Costs remain high well past the inflationary peak in 2022. Presidents often get blamed, but decades of hands-off policies have allowed corporate greed and Wall Street investors the power to keep prices where they are today. But there are several other contributors and also some possible solutions!
Years after president Ronald Reagan introduced tax cut "Trickle Down Economics", history shows it creates gross income inequalities. R.R.'s & Clinton's deregulation policies created the speculative bubble leading to the 2008 economic crash, environmental dangers and more. Trump has followed suit.
An overview of former labor secretary, Robert Reich's, docmentary based on his book explaining what has happened to the US economy since the great prosperity of the 50's, 60's and early 70's! There's never been a more important time to have this information! He lays it out crystal clear! I'm in!
A summary of how Lake Michigan effects weather near her coasts, effecting lake levels, shipping and shipwrecks, and sometimes dangerous conditions for beach goers and swimmers. Includes fascinating facts and a collection of Lake Michigan photographs taken by the author!
Part I: Lake Michigan photo tour with fascinating facts including basic statistics, formation, first inhabitants, coastal ecology, fishing industry problems and solutions highlighting environmental clean-up projects, and lastly in Part, I favorite pastimes and tourism. Part II link provided.
A profile of 8 Michigan native tree, less common than dominant species oaks and maples, yet significant. Identifying information and photographs provided, plus interesting facts; features autumn colors. Michigan shares these species with many Northeastern and some South and Midwestern states.
Beautiful identifying photographs accompany brief descriptions and tips for growing common flowering shrubs from Southern to Northern U.S. regions and locations around the world! Includes Forstythia, Azalea, Rhododendron, Lilac, Viburnum, Spirea, Redtwig Dogwood, and Peony in that order.
Nineteen clam varieties photographed and described for identification and interesting facts. Varieties range from the Western Atlantic Coasts all the way to the West Indies.
Interesting facts, classifications, and photos identifying Star Corals and Starlet Coral varieties, collected by my mother-in-law, Winkie, off Florida beaches in the '70s and '80s.
This article is a beginner's guide to the basics of mushroom identification with easy-to-follow, organized information accompanied by quality-defining photographs.
Why the U.S., Britain, and Yugoslavia occupied the Free Territory of Trieste and its port in the Adriatic Sea for several years after World War II, along with my Dad's Army photos from 1947-50 in Trieste, plus his story about a magical encounter while he was stationed there.
This article provides information on Michigan's commonest conifer trees other than the spruces or pines, including the White and Red Cedars, the White and Balsam Firs, the Hemlock, and the Tamarack (Larch) tree. Quality photos assist with identification.
Identifying 4 most common Michigan spruce trees shared with the Central and Northeastern regions of the United States and Canada. Includes the Norway spruce, white spruce, black spruce and blue spruce. Quality photos and photo drawings assist in identification.
Here are descriptions and illustrations of the five most common pine trees of Michigan: Jack Pine, Scots Pine, Red Pine, Austrian Pine, and White Pine.
Inspired to summarize this moving film, David Attenborough proclaims, A Life on Our Planet, is his personal witness statement of his life and the future. The film recounts the accumulation of his career and grieves the loss of wild places offering a vision for the future of the planet if we act now
Identifying the thirteen most common deciduous native Michigan big-trees (also common in the Northeastern and Central regions of the US and Canada), including interesting facts. Quality photos accompany identifying features, including summer and autumn leaf photos.
I'm sharing my personal "Hello from Heaven" after death communication from the loving spirit of my husband, Joseph, in hopes it may bring peace of mind and comfort to someone grieving the loss of their loved one..
Learn about nine popular spring-flowering tree varieties with identifying photos, facts, and grow tips.
Two documentaries, Forks Over Knives and Game Changers, has removed the confusion over what we should eat above all the conflicting information out there with the most comprehensive cross referenced studies I have ever witnessed!
This is a seashell identification guide with beautiful photos of univalves from the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Indo-Pacific coasts. Includes 43 varieties of diverse univalve species!
This is for the curious beachcomber of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North, South, and Central America who desire to know something about the clam or bivalve they found! Includes artistic photographs, identification help, and interesting facts of many varieties!
A guide to identifying beach stones found along the shorelines of Lake Michigan, with photos and info about syenite, rhyolite, pumice, dolomite, quartz, wishing stones, Presque Island serpentinite, quartzite, diabase(dolerite), pegmatite, conglomerate, banded metamorphic rock and heart stones,.
Fascinating facts and photos featuring the most common beach stones found along Lake Michigan shorelines, as well as several unusual kinds; includes various types of basalt, septarian, limestone, granite, gabbro, diorite, gneiss, schist, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, geodes, chalcedony and agate.
Take a photo tour of the historic Felt Mansion and learn about the estate's launch by inventor Dorr Felt, its deterioration and hauntings, and its restoration.
