1 If God be on my side,
Then let who will oppose,
For oft ere now to Him I cried,
And He hath quelled my foes.
If Jesus be my Friend,
If God doth love me well,
What matters all my foes intend,
Tho' strong they be and fell.
If God be on my side,
If Jesus be my Friend,
I'm sure He always will provide,
And guide me to the end.
2 Here I can firmly rest,
I dare to boast of this
That God the Highest and the Best
My Friend and Father is.
From dangerous snares He saves
Where'er He bids me go,
He checks the storms and calms the waves,
Nor lets aught work me woe. [Refrain]
3 I rest upon the ground
Of Jesus and His blood,
For 'tis through Him that I have found
The True Eternal Good.
Nought have I of mine own,
Nought in the life I lead,
What Christ hath given me, that alone
Is worth all love indeed. [Refrain]
Source: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #528