Become a Real Property Management HOUSTON Vendor

Partner with Houston Property Management for Contract Maintenance and Repairs

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming an approved vendor for Real Property Management Houston! We appreciate having honest, punctual, and committed vendors who respect all parties involved. We believe that communication is the key to success. Here are some of our expectations, so please review them before completing the contact form.

You must provide the following documents via this website and page.

- Proof of liability insurance
- W9 Blank
- Texas Licensing where required
- Completed RPM Houston Vendor Packet - Please read and sign so that rules are understood and followed
- Workers Comp or Workers Comp Waiver filled out

Our Expectations

- We expect consistent pricing - i.e. the same charge for the same work done on two different properties. Fair pricing will be a consideration for the amount of work given on a consistent basis.
- Tenants must be contacted within 24 hours of referral to your company to schedule work.
- Vendor should have a Smartphone with photo capabilities. Photos are required before, during, and after the assigned work, including photos of the part replaced as well as photos of the new part.
- Work orders over a specific amount must be approved by a Maintenance Manager.
- Management must be notified if the work order needs to be changed in any way. Changes to quotes and/or work must be approved before work is started.
- Since you are reflecting the image of our company and with respect to our clients' property, professional attire and appropriate shoe covers are required.
- Appropriate cleanup and trash removal from the property are also required after all work is done.
- Do not leave trash on the curb, unless approved by the Maintenance Project Coordinator.
- Legible and detailed invoices must be submitted to within 5 business days. Invoices submitted 30 days or later will not be accepted.
- Paydays will be on Fridays 10 days later than the day you submitted your invoice.

Invoices must include:

- The name of the technician and his direct phone number;
- The warranty information included with the work;
- Signature of the tenant as acknowledgement of the work being done, if applicable;
- In layman's terms, itemization of the work done; Before, during, and after photos
- Invoice number and Work order number.


A Vendor will not be considered or a meeting will not be set until all documents have been uploaded.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please upload all required documents

Comprehensive Marketing & Advertising Program

Your property will be advertised on the best leasing sites on the internet every month. We have negotiated exclusive contracts with major advertising providers to ensure top placement and frequency.

Comprehensive Resident Screening

Full Credit, Income, Employment and Criminal Screening. Every effort is made to find tenants with excellent credit and rental history.

Property Tax Protesting Services

Protest your assessed value of your property. Don't let your property be a statistic.
Your property has specific and individual attributes that should be valued appropriately. Let us know if you are interested. Read more here.


Online Accounting and Financial Reporting

We utilize a web-based property management system and provide our property owners with online access to view their financial statements.


Our in-house maintenance staff and preferred vendor relationships will save you time and money as well as ensure the repairs are done in a professional manner. To put in a Maintenance Request - visit your online portal.

Complete Eviction and Possession Services

We follow proven and standard practices when it comes to collecting rent. However, in the event a tenant can no longer meet their rental obligation, we will handle the eviction process swiftly.