This is a photographic odyssey explaining the progression and formation of the ice shelves on the Great Lakes before and after the 2014 historic polar vortex event. Includes hidden dangers!
Did you know the milkweed plant is named after a Greek God or that it has medicinal properties? Discover its history, versatility, uses and why its essential for monarchs in this photo essay!
Find out who and from which civilizations in history first discovered and cherished our beloved landscape bloomers including the azalea, redtwig dogwood, rose of sharon and the hydrangea!
Discover how we celebrate and cultivate some of our most popular ornamental shrubs and trees throughout history and now, including the forsythia, purple leaf sand cherry, apple blossom and lilac!
A heavy snowfall in Michigan inspires uplifting poetry and beautiful winter photography. Includes an anecdote about the hemlock trees under threat and an orb captured by the camera of a loving watching spirit!
A chapter in my book "It Happened Under the Devonian Sun" describes Breeva the horseshoe crab's special moment driven by her maternal calling. A later chapter describes her overzealous curiousity to explore a forbidden forest. Interesting facts and their modern day plight follow at the end.
Still the waters is a metaphor for calming the soul. This photo essay references modern prophets and mentors including Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Neale D. Walsh and more to help us quiet our inner noise and worries.
An introduction about Lake Michigan's Oval Beach history in Saugatuck, Michigan followed by a brief description of the plant ecology, preservation efforts and my duties working there as a beach patroller! Many photos are included which really tell the story of Oval Beach, our community pearl!
Spring inspired musings; a few are reflective over my true loves passing and some are lighthearted and refreshing, like the season!
A trip to Frederik Meijer Garden in Grand Rapids, MI is filled with spring floral offering a relief from winter dulldrums! Butterflies, bromeliads, Chihuly glass sculptors and much more are on display
Don't you agree it's interesting how people follow certain paths in life to ultimately discover what they do best? In the case of artists who draw fossils and their interpretations of the once living beings, I find them especially fascinating! After...
The fifties was a decade full of optimism and funtime culture. I came across a photo recently from my 1950's childhood and it led me on a nostalgic quest!
A history of this quaint Lake Michigan beach front known as Pier Cove including tidbits, poetry, and the wonders of mother nature enhanced with the author's beautiful photography!
The following story will make you feel as if you were there as one of the young peace-loving participants during the infamous Woodstock Concert in upper state New York, August of 1969.
Like a woman An orchid is a beautiful flower Like her foundation Its stem is strong yet flexible Like her skin The petals are silky soft to the touch Compared to her feminine body An orchid's form is curvaceous Like her...
A photo collage dramatizing the ice storm of 2011 hitting much of Northern USA and Canada! Inspires poetry
Unique and rare Septarian brown stones are found along a narrow stretch of Lake Michigan shoreline. Read on to find out more about these fascinating stones!
Most winters, the shores of Lake Michigan become locked in ice, and some winters the ice sheet reaches beyond the horizon. The natural beauty of it touches our souls with wonder. ...
Much has been written about dinosaurs and the fury of T-Rex in popular culture; but are you aware there were giant creatures dominating Earth's oceans long, long before the dino-era ending 65 million years ago?
A healing letter to my husband who passed into the spirit world. A silver lining evolved from the pain which I feel the need to share hoping it might help someone else grieving.
Experience many ways we can find peace if only for brief moments during our daily lives. The trick is being mindful of the need. Beautiful photography enhances the experience!
A winter forest stroll led me on a spirited adventure. It began when I noticed the face on a tree trunk that reminded me of a deceased loved one. I made it into a magical theme through rhythm and rhyme with a moving ending!
Lighthearted poetry inspired by mysterious tracks in the snow all around a Michigan forest is now a children's book of verse and rhyme enhanced with beautiful photography. See it in the flesh!
One January morning, looking westward toward Lake Michigan from my porch, I caught sight of a storm approaching while at the same time the sun was rising out of the East. It created a uniquely ominous atmosphere. It was inspiring to see my landscape...
Poetry that asks; would we understand hot without cold, appreciate summer without winter, feel the depth of our love without its absence? God experiences relativity of this world through our lives!
Kathi's gorgeous nature photography inspires musings!
Millions of years ago, the bravest little millipede led his milli-troops out from the Rheic Ocean waters into one of Earth's first forests in hopes of escaping their predatory world. This story is based on the science of paleontology. Photos of fossils and artistic renderings accompany the story.
Learn how to craft a grapevine basket that's easy for beginners and fun for advanced basket-makers!
I published a heartfelt poem after my husband Joseph passed and later was told it reflects the bargaining stage of grief. Seven years later, I have updated it reflecting on my own process through the seve stages of grief.
Tour an autumn landscape that can be as beautiful as the blooms of summer! See some plant varieties which shine during the fall season and learn some practical tips!
Whether you're walking along the shore or the vast beach of one of the Great Lakes, you may pick up what looks like a fossil and want to know more about what you're holding in your hand.