Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP 2009-Bahas

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Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP 2009-bahas

Ujian Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2008/ 2009

P 14 Utama

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jenjang Hari/ Tanggal Jam : SMP/MTs : Selasa, 28 April 2009 : 08.00 10.00

Read the following text to answer question 1. Please check in your baggage one hour before boarding time 1. Where do you find the caution? A. At the railway station. B. At the harbour. C. At the airport. D. At the bus station Kunci Jawaban: C Pembahasan: Nama jenis teks fungsional : Notice/ Caution Where do you find the caution? (Di mana kah (dapat) kamu temukan peringatan (caution) diatas?) a. Option A. At the railway station (di stasiun kereta api) b. Option B. At the harbour (di pelabuhan) c. Option C. At the airport (di bandara) Kata 'board berarti naik/ masuk ke kapal, pesawat, atau kendaraan lain. Sedangkan frase 'be boarding berarti siap-siap bagi para penumpang untuk naik (pesawat terbang). Teks seperti di nomor 1 kita jumpai di bandara. d. Option D. At the bus station (di stasiun bus.) Read the text to answer question 2.

Makassar, 27th May, 2009 Dear Sinta, Congratulations on your success in the examination. I am very proud of you. Your best friend, Isty 2. Isty is very pleased with Sinta because she has ... in her examination. A. won B. succeeded C. done D. join Kunci Jawaban: B Pembahasan Isty is very pleased with Sinta because she has ... in her examination.(Isty sangat senang atas Sinta karena dia (Sinta) telah .... dalam ujiannnya.) a. Option A. won (memenangkan, ) Ujian bukan pertandingan jadi bukan untuk dimenangkan dan ada yang dikalahkan b. Option B. succeeded (berhasil) Ucapan selamat biasanya diucapkan atas suatu keberhasilan. Dalam teks juga tersurat frase 'on your success c. Option C. done (mengerjakan) Telah mengerjakan belum tentu berhasil, jadi belum bisa diselamati d. Option D. join (mengikuti ) Telah mengikuti belum tentu berhasil, jadi belum bisa diselamati Selain itu, bila ditinjau dari grammar, kata 'won, done, join' tidak diikuti particle in. Sedangkan kata succceed biasanya diikuti particle in. Read the text and answer questions 3 and 4 From: +62815556165 Just to inform you that the meeting will be cancelled for tomorrow Mon, May 23 '09 at 10 a. m. as the principal will arrive from Singapore tonight. Lilian. Terjemahan teks dalam bahasa Indonesia: Dari : +62815556165

Diinformasikan kepada anda bahwa rapat akan ditunda menjadi besuk Senin, tanggal 23 Mei 2009 pada pukul 10 pagi karena kepala sekolah (baru ) akan datang dari Singapora malam ini. Lilian 3. From the text we know that .... A. the principal was away when the message was sent B. the sender cannot attend the meeting C. the principal will wait for the meeting that day D. the sender was in Singapore when he sent the message Kunci Jawaban: A Nama jenis teks fungsional: short message Pembahasan: From the text we know that .... (Dari teks kita ketahui bahwa.......) a. Option A. the principal was away when the message was sent . (Kepala sekolah sedang (saat itu-lampau) berada di tempat lain ketika pesan tersebut dikirim. Kepala sekolah pada saat pesan dikirim (pasti sebelum malam ini 'tonight') masih belum sampai Indonesia karena malam ini saja dia baru bisa sampai dari Singapura. (option benar) b. Option B. the sender cannot attend the meeting (pengirim (pesan) tidak dapat menghadiri rapat ) Pengirim pesan adalah Lilian. Dalam pesan tidak ada kalimat yang membicarakan dia sendiri, semua tentang kepala sekolah dan rapat. (option salah) c. Option C. the principal will wait for the meeting that day (kepala sekolah akan menunggu untuk rapat hari ini) Kepala sekolah hari ini masih berada di Singapura, baru poulang nanti malam, jadi tidak mungkin menunggu untuk rapat pada hari ini. (option salah) d. Option D. the sender was in Singapore when he sent the message (pengirim (saat itu-lampau) berada di Singapura saat dia mengirim pesan) Pengirim, yaitu Lilian, tidak dibicarakan dalam pesan ini. Tidak ada data tersurat ataupun tersirat tentang di mana Lilian berada. (option salah) 4. The short message is written to .... A. tell what had happened in the meeting B. inform the cancellation of a meeting C. say that the principal won't come to the meeting D. inform that the sender has just arrived from Singapore

Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan: The short message is written to ....( Pesan pendek tersebut ditulis untuk ....) a. Option A. tell what had happened in the meeting (menceritakan apa yang telah terjadi pada rapat itu) Kata 'had happened berarti 'yang sudah terjadi . Rapat belum terjadi. (option salah) b. Option B. inform the cancellation of a meeting (menginformasikan (tentang) penundaan rapat) Isi pesan adalah tentang penundaan. Dalam pesan tertulis the meeting will be cancelled (akan ditunda). Dalam option B, tertulis 'the cancellation of the meeting (penundaan pertemuan). Kata 'cancel' berarti 'menunda', 'cancellation' berarti penundaan c. Option C. say that the principal won't come to the meeting (mengatakan bahwa kepala sekolah tidak akan datang pada rapat itu) Tidak ada kalimat yang secara tersurat ataupun tersirat menyebutkan begitu. Bahkan Lilian menulis rapat ditunda karena kepala sekolah baru akan datang dari Singapura nanti malam. Jadi rapat tidak jadi berlangsung hari ini karena kepala sekolah akan atau harus hadir, tapi tidak hari ini. Tertulis the meeting will be cancelled (=karena) the principal will arrive from Singapore tonight. d. Option D. inform that the sender has just arrived from Singapore (menginformasikan bahwa pengirim baru saja datang dari Singapura) Tidak ada data yang menyebutkan secara tersirat maupun tersurat tentang penulis berada di mana saat ini. Read the following text and answer questions 5 and 6 Hi friends, we are having a DINNER PARTY On Wednesday August 13'h in class VIIIA at eight o'clock. All students of VIIIA are supposed to join. Bring one or two friends and wear your funniest clothes to make the party fun. EXCEL group. 5. The persons who may join the party are VIIIA students and their.... A. couples

B. relatives C. parents D. friends Kunci Jawaban : D Nama jenis teks fungsional: Invitation Terjemah teks Hi, kawan-kawan, kita akan mengadakan PESTA MAKAN MALAM Pada hari Rabu, 13 Agustus di kelas VIIIA pada pukul 8 Semua siswa diharapkan untuk ikut. Bawalah satu atau dua teman dan kenakan pakaian yang paling lucu agar menjadikan pesta menyenangkan. Kelas EXCEL Pembahasan: The persons who may join the party are VIIIA students and their.... (Orang-orang yang boleh ikut dalam pesta tersebut adalah siswa-siswa kelas VIII A dan ...mereka.) a. Option A: couples (pasangan) b. Option B: relatives (sanak saudara) c. Option C: parents (orang tua) d. Option D: friends (teman-teman) Dalam teks tertulis secara eksplisit (tersurat) : Bring one or two friends and... 6. The text is written .... a dinner party. A. to announce students to have B. to invite people to go to C. to inform people to refuse D. to force students to go to Kunci Jawaban: A atau B ? Pembahasan soal nomor 6 The text is written .... a dinner party. (Teks tersebut ditulis ... makan malam.) a. Option A: to announce students to have (untuk mengumunkan para siswa untuk menghadiri (???)) Isi teks memang pengumuman akan adanya pesta dan bahwa para siswa diharapkan / diminta / diundang untuk mengikutinya. Masalahnya, menurut analisa saya, secara gramatika, struktur kalimat A ini kurang benar. Kata announce berarti mengumumkan TENTANG' suatu

keputusan atau rencana. Jadi selalu diikuti atau tentang sesuatu' atau kata benda. Jadi parafrase dari kalimat A adalah to announce that there will be a dinner party and the students of vlass VIII are supposed to join . Kalau option A yang benar, menurut kami, semestinya kalimatnya akan berbunyi semacam to tell the students to have to inform the students to have to invite the students to have to ask the students to have b. Option B: to invite people to go to (untuk mengundang orang-orang untuk pergi ke ) Kata 'people' terlalu umum, padahal pesta hanya untuk siswa-siswa kelas VIII A dan masingmasing membawa satu atau dua teman. c. Option C: to inform people to refuse (untuk memberitahu orang-orang agar menolak) Option C jelas salah. d. Option D: to force students to go to (untuk memaksa siswa-siswa agar pergi ke) Option D jelas salah. Referensi: announce / BrE ; AmE / [ T ] to tell people officially about a decision or plans; to give information about sth in a public place, especially through a loudspeaker; to say sth in a loud and/or serious way. They haven't formally announced their engagement yet. Has our flight been announced yet? I've given up smoking, she announced. Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008. announce : verb - make a formal public declarationabout a fact, occurence, or intention. Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition Read the text and answer questions 7 9 Scout Association of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang To: All Scout Members. We are going to go camping at Bringin area, from 14 16 June 2009. The contribution is Rp75,000.00. Members who would like to join the activity should register their names to Mrs. Katmiati. Registration will be on 10th June, 2009. Naufal A. C. The Chief

7. To whom is the announcement above? A. Mrs. Katmiati B. The chief of the association C. All scout members D. Scout association of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang Kunci Jawaban: C Nama jenis teks fungsional : Announcement Pembahasan: To whom is the announcement above? (Ditujukan kepada siapakah pengumuman di atas?) a. Mrs. Katmiati Orang yang menerima pendaftaran : should register their names to Mrs. Katmiati b. The chief of the association Pengirim surat, namanya Naufal A.C. c. All scout members Dalam teks jelas tertulis To: all Scout Members d. Scout association of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang Nama Organisasi 8. When will the camping activity start? A. 10th June 2009 B. 14th June 2009 C. 15th June 2009 D. 16th June 2009 Kunci Jawaban: B Pembahasan When will the camping activity start? (Kapan kah kegiatan kemah dimulai?) Dalam teks jelas tertulis We are going to go camping at Bringin area, from 14 16 June 2009. (Kami akan pergi berkemah di daerah Bringin, dari 14 16 Juni 2009) 9. "The contribution is Rp75.000,00 What is the meaning of the underlined word? A. Food, drinks, or services which are provided by an organization for guests B. Sum of money that is given to a person or organization to pay for something C. The act of making official report of something or someone D. Payment made by someone because he has a debt

Kunci Jawaban: B Pembahasan The contribution is Rp75.000,00 (Kontribusinya Rp75.000,00) What is the meaning of the underlined word? (Apa arti kata yang digaris bawahi?) a. Option A. Food, drinks, or services which are provided by an organization for guests (Makanan, minuman, atau pelayanan yang disediakan oleh organisasi untuk para tamu) Bila kalimat A dimasukkan dalam kalimat The contribution is Rp75.000,00, maka akan bermakna: Makanan, minuman, atau pelayanana yang disediakan oleh organisasi untuk para tamu adalah Rp. 75.000,00. Option A tidak benar karena bermakna panitia menjual makanan, minuman, dan pelayanan kepada para tamu seharga Rp. 75.000,00. Kalimat itu lebih bermakna peserta diminta membayar Rp. 75.000,00 sebagai sumbangan/ bantuan pembayaran atas segala sesuatu sehubungan dengan penyelenggaraan kegiatan tersebut. b. Option B: Sum of money that is given to a person or organization to pay for something (Sejumlah uang yang dibayarkan kepada seseorang atau organisasi untuk membayar sesuatu) Selain secara logika bahasa option B adalah yang tepat, Yang harus memberikan 'contribution ' adalah peserta. Makna kata secara harfiah dalam kamus juga berbunyi seperti dalam kalimat option B c. Option C. The act of making official report of something or someone (Kegiatan membuat laporan resmi mengenai sesuatu atau seseorang) Option C jelas salah. d. Option D. Payment made by someone because he has a debt (pembayaran yang dibuat seseorang karena dia punya hutang) Option D sudah jelas salah Arti kata contribute menurut kamus Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition: contribute: verb- give in order to help achieve or provide something Contribute to: help to cause or bring about Arti kata contribution menurut Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008. contribution / BrE ; AmE / [ C , U ] a sum of money or sth that is given to a person or organization in order to help pay for sth or raise money for sth; the act of giving sth in this way Read the text and answer questions 10 to 12 My favourite thing is aquarium. It is a place in which aquatic plants and animals, particularly fish, are kept. The term is applied to single tanks for home use in which fish are kept for their decorative effect and interesting habits and to public institutions with tanks for exhibition and scientific study of aquatic life. I make home aquariums to simulate a natural environment. Aquatic plants supply the oxygen needed by the fish, but often an aerating device is used to furnish additional

oxygen. Goldfish enjoy cool water, but the popular tropical fish must have water at a constant temperature of 22C (72F) or more. I must keep the water pure and free of algae for long periods by sufficient aeration and by keeping mollusks in the aquarium. A layer of sand or gravel at the bottom of the tank will hold the roots of such important aquatic plants as tape grass, vallisneria spiralis, and aid in the removal of debris. My home aquariums range in size from small fishbowls holding two or three pets to huge tanks.

Terjemahan dari teks tentang aquarium Satu hal yang jadi favorit saya adalah aquarium. Aquarium merupakan tempat dimana tanaman dan hewan air , khususnya ikan, dipelihara. Istilah ini digunakan baik untuk di rumah di mana ikan dipelihara untuk tujuan sebagai hiasan dan sebagai hobi saja , dan (istilah ini juga digunakankan untuk ) institusi publik dengan bak untuk pameran dan studi ilmiah tentang kehidupan air. Saya membuat aquarium rumah untuk menstimulasi adanya lingkungan alamiah. Tanaman air mensuplai oksigen yang diperlukan oleh ikan, tetapi sering peralatan aerating (untuk memasukkan udara) digunakan untuk menyediakan tambahan oksigen. Goldfish (Ikan emas) menyukai air dingin, tetapi ikan tropis yang populer tersebut harus berada dalam suhu konstan 220 C (720 F) atau lebih. Saya harus menjaga agar air tetap murni dan bebas dari lumut untuk jangka yang panjang dengan aeration (memasukkan udara) yang cukup dan dengan memelihara hewan lunak 'moluska' di dalam aquarium. Hamparan pasir atau kerakal di dasar tanki akan mengikat akar dari tanaman air yang penting seperti rumput pita, valllisneroa spiralis, dan memudahkan dalam pencabutan rumput. Akuarium-aquarium rumah saya bervariasi dalam ukurannya dari sebesar toples ikan kecil yang berisi dua atau tiga ikan sampai bak yang berukuran sangat besar. 10. To give additional oxygen, ... is used in a home aquarium. A. a natural environment B. aquatic plants C. an aerating device D. a layer of sand Kunci Jawaban: C Pembahasan: Dalam teks tertulis Aquatic plants supply the oxygen needed by the fish, but often an aerating device is used to furnish additional oxygen (par 2) Kata furnish berarti menyediakan referensi Kamus Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition furnish: verb: provide (a room or building) with furniture and fittings; be a source of; provide supply with equipment or information

11. Which is not needed to stimulate a natural environment in a home aquarium? A. Putting aquatic plants in the aquarium B. Using a suitable aerating device C. Keeping mollusks in the aquarium D. Removing the debris regularly Kunci Jawaban: D Pembahasan Which is not needed to stimulate a natural environment in a home aquarium? (Mana yang tidak diperlukan untuk merangsang (keberadaan) lingkungan alamiah dalam sebuah aquarium rumah?) a. Option A. Putting aquatic plants in the aquarium (meletakkan tanaman air di akuarium) b. Option B. Using a suitable aerating device (menggunakan peralatan 'aerating' (untuk memasukkan udara) yang sesuai) c. Option C. Keeping mollusks in the aquarium (memelihara hewan lunak moluska di aquarium) d. Option D. Removing the debris regularly (mencabut rumput secara teratur) Pembahasan: Kalimat dalam teks (par 2) yang bisa dijadikan acuan: I make home aquariums to simulate a natural environment. Aquatic plants supply the oxygen needed by the fish, but often an aerating device is used to furnish additional oxygen. ....... I must keep the water pure and free of algae for long periods by sufficient aeration and by keeping mollusks in the aquarium. Option A, B, C disebut dalam teks. Option D TIDAK disebut sebagai yang diperlukan untuk menstimulasi lingkungan alamiah dalam aquarium rumah, jadi jawaban yang betul adalah option D. 12. What is the above passage about? A. The writer's home aquariums B. A natural environment C. Making an aquarium D. Aquatic plants and animals Kunci Jawaban: A Pembahasan : What is the above passage about? (Tentang apakah topik teks dia tas tersebut?) a. Option A. The writer's home aquariums (aquarium rumah milik penulis) Sebagian besar teks membahas topik itu.

b. Option B. A natural environment (lingkungan alamiah) hanya sebagai salah satu hal yang dibahas, yaitu sebagai tujuan membuat 'home aquarium. Bahasan itu menjadi gagasan utama (main idea) HANYA paragraph 2 saja. I make home aquariums to simulate a natural environment. c. Option C. Making an aquarium (membuat akuarium) Teks itu tidak menyebutkan atau menjelaskan mengenai cara membuat atau peristiwa dalam membuat sebuah aquarium. d. Option D. Aquatic plants and animals (tanaman dan hewam air) hanya sabagai salah satu hal yang dibahas yaitu satu hal yang diperlukan dalam merangsang adanya lingkungan alamiah dalam aquarium

Read the text and answer questions 13 to 15 Yesterday night was the night of the fair, the following day was holiday. The children at Tim's school were really excited. They ran down the path out of school as fast as they could. Tim ran all the way home, and changed into his jeans and sneakers. He ate his dinner quickly, and sat at the window waiting for his dad to come. He couldn't wait for six o'clock when the fair would begin. He had been saving his pocket money for weeks. When Tim and his family arrived at the fair, it had just opened. Already there were crowds of people swarming around foodstalls, displays and dozens of rides. "Can I buy some chips and a drink?" asked Tim. "Okay" sad Tim's dad. "But hang on tightly to your wallet. There are a lot of people around." "I'll be fine', said Tim impatiently. He found a foodstall, and ordered his food. When the man brought his chips and drink, without thinking, Tim put his wallet on the counter and picked up his food and drink. When he glanced back, his wallet had vanished! Tim desperately looked around him, but it was no use. All his pocket money was gone. (Source : Exploring Writing by Sue Garnett) 13. The fair started .... A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. after school Kunci Jawaban: C Jenis text : Recount Pembahasan : The fair started .... (Fair (pasar malam) dimulai pada.....)

a. Option A. in the morning (pagi hari) b. Option B. in the afternoon (aftrenoon= sore hari -sesudah jam 12 siang) c. Option C. in the evening (petang) Di paragraf 1 tertulis: He couldn't wait for six o'clock when the fair would begin. (Dia tidak dapat (sabar) menunggu (sampai) pukul 6 di mana fair (misalnya pasar malam) akan dimulai. d. Option D. after school (setelah sekolah -bubar) 14. The children at Tim's school felt excited because ... A. they would go to the fair B. the following night was a holiday C. their parents came to visit them D. they got new jeans and sneakers Kunci Jawaban : A The children at Tim's school felt excited because ... (Anak-anak di sekolah Tom merasa gembira karena....) a. Option A. they would go to the fair (mereka akan pergi ke 'fair') Ada kalimat dari paragraf 1: Yesterday night was the night of the fair, the following day was holiday. The children at Tim's school were really excited. b. Option B. the following night was a holiday (malam berikutnya adalah libur) Liburnya adalah hari berikutnya, bukan malam berikutnya. Yesterday night was the night of the fair, the following day was holiday. c. Option C. their parents came to visit them (orang tua mereka datang untuk mengunjungi mereka) Tidak ada kalimat yang tersurat ataupun tersirat menyatakan begitu. Di paragraf 2 diceritakan Tim pergi ke 'fair' dengan keluarganya ( When Tim and his family arrived at the fair, it had just opened.) termasuk ayahnya (Okay" sad Tim's dad.) d. Option D. they got new jeans and sneakers (mereka memperoleh celana jins dan sepatu) Tidak ada kalimat yang menyatakan begitu. Yang ada adalah mereka mengganti pakaian seragamnya dengan celana jins dan sepatunya. (Tim ran all the way home, and changed into his jeans and sneakers.) 15. "When he glanced back, his wallet has vanished!" (last paragraph). The underlined word means .... A. moved B. disappeared C. stolen D. changed

Kunci Jawaban: B Pembahasan When he glanced back, his wallet has vanished! (Ketika dia menoleh sekilas ke belakang, dompetnya telah hilang secara tiba-tiba.) a. Option A. moved (berpindah) b. Option B. disappeared (menghilang) Referensi Menurut kamus Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition. vanish: disappear suddenly and completely -->gradually cease to exist Menurut Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008. vanish / BrE ; AmE / [ I ] :to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you cannot explain; to stop existing The magician vanished in a puff of smoke. My glasses seem to have vanished. The boys vanished without trace during a snowstorm. All hopes of a peaceful settlement had now vanished. c. Option C. stolen (tercuri) d. Option D. changed (berubah) Read the following text to answer questions 16 to 18 Creole Onion Soup This is a traditional French dish adapted by the Creoles of New Orleans. It is sometimes known as 'Looney soup'. Ingredients: - 75 gr unsalted butter - 6 large onions, peeled and sliced - Salt and pepper -1 tbsp brown sugar -600 ml beef stock -60 gr plain flour -2 tsp soy sauce -1 tsp Worcester sauce - 6 slices of French bread -6 tbsp grated cheese Method: 1. Melt butter slowly.

2. Add sliced onion, a pinch of salt and pepper and the sugar. 3. Cook on a low heat, stirring from time to time, until the onions have browned. 4. Add beef stock and bring to the boil. 5. Sift the flour, stirring hard to avoid lumps. 6. Add chicken stock. 7. Simmer for 3-4 hours. 8. Add sauces. 9. Top each bowl with bread and cheese and place under grill for two minutes, until cheese has melted. The bowls will be hot, so warn your guests. It is a very filling soup so you won't want much else to eat. It should be served for 4 to 6 people. 16. How much Worcester sauce do you need to make creole onion soup? A. One tsp B. One tbsp C. Two tsp D. Six tbsp Kunci Jawaban : A Terjemahan How much Worcester sauce do you need to make creole onion soup? (Berapa banyak saus Worcester yang kamu perlukan untuk membuat creole onion soup (sup bawang creole )? Dalam ingredients jelas tertulis 1 tsp Worcester sauce. 17. Why should you warn your guests while having the soup? A. You won't want much else to eat. B. The bowl is placed under grill. C. The cheese has melted. D. The bowls are hot. Kunci jawaban: D Pembahasan : Why should you warn your guests while having the soup? (Mengapa kamu seharusnya mengingatkan tamu kamu sewaktu makan sup?) a. Option A. You won't want much else to eat. (Kamu tidak akan menginginkan apapun lagi untuk dimakan) b. Option B. The bowl is placed under grill. (mangkuknya diletakkan dibawah 'grill) c. Option C. The cheese has melted. (Kejunya telah meleleh) d. Option D. The bowls are hot. (Mangkuknya panas)

Dalam method no 9 jelas tertulis The bowls will be hot, so warn your guests (Mangkuknya akan panas, karena itu ingatkanlah tamu-tamumu) 18. Simmer for 3-4 hours. " What does 'simmer' mean? A. Boil gently. B. Stir carefully. C. Sift smoothly. D. Melt slowly. Kunci Jawaban: A Pembahasan: Simmer for 3-4 hours. " What does 'simmer' mean? (Simmer sekitar 3-4 jam. Apa arti kata ' simmer) a. Option A. Boil gently. (Rebus dengan tingkat sedang) menurut kamus, arti 'simmer' adalah boil simmer : verb Stay or cause to stay just below the boiling point while bubbling gently; noun- a state or temperature just below boiling point. b. Option B. Stir carefully. (Aduk hati-hati) c. Option C. Sift smoothly. (Saring secara merata) d. Option D. Melt slowly. (Cairkan pelan-pelan ) catatan: Option B, C, dan D: Menurut kamus arti simmer bukan berarti mengaduk, menyaring ataupun mencairkan. Juga, secara logika , tidak mungkin orang mengaduk masakan sampai selama 3-4 jam Juga tidak logis bila setelah melakukan langkah-langkah dalam nomor 1 sampai dengan 6 kemudian diaduk (B) atau disaring (C) dan di cairkan (D)

Vocabularies dalam teks Creole Onion Soup 1. ingredients =bahan-bahan 2. unsalted butter = mentega yang tidak digarami (tidak asin) 3. 6 large onions, peeled and sliced =6 bawang merah besar, dukupas dan diiris) 4. salt and pepper =garam dan mrica 5. 1 tbsp brown sugar (tbs = tablespoonful) = satu sendok makan gula jawa 6. 600 ml beef stock (ml= mililitre) = 600 ml kuah daging sapi 7. 60 gr plain flour= 600 gram tepung tanpa ragi 8. 2 tsp soy sauce (tsp=teaspoonful) = 2 sendok the saus 9. 1 tsp Worcester sauce = 1 sendok the saus Worcester 10. 6 slices of French bread = 6 potong roti tawar French 11. 6 tbsp grated cheese= 6 sendok makan keju yang diparut 12. method = cara (=steps/ how to cook)

13. Melt butter slowly.= Cairkan mentega dengan pelan-pelan. 10. Add sliced onion, a pinch of salt and pepper and the sugar= Tambahkan bawang merah yang di) iris, sejumput garam dan mrica dan gula. 11. Cook on a low heat, stirring from time to time, until the onions have browned= Masaklah dalam panas yang rendah, kadang-kadang aduk-aduklah, sampai bawang merahnya berwarna coklat 12. Add beef stock and bring to the boil= Tambahkan kaldu daging sapi dan rebuslah. 13. Sift the flour, stirring hard to avoid lumps= Saring tepungnya, aduk dengan keras untuk menghindari ........ 14. Add chicken stock= Tambahkan kaldu ayam 15. Simmer for 3-4 hours= Rebus selama 3=4 jam 16. Add sauces = Tambahkan saus 17. Top each bowl with bread and cheese and place under grill for two minutes, until cheese has melted. = Letakkan di bagian atas pada masing-masing mangkuk roti tawar dan keju dan masukkan dalam panggangan selama dua menit, sampai kejunya meleleh. 18. The bowls will be hot, so warn your guests.= Mangkuk-mangkuk tersebut akan menjadi panas, jadi ingatkanlah para tamu-tamu anda. 19. It is a very filling soup so you won't want much else to eat. = Ini adalah sup yang sangat mengenyangkan maka kamu tidak akan menginginkan yang lain lagi untuk dimakan. 20. It should be served for 4 to 6 people= Itu (masakan) sebaiknya disajikan untuk 4 sampai 6 orang. Read the following text to answer questions 19 to 22. Once upon a time, there were two butterflies, Teri and Roni. They are friends. Teri and Roni had the same crown. One day, Kodi a frog, saw Teri and Roni quarreling "You took it!" said Roni "No. I did not!" said Teri. "Hey, what's the matter?" asked Kodi. "Teri stole my crown!" said Roni. "No. I didn't," said Teri. "Yesterday, I still had my crown when she came to visit me," said Roni. "Today I cannot find the crown! Look!, she is wearing it!" Roni shouted. "My mom gave me this crown," Teri explained. Kodi suggested they all go to Roni's house. "Where did you put it?" said Kodi to Roni. "I put it on the table," Roni answered. They didn't find the crown. "May be, it fell down." Kodi looked under the table. Nothing was there. "It was my favourite crown!" Roni sobbed. "I didn't steal yours, but if you like it so much, you can have mine," Teri gave Roni the crown. "It's here!" Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain. Roni stopped crying, "Thank God, Kodi found it!" "Sorry, Teri, I accused you. I'm a terrible friend!" "It's OK," said Teri. "Let's say thanks to Kodi!"

19. Where did Kodi find the crown? A. Under the table. B. On the table. C. Behind the curtain. D. In the house. Kunci Jawaban: C Nama jenis teks : Narrative Text Pembahasan: Where did Kodi find the crown? Di manakah Kodi menemukan mahkotanya? a. Option A. Under the table. (Di bawah meja) b. Option B. On the table. (Di atas meja) c. Option C. Behind the curtain. (Di belakang tirai (korden) Dalam teks jelas tersurat bahwa Kodi melihat mahkota (crown) di belakang tirai. "I didn't steal yours, but if you like it so much, you can have mine," Teri gave Roni the crown. "It's here!" Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain. (Ini di sini ! Kodi melihat mahkota tersebut (ada) di belakang tirai. Roni stopped crying, "Thank God, Kodi found it!" (Roni berhenti menangis, Terimakasih Tuhan, Kodi menemukannya) d. Option D. In the house. (Di dalam rumah.) 20. I put it on the table," (line 13) What does the underlined word refer to? A. The crown B. The house C. The table D. The curtain Kunci Jawaban: A Pembahasan: baca lagi kutipan dari teks narasi di atas I put it on the table," What does the underlined word refer to? (Mengacu pada apakah kata yang digaris bawahi) a. The crown (mahkota) Kata it jelas mengacu pada crown. Perhatikan kutipan dari teks diatas: "My mom gave me this crown," Teri explained. Kodi suggested they all go to Roni's house. "Where did you put it?" said Kodi to Roni. "I put it on the table," Roni answered. b. The house (rumah)

c. The table (meja) d. The curtain (tirai) Untuk lebih meyakinkan, kalau option-option B,C,atau D dimasukkan dalam kalimat pernyataan I put it on the table (saya meletakkan nya di atas meja) untuk menggantikan kata it , maka akan kita temukan ketidaklogisan. Perhatikan: a. Option A. I put it on the table. ---> I put the crown on the table. (Saya meletakkan mahkota tersebut di atas meja) b. Option B. I put it on the table.---> I put the house on the table. (Saya meletakkan rumah tersebut di atas meja.) c. Option C. I put it on the table.---> I put the table on the table. (saya meletakkan meja tersebut di atas meja) d. Option D. I put it on the table ---> I put the curtain on the table. (Saya meletakkan tirai tersebut di atas meja)

21. From the story, we can learn that .... A. trusting each other is very important B. the goodness is always the winner C. a wise friend can be trusted D. we shouldn't accuse of others without proof Kunci Jawaban: D Pembahasan: From the story, we can learn that .... (Dari cerita tersebut, kita dapat belajar bahwa....) a. Option A. trusting each other is very important ( saling mempercayai adalah sangat penting) b. Option B. the goodness is always the winner (kebaikan selalu akan jadi pemenang) c. Option C. a wise friend can be trusted (seorang teman yang bijaksana dapat dipercaya ) d. Option D. we shouldn't accuse of others without proof (kita seharusnya tidak menuduh orang lain tanpa bukti) Dalam teks, diceritakan bahwa Teri dan Roni berteman baik. Mereka memiliki mahkota yang sama. Ketika mahkota Roni hilang, dia menuduh Teri mencurinya. Kodi sang katak yang melihat mereka bertengkar menyarankan agar mereka bertiga pergi ke rumah Roni. Seingat Roni, dia meletakannya di atas meja. Tapi dicari di meja dan di bawah meja mahkotanya tidak ditemukan. Kemudian Kodi melihat makkota itu ternyata ada di belakang tirai. Roni meminta maaf pada Teri. Teri memaafkan Roni dan mengajaknya berterimakasih pada Kodi.

22. From the story above we can conclude that Kodi is a ... friend. A. wise B. good C. polite D. happy Kunci Jawaban: A Pembahasan From the story above we can conclude that Kodi is a ... friend. ( Dari cerita di atas kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Kodi adalah seorang teman yang ....) a. Option A. wise (bijaksana) Kodi teman yang bijak (wise)karena dia tidak langsung ikut menuduh, tapi mengusulkan untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan dengan mencari kebenarannya dulu, barangkali Roni yang lupa, yaitu denganbersama-sama pergi ke rumah Roni. b. Option B. good (baik) Kodi teman yang baik (good), karena secara moral dia benar mengikuti prinsip-prinsip keagamaan atau moral yang secara universal dianggap baik , yaitu tidak ikut-ikut menuduh begitu saja, memberi nasehat untuk mencari penyelesaian atas pertengkaran dengan baik , tidak memperkeruh suasana. Dia juga baik karena dia suka menolong dengan menyumbangkan waktu dan tenaga dengan harus pergi ke rumah Roni untuk mencari mahkotanya. c. Option C. polite (sopan) Option C jelas tidak ada hubungannya dengan isi cerita d. Option D. happy (bahagia) Option D jelas tidak ada hubungannya dengan isi cerita Kesimpulan: Kunci jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. Tapi kunci jawaban B, menurut kami, juga tidak salah, karena kata 'good' hampir bisa digunakan untuk semua sifat yang baik.

Referensi Menurut kamus wise (adjective) berarti a. having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement ( Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition.) b. able to make good decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have (Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008) good: a. trictly adhering to the principles of a religion or cause (Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition.) b. morally right or virtuous --->(of a child) obedient; well behaved (Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition.)

c. morally right; behaving in a way that is morally right (Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008.)

Read the following text to answer questions 23 to 24. Y2K VCD LENS CLEANER Can make your VCD player in the best operating condition. It can remove the dirts from laser lens thoroughly. Always keep the sound and picture clear when playing. The cleaning disc will show you the perfect motion and sound after cleaning. Protect your VCD player long lasting effectively. REMARK If the result is still bad after the normal cleaning, it may be the problem of disc or machine of VCD. Please send to professional maintenance. DIRECTIONS Dry type cleaning Insert VCD lens cleaner into your player, press the play button. The disc will then spin to start cleaning process. When cleaning is finished, you will be played with preset program to show you the perfect result of cleaning. Carefully replace the cleaner in the case. 23. What can Y2K VCD lens cleaner do to your VCD player? A.Help it much stronger. B.Make the VCD run faster. C.Remove the dirt from laser lens. D.Keep the sound very audible. Kunci Jawaban : C Jenis Teks Fungsional: Label Pembahasan What can Y2K VCD lens cleaner do to your VCD player? (Apa yang dapat dikerjakan oleh pembersih lensa Y2K VCD untuk VCD player kamu?) a. Option A. Help it much stronger. (Membantunya menjadi lebih kuat.) Tidak ada kalimat dalam teks yang menyebutkan demikian b. Option B. Make the VCD run faster. (Membuat VCD beroperasi lebih cepat.) Tidak ada kalimat dalam teks yang menyebutkan demikian c. Option C. Remove the dirts from laser lens. (Mencabut kotoran dari lensa laser.) Perhatikan kutipan dari teks: Y2K VCD LENS CLEANER

Can make your VCD player in the best operating condition. It can remove the dirt from laser lens thoroughly. d. Option D. Keep the sound very audible. (Menjaga agar suaranya tetap bisa didengar.) erhatikan kutipan dari teks Y2K VCD LENS CLEANER Can make your VCD player in the best operating condition. It can remove the dirts from laser lens thoroughly. Always keep the sound and picture clear when playing. The cleaning disc will show you the perfect motion and sound after cleaning. Dalam teks suara dan gambar dijaga agar JELAS sewaktu dimainkan, bukan menjadikan suaranya sangat audible (sangat keras/ mudah didengarkan 24. Carefully replace the cleaner in the case" (last line) The word "replace" is similar meaning to.... A. take to B. clean carefully C. change into another D. put it back Kunci Jawaban: D Carefully replace the cleaner in the case" (baris terakhir). Kata 'replace' sama artinya dengan .... a. Option A. take to (pergilah ke ) b. Option B. clean carefully (bersihkankanlah dengan hati-hati ) c. Option C. change into another (ubahlah menjadi yang lainnya) d. Option D. put it back (letakkan kembali ke ) Dalam konteks kalimat dalam teks diatas, kata 'replace berarti meletakkan kembali ke tempat semula. Bila makna itu dimasukkan dalam kalimat, kalimat akan menjadi berbunyi : Carefully put the cleaner back in the case. (Dengan hati-hati letakkan kembali pembersihnya ke tempatnya (Jawa: wadhah-nya) Arti kata replace menurut Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition: verb : a. take the place of b. provide a substitute for c. put back in a previous place or position (meletakkan kembali di tempat semula) Pembahasan Perhatikan: Carefully replace the cleaner in the case. Read the following text to answer questions 25 to 26.

The Earth's greatest gorge", the Grand Canyon is located in northwestern Arizona. Its vastness is 217 mile long, and its widest spans over 17 miles across. It is not surprising that it has been designated one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The walls of the canyon are made of limestone, sandstone, lava and other rocks. As the day passes the rocks reflect different colours. Many tourists come to the canyon just to watch the rocks change colour. Cottonwood and willow trees grow at the bottom of the canyon. Many varieties of cactus grow here as well. The canyon is also home to many animals, such as bobcats, coyotes, kangaroo rats and deer. Today about 4. million visitors come to Grand Canyon each year. Seeing the Grand Canyon is always a breathtaking and unforgettable experience. 25. What makes the visitors feel interested watching the rocks? A. They have different sizes. B. They reflect human's life. C. They can change into different colour. D. They can change its form. Kunci Jawaban: C Pembahasan What makes the visitors feel interested watching the rocks? ( Apa yang membuat pengunjung merasa tertarik menonton karang-karang tersebut?) a. Option A. They have different sizes. (Mereka memiliki ukuran yang berbeda.) b. Option B. They reflect human's life. (Mereka merefleksikan kehidupan manusia) c. Option C. They can change into different colour. (Mereka dapat berubah menjadi warna yang berbeda) Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas mengacu pada kalimat berikut ini: Many tourists come to the canyon just to watch the rocks change colour. (par 2) ( Banyak turis datang ke lembah tersebut hanya untuk menonton batu-batu tersebut berubah warna/ d. Option D. They can change its form.Mereka dapat mengubah bentuk mereka. 26. "... Grand Canyon is always a breathtaking and unforgettable experience." (last paragraph) The underlined word has the same meaning with .... A. strong emotional B. available C. amazing D. unbelievable Kunci Jawaban : C Jenis teks: descriptive text

Terjemahan kalimat pernyataan "... Grand Canyon is always a breathtaking and unforgettable experience." (last paragraph) (Grand Canyon tersebut selalu merupakan pengalaman yang breathtaking dan tak terlupakan.) The underlined word has the same meaning as .... (Kata yang digaris bawahi memiliki arti yang sama dengan ....) Pembahasan: Kalimat dalam pernyataan ada kesalahan: the same meaning selalu dengan as bukan with ... Grand Canyon is always a breathtaking and unforgettable experience." (last paragraph) The underlined word has the same meaning as .... a. Option A. strong emotional (melibatkan emosi yang kuat) b. Option B. available (tersedia) c. Option C. amazing (mengagumkan -mengejutkan tapi menimbulkan rasa senang dan kagum) Dalam konteks kalimat yang ada dalam teks tersebut, pengalaman itu sesuatu yang membuat orang kagum, jadi kata yang paling mirip dengan breathtaking adalah amazing. d. Option D. unbelievable ( sulit untuk bisa dipercaya -tidak percaya bahwa itu mungkin atau benar, jadi maknamya sedikit negatif)

Referensi Arti kata breathtaking menurut Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008. -very exciting or impressive (usually in a pleasant way); -very surprising Contoh: The scene was breathtaking in its beauty. Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition : -astonishing or awe-inspiring.

Questions 27 to 29 are based on the text Have you ever visited a place which made you want to stay forever? I have. Last year, I went to Situ Cileunca. At first, I thought the place was only the same as, other places in Bandung. But I was very surprised to find that it was the most beautiful place I've ever visited. There were fantastic meadows, a lake, and a river. The meadow was very large. In the middle of the meadow there were many cows and sheep. All the animals were fat and healthy because they could easily get some grass in that large meadow. At the edge of the meadow, there was a small river. The water in the river was very cold. But, the sound of the streaming water was good to hear, especially in the evening. Not far away from the herd of cattle, there was a lake. The lake wasn't too big, but it was very beautiful. The water was very clear and clean. We could see many fish in the lake. The most

amazing thing was the water itself. It was not cold although the weather around was extremely freezing. Unfortunately, I stayed there for just three days because we had to go back to Jakarta. But I have promised myself to come back later.

27. What does the writer tell you about? A. Visiting fantastic meadows. B. Living in Situ Cileunca. C. Seeing many fish in the lake. D. Visiting Situ Cileunca. 28. What does the paragraph three tell us about? A. The beauty of the lake. B. The weather around the lake. C. The fish in the lake. D. The water in the river. Kunci Jawaban: A Pembahasan: What does the paragraph three tell us about? (tentang apakah yang diceritakan oleh paragraf 3 kepada kita? Catatan: Secara gramatikal, kalimat ini tidak benar. Seharusnya: What does paragraph three tell us about? Atau What does the third paragraph tell us about? What does the third paragraph tell us about? a. Option A. the beauty of the lake. (Keindahan danau ) Perhatikan sekali lagi isi paragraf 3 dari teks : Not far away from the herd of cattle, there was a lake. The lake wasn't too big, but it was very beautiful. The water was very clear and clean. We could see many fish in the lake. The most amazing thing was the water itself. It was not cold although the weather around was extremely freezing.

Isi paragraf menggambarkan keindahan danau: The lake wasn't too big, but it was very beautiful. Fakta pendukung: -airnya jernih dan bersih: The water was very clear and clean. -banyak ikan: We could see many fish in the lake -airnya tidak dingin meski cuaca sekililingnya sangat dingin : It (the water) was not cold although the weather around was extremely freezing. b. Option B. The weather around the lake. (Cuaca di sekeliling danau) Hanya salah satu fakta pendukung untuk mengungkapkan keindahan danau c. Option C. The fish in the lake. (Ikan-ikan di danau) Hanya salah satu fakta pendukung untuk mengungkapkan keindahan danau d. Option D. The water in the river. (Air di sungai) Paragraf 3 melukiskan keindahan danau, tidak menyebut sungai sedikit pun. Air yang digambarkan juga air danau. 29. Why was the writer very surprised? A. The place was exceptional. B. The weather around the lake was cold. C. The fish in the lake was beautiful. D. The water was warm. Kunci Jawaban: A. Pembahasan: Why was the wtiter very surprised? (Mengapa penulis merasa terkejut -makna positif?) a. Option A. The place was exceptional. (Tempat itu lain daripada yang lain- bagusnya) Mulanya penulis pikir tempat itu hanya sama dengan tempat-tempat lain di Bandung. Tetapi dia terkejut mengetahui bahwa tempat itu merupakan tempat yang paling indah yang pernah dikunjungi penulis. At first, I thought the place was only the same as, other places in Bandung. But I was very surprised to find that it was the most beautiful place I've ever visited. (par 1) b. Option B. The weather around the lake was cold. c. Option C. The fish in the lake was beautiful. d. Option D. The water was warm. Read the following text and answer questions 30 to 33 Do you know that a giraffe may grow more than six metres tall? Yes, the giraffe is a very tall animal. In fact, it is the tallest animal in the world. A giraffe has a very long neck. Unfortunately, the giraffe cannot bend its neck easily. Thus,

when it wants to drink water at a pool, the giraffe has to spread its front legs apart, so it can reach the water. A giraffe feeds on plant only. Hence, it can reach the leaves on trees easily because of its height. Also, a giraffe has a very long tongue about 0.5 metres long. The giraffe uses this long tongue skillfully to pick leaves off plants and trees. This tall animal can protect itself very well. It has a very good sense of smell and sight. It can hear very well, too. It can also gallop very fast at a speed of 50 km.p.h. The giraffe's hind legs and long neck are also very useful. For example, a giraffe can kick its enemy with its hind legs or even hit out with its long neck. 30. What does a giraffe use to kick its enemy? A. Front legs B. Bent neck C. Hind legs D. Long tongue Kunci Jawaban: C Jenis teks: report text Pembahasan: What does a giraffe use to kick its enemy? (Apa yang digunakan