lunch lady

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

I’m sorry assholes gave you a hard time about your ocs :( it sucks that we won’t see your art anymore but I completely understand your decision and honestly don’t blame you. Take care of yourself ❤️

Thank you ❤️ I don’t usually let this sort of thing get to me but I’ve been putting up with it for like a year and I just want to move on to other stuff. I will shift my accounts to other horse art, I hope you’ll stick around to see it!

I’m not posting SSOTC art anymore. I’m tired of people nagging me about my design choices, comparing my OCs to other people’s OCs, and stealing/editing my art. In my decade of posting art online, I have never been so horribly disrespected in a fandom like this before, so I’m revoking your viewing privileges. I’ll still happily draw Echo and her family in private.

sketch-shepherd asked:

Just wanna say I love your Spirit art dude <3 Also pure coincidence but I too have a son of Spirit named Ghost! interesting to have someone with a similar thought process as me lmao


Thank you!! Honestly I expected to find more Spirit kids named Ghost, but there don’t seem to be many. Yours looks so much like his papa :D

Anonymous asked:

Would you like people to send you horse designs? I have several horse ocs I don’t use that you can have if you’re interested

I appreciate the offer! If they’re designs you made, I may be interested in one. Especially if you’re the same anon whose always been asking questions (it could be several people, idk?), you’ve been in my inbox a lot lol. But I can’t say I’d be open to everyone sending me horses.

While Fern and Wolf weren’t made with me in mind (they came from adopt batches), they were made by two artists in the fandom I’ve interacted with a lot the past year, and I was happy to support them. This idea came after I adopted those two, I thought it’d be fun to have a few horses designed by others I’ve interacted with a lot. It isn’t from me having a lack of ideas, trust me I have plenty. I just want sentimental pieces of the community that’s supported me.

And again, I really would like to compensate people for this if/when I can. I don’t feel right askin’ for free stuff.

Anonymous asked:

If you don’t mind spoiling, can you tell us who thunder, wolf, and fern are?

Yeah I don’t mind! The height chart is actually the first time I’ve drawn two of them so I’ve not done an official post about them.

Thunder is an idea I had back when I made Fox, I actually drew him awhile ago but never posted him. He’s older than Spirit and is a Lakota warhorse. He becomes somewhat of a mentor to Ghost and Soapstone, more of a boss of the two. He’s a very grumpy, very battle hardened horse. But he’s very gentle with his favorite person.


Wolf is a design I adopted from fclm.huntertruman on insta, and he’s the satellite stallion of Echo’s herd. Though sometimes he might think of himself as the lead stallion. He loves to give Fox a hard time, but Fox is very tolerant of him. Some of the mares quite like Wolf, too.


Fern is a design I adopted from Juno_Foxx on insta, and she’s a new mare in Echo’s herd. I’ve not really come up with a solid idea for her yet, but she’s definitely a wild mustang.


I’d love to add more designs to Echo’s herd that are made by other artists in the SSOTC community, but I’d like to compensate them for it and I’m broke right now lol.

my ocs