an eventual height of 8-12m and can be a good choice for a small specimen tree in many gardens.

It can grow successfully in a range of soil types and in full sun or partial shade, so it is common to find it in borders, or front gardens. 

8) A. palmatum

A. palmatum growing in a field with hedging in the background

If you are looking for a smaller tree or shrub, then Acer palmatum (a type of Japanese maple) is a species that provides a huge array of cultivar options.

These Asian maples are all extremely popular for their astounding colours and attractive, compact forms.

There are cultivars that have a huge range of different colours in their foliage, and there is also variety in leaf form and growth habit.

green acer palmatum leaves

“Generally speaking, Japanese maples do not do well in alkaline soil,” says Dan Ori.

“In layman’s terms, it is like putting them on a diet where they can’t access nutrients as they need to; they can survive and even have a long life in high pH but they do not thrive and will present establishment and health problems for the gardener to mitigate.”5Cregg, B. (2014, November). Right Tree: Right Place – Alkaline Soils. Michigan State University. Retrieved April 3, 2023, from https://www.canr.msu.edu/hrt/uploads/535/78626/RightTreeAlkalineSoilred.pdf

Waterlogging and compacted soil are ‘no-nos’ for these plants, but other than that they are surprisingly un-fussy.

In terms of sun, they can thrive in full sun or dappled or partial shade.

They will do best in more sheltered sites but can also cope with some wind exposure. 

Some A. palmatum cultivars to consider are:

A. palmatum ‘Bloodgood’
dark red leaves of the acer palmatum "Bloodgood"
A. palmatum ‘Lace Lady’
leaves of Acer Palmatum 'Lace Lady'
A. palmatum ‘Dissectum Viridis’
A. Palmatum 'Viridis' leaves in focus
A. palmatum var. dissectum ‘Seiryu’
acer Seiryu tree with curved trunk
A. palmatum ‘Beni-Maiko’
Acer Palmatum 'Beni-Maiko' leaves in green and red
A. palmatum ‘Little Princess’
Acer Palmatum 'Little Princess'
A. palmatum ‘Kagiri-nishiki’
pink leaves of A. Palmatum 'Kagiri-nishiki on clear blue background
A. palmatum ‘Katsura’
acer 'Katsura' with light green and red leaves
A. palmatum ‘Osakazuki’
red leaves of Acer Palmatum 'Osakazuki' in a back garden
A. palmatum ‘Shin-deshojo’
magnified leaves of A. Palmatum 'Shin-deshojo'

Though there are plenty of other beautiful options within this type of maple to consider. 

9) A. japonicum

Acer Japonicum in sunlight

Other Japanese maples not in the group mentioned above include those in the Acer japonicum species.

These Acers are also known as Amur maples or fullmoon maples.

These are small, deciduous trees which very rarely grow above around 10m tall, and are often much smaller.

Though less commonly cultivated as ornamental plants than Acer palmatum, these can also make interesting additions to a UK garden. 

Two cultivars of A. japonicum that have received the Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit are:

A. japonicum ‘Vitifolium’
medium sized Acer Japonicum 'Vitifolium' tree next to a path, with ferns growing in the foreground
A. japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’
serrated leaves of Acer Japonicum 'Aconitifolium'

So one of these could also be worthwhile considering.

10) A. davidii (Snake Bark Maple)

green snake bark maple foliage and red helicopter seed pods

Finally, one other more unusual maple to consider for your garden is the snake bark maple.

This is a small, spreading tree that can grow up to around 10m in height.

It has triangular, mid-green leaves that turn yellow or orange in the autumn.

As the name suggests, these Acers are also characterised by their bark, which does have winding patterns on it that look a little like snakes. 

So, which maples will be right for your garden?

The above should have given you a great place to start when making the right choices for your space. 


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