Sunday, November 15, 2009

Time For A Giveaway

OK, I have posted up a couple of other websites' giveaways and now it is time for my own giveaway!

As a celebration of the studio tours and getting my new work up on ETSY, I will be giving away 2 packs of my wine bottle gift tags to 1 lucky winner.

All you have to do is post a comment to this post. That's all and you will be entered ONCE.

If you post my post on your blog (feel free to use a picture) and then tell me about it in the comments section, then you will get THREE entries.

Got that? So it's 8 gift tags to one lucky winner.
Giveaway closes at midnight on Monday, November 30th.


  1. Hey! What a good idea. I think you should post what blogs you were posted on so we can check them out.

  2. ROCKIN' peacock! I also love the starry crow. Me Wantie!

  3. Not worried about winning but did want to complement you on a creative, interesting and aesthetically attractive blog. You're such a multi-talented artist.

  4. I love give aways!! Here is a link to my list of free sites/blogs to advertise your give away on:

    audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com

  5. I've posted a link and picture on the sidebar of my blog:

    audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com

  6. cute! I love the bird motif, and particularly like the all black and white one :)

    aestraea [at]

  7. Is this a ploy to revive my sleeping blog? Well, it worked. I used some of your photos, though, before I saw your note about asking for permission. Check out my blog and let me know if is ok.

    Of course, I want the tags!! They are darling.

  8. These are really cool! What a fun giveaway. :-)

  9. The peacock is wonderful! I'm off to check out your Etsy shop...

  10. Wow, what cool designs. Great work!

    dlogston at gmail dot com
