Horticulture Magazine

Tropical Gardens Are Possible In Cooler Climates – Here’s 11 Inventive Ideas

tropical plant wall with ferns and flowers

Elizabeth is a Permaculture Garden Designer, Sustainability Consultant and Professional Writer, working as an advocate for positive change. She graduated from the University of St. Andrews with an MA in English and Philosophy and obtained a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design from the Permaculture Association.

/ Updated September 18th, 2024
Reviewed By ROY NICOL

Roy is a Professional Gardener and Horticultural Consultant, specialising in large garden year-round maintenance and garden development. He is an RHS Master of Horticulture and uses his research in the application of no-dig methods in ornamental garden settings. Roy has been a Professional Gardener for more than six years and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture, Professional Gardener's Guild and Association of Professional Landscapers (Professional Gardener).

/ Meets Our Editorial Guidelines

Tropical gardens are lush, green and exotic – and it is possible to create a tropical jungle effect, even right here in the UK.

You might imagine that in our far chillier climate, a tropical garden would be an impossibility for British gardeners.

panoramic view of tropical parkland in Cornwall, UK
Trebah Botanical Gardens, Cornwall

But there are a surprising number of plants for a tropical effect that can survive perfectly well (sometimes with winter protection) in many UK gardens.

palm trees in Trebah Botanical Gardens, Cornwall
Trebah Botanical Gardens, Cornwall

Some are genuine tropical plants, from tropical climates, while others grow in cooler climates similar to our own, but look exotic enough to contribute to that tropical jungle look.

And as Simon Goodfellow shares in our tour of the Abbeywood Estate in Cheshire, it’s even possible to achieve that exotic tropical effect in gardens in the north too.

Choosing the right plants, and combining those plants in the right ways, is key to successfully achieving this effect in your garden.

1) Layered And Lush Planting

layers of palms and foliage forming a canopy with tropical appearance

In a tropical jungle, layers of dense planting spread from the canopy to the ground cover layer.

Dense, lush, diverse planting can definitely help you to get the look you are going for.

ornamental grasses, palms and larger trees growing over an extended landscape

In the UK, the sun is not as intense as in the tropics, of course.

But careful management of the canopy and pruning away lower branches strategically can help you create a range of different eco-zones in layered planting, with some areas of deeper shade and some sunny spots in between.

2) Consider ‘Food Forest’ Planting

Angelica growing in a permaculture garden with dense foliage in the background

The layers in a tropical garden are like the layers in a food-producing forest garden.

And in fact, it is worthwhile remembering that a tropical feel garden could easily also be a ‘food forest’.

A food forest or forest garden is a way of growing food that allows you to work in harmony with the natural world.

tomatoes and calendula growing in a food forest environment

The goal in a food forest is to mimic the structure of a natural woodland or forest, but to include plants which are beneficial to us, or to the ecosystem as a whole.

All forest gardens can provide a bounty of food, and many other resources, in diverse and wildlife-friendly, largely perennial planting schemes.

A tropical-feel food forest could also be a place to forage for edibles.

permaculture garden with raised support, growing corn, squash and beans

Not all plants will have edible yields, of course, but you can include many plants which do.

Unfortunately, in the UK, many of the edible plants grown in real tropical climate forest gardens – those actually in a tropical climate – will not thrive over our winters.

blackberries growing on a large bush

But that is not to say that you cannot grow plenty of fruit trees, berry bushes, and other edible plants which will give a wonderfully tropical or jungle-like feel.

3) Utilise Hardy Palms & Banana Plants

Hardy palms and banana plants can work in many UK gardens, and help to give that instant tropical look.

They often take a little work to keep them safe over the winter months, but they can survive happily in many UK gardens.

Hardy palms, without a doubt, are the shortcut plants for achieving a tropical garden.

Fortunately, there are a number of palms that can be grown in many UK gardens.

For example, you can consider:

Trachycarpus fortunei (Chusan Palm)
Chinese Windmill grown in a Devon garden
Chaemaerops humilis (Dwarf Fan Palm)
dwarf fan palm with a wall in the background
Sabal minor (Dwarf Palmetto)
many sabal minor plants growing under a forest canopy
Butia capitana (Jelly Palm)
jelly palm trees grown in a row
Phoenix canariensis (Canary Island Date Palm)
wide spreading Canary Island Date Palm Tree with various trees in the background

These can all grow successfully in warm and sheltered UK gardens, in moist yet well-draining soil, though some will require some winter protection.

Banana plants are also fantastic shortcuts to achieving that tropical garden look.

While some can occasionally be coaxed into providing edible fruit, banana plants are usually grown for ornamental appeal in gardens.

Some options to consider for your tropical garden include:

Musa x paradisiaca
Musa x paradisiaca growing outwards in a tropical setting
M. basjoo
exotic looking Japanese banana plant
M. Iasiocarpa
yellow flowering Musa Iasiocarpa
M. acuminata
Dense vegetation of banana plants musa acuminata
Ensete ventricosum
red coloured foliage of Ensete ventricosum in a public park

Since hardy palms and bananas are on the edge of what we can grow in the United Kingdom, these can lend an exotic feel.

But it will be easier to create a tropical garden feel if you mix a few of these palms and bananas in with other plants which can grow more comfortably in our climate.

“With the exception of Musa basjoo which is hardy, the other Musa plants require care over winter such as dry storing the trunks or keeping semi-dormant in a container in a light, frost-free location,” shares Master Horticulturist Roy Nicol.

4) Plant Trees For Canopy Cover

Other unusual (especially evergreen) trees can also be interesting options to consider.

Both evergreens and deciduous trees can also provide a range of edible yields.

an Evergreen Pineapple Guava plant
Pineapple guava

In a tropical garden design for the UK, I like to mix hardy palms and banana plants with evergreen trees which fill in canopy cover through the garden, and which lend themselves to a jungle-like look.

Evergreen trees to consider include:

Eriobotrya japonica (Loquat)
branches of loquat with yellow ripening fruit
Feijoa sellowiana (Pineapple Guava)
pineapple guava trees
Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree)
Arbutus unedo against a backdrop of different trees
Magnolia grandiflora (Bull Bay)
green and yellow foliage of Magnolia grandiflora
Citrus (in containers, brought indoors during the winter months)
citrus trees growing in metal containers

There are also plenty of deciduous trees that can look great in a jungle-like tropical garden, including:

Ficus carica (Fig)
Ficus carica tree
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo)
foliage and trunk of Ginkgo biloba tree
Catalpa bungei (Bean Tree)
very tall Catalpa bungei tree
Paulownia tomentosa
foxglove tree leaves against a blue sky background
Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice-Paper Tree)
Tetrapanax papyrifer evergreen shrub

One final type of plant to consider for the upper tiers of a tropical garden is tree ferns, the most popular type being Dicksonia antarctica (it is usually evergreen, but may be deciduous in colder areas).

5) Favour Plants With Bold, Architectural Foliage

Many other plants with bold, large leaves and architectural foliage and form should also be included – even those which grow in other climate zones can blend into the overall garden design and give an impressive tropical look, even in our temperate climate.

Once you have decided upon the trees and other tall plants for your tropical garden, the key to creating the right look is choosing plenty of other plants with large leaves, or bold, architectural foliage.

Some of our top suggestions for plants of this type are:

towering bamboo with short ornamental grass on the border of a lawn
light and dark foliage of a phormium plant
Fatsia japonica
broad leaves of fatsia japonica with bamboo in the background
Chilean giant rhubarb in a tropical garden
closeup of yellow flowering mahonia
eucalyptus foliage
Many Ornamental Grasses
ornamental grasses
Ricinus communis
Ricinus communis with dark burgundy coloured leaves and bright red catkins
huge colocasia leaves
purple flowering cardoon thistles
rhubarb foliage with bamboo growing in the background
ornamental hosta plants in various shades of green

6) Encourage Bright, Exotic Blooms

Bright, exotic-looking blooms are also a must.

They break up the foliage in a jungle-like garden with splashes of colour – adding a sense of warmth even on the cloudiest of days.

Here are some of the amazing blooms that could work well in your tropical garden in the UK:

orange day lilies
Canna lilies
red canna lilies
pink towering eucomis pineapple lilies in flower
Hedychium densiflorum growing in a herbaceous border
red dangling berries of Arisaema consanguineum hanging from a branch
closeup of white flowering jasmine
pink and red coloured fuchsia flowers
choisya in a tropical garden with palms in the background
pink flowering begonia in a garden
white flowering pittosporum
yellow erysimum flowers with black door of a London property in the background
long upright flowers of Persicaria

7) Don’t Neglect Under-Storey Planting

Don’t forget the ground layer!

To really achieve a tropical jungle look in your garden, you need to think about what will spread and grow over the soil below your trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and flowers.

Fill in all the gaps to create microclimates and to get the right look.

Finally, remember to think about ground cover plants, to fill gaps and spread out below, among and around the other planting.

Some great options for ground cover in a tropical garden include:

Ground-Growing Raspberries (Rubus tricolor)
green rubus leaves up close
white flowers of Pachysandra terminalis in focus
Euphorbia amygdaloides
Wood spurge Purpurea
overgrown mint in an outdoor garden
(Many!) Ferns
ferns, palms and grasses in an ornamental garden

8) Create Winding Pathways Between Dense Planting

brick path winding between two dense planting borders

Have pathways which wind between the dense planting, so you can walk through your tropical garden on a journey of discovery.

Creating that jungle feel, even in a small garden, means getting the sense that something wonderful awaits, just round the corner.

Obscuring the edges of the space, and making it feel like an environment you can get lost in, can make a small garden feel much bigger than it really is.

9) Consider Adding A Water Feature…

a tropical water feature using a ceramic bowl

Consider adding some water – a pond, stream, or small waterfall feature really can add to that tropical feel.

An eco-friendly solution is to use water directed from a rainwater harvesting system, and to use solar-powered pumps.

10) …Or Some Other Essential Garden Destination

seating in a dense canopy of palms and ferns

Whether it is a water feature, or a seating area, for example, remember to create a destination to draw you and your visitors through your jungle scheme to the other end of your tropical garden – to make sure you make the most of the space.

11) Keep An Open Mind

path leading through dense foliage in a forest setting

Of course, the plants mentioned on this list are just some of the many interesting options to consider.

The great thing about tropical, jungle style gardens is that you can pack in so many diverse plants, and create a really lush and abundant feel.

If you plan your planting well, you may not only be able to enjoy this style of garden, but also to harvest food from your food forest.

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