Would you like to be our partner? You can apply to be a supplier here. Please read the requirements first.
What we expect:
- A willingness for long-term collaboration based on partnership
- Transparency and openness in the business relationship
- A high level of expertise in development and innovation, which is actively incorporated in the development of our products
- Conforming to social and environmental standards
- Implementation of a certified quality management process
- Active co-operation for the implementation of cost reduction measures
- Guarantee of consistently high product quality
- Readiness for continuous process optimisation
- High logistics competency as well as reliability of deliveries
- IT-supported information exchange
What we offer:
- Fair, trusting and long-term collaboration
- Needs-based growth perspectives
- Support of our suppliers through a supplier agreement based on partnership
- Dialogue-oriented inclusion of suppliers into the product creation process
Products we are looking for:
- Office Supplies
- Technology
- Interiors
- Design & Prints
- Promotional Merchadise
- Business Machines
- Toners & inks
- Office Furnitures
- Recycling
- Cleaning & Break room Supplies
If your esteemed company is interested in Philippines huge market, please contact our Domestic distributor branch company with details.
Email: [email protected]