HTML5 Gamedev Starter

Below you'll find useful links to resources that will help you
find your way into HTML5 game development.

This list is maintained by Andrzej Mazur from Enclave Games,
creator of the js13kGames competition.

Contact him directly if you want to buy HTML5 games.

You can also subscribe to the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter
for HTML5 gamedev updates every Friday.

Engines and frameworks#frameworks

Building a game from scratch is not always a good idea, so better look around and find yourself the framework you'll be comfortable with which will speed up development time.

Tutorials and articles#tutorials

Read tutorials, learn from others, avoid their mistakes and use what you know to build top-class HTML5 game.


Stay up to date with all the news about new frameworks, competitions or stunning games.

Distribution platforms#distribute

Distribute your game across different platform to be recognized by publishers and players.

APIs and Ads#api

Improve your game with achievements, leaderboards and even customizable advertisements.

Wrappers and packagers#wrappers

Wrap and package your HTML5 game for native platforms like iOS, Android and others.


Take part in the competitions to quickly improve your skills and integrate with the community.

Meetups and conferences#meetups

Meet with the community, talk with people face to face and learn from them.

Get direct help#help

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you have any problems with your game you're working on.

Developers to follow#developers

Follow top-class developers to see what they are working on and to learn from their experiences.

Photonstorm, Space Monster Games, Lost Decade Games, Game Cook, Rezoner, Bushido Games, Gopherwood Studios, Hiive, McFunkypants, Andrew J Baker, Michal Budzynski, Andrzej Mazur, Louis Stowasser, Andres Pagella, Ludei, True Valhalla, Enclave Games ...and many more.

Make it better#upgrade

Link is missing? Have something new and interesting to add?
Email me at [email protected], or send a pull request on GitHub!