The ICO helps to define and share information on appropriate eye care. We support the establishment of a universal high standard of quality for ophthalmic professional services to improve access to comprehensive people-centered eye care worldwide.
The ICO helps to define and share information on appropriate eye care. We support the establishment of a universal high standard of quality for ophthalmic professional services to improve access to comprehensive people-centered eye care worldwide.
The ICO helps to define and share information on appropriate eye care. We support the establishment of a universal high standard of quality for ophthalmic professional services to improve access to comprehensive people-centered eye care worldwide.
The ICO Guidelines for Diabetic Eye Care include recommendations for screening and evaluating people with diabetes for potentially blinding eye problems and provide instructions for treating those with diabetic retinopathy and other ocular complications of diabetes.
The ICO, International Diabetes Federation, World Council of Optometry, and International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness have released a joint Global Statement on Diabetes and Eye Health calling for urgent action from governments, medical associations, service providers, and patient organizations.
ICO Position on Donation, Processing, Allocation, Advocacy, and Legislation Supporting Human Corneal Tissue for Ocular Transplant
The ICO Guidelines for Glaucoma Eye Care address low, middle, and high resource settings, which differentiate the guidelines from what already exists.
The ICO Task Force on Uncorrected Refractive Errors and School Eye Health was formed in 2007 to strengthen the involvement of the ophthalmic profession, in cooperation with others, to provide better access to high-quality, low-cost eye care, especially in regions with limited services.
ICO-CBM Phaco Surgeon Training Curriculum
ICO’s Global Call for Action to Eliminate Eye Surgical Errors
ICO Endorses Global Ban of Consumer Fireworks
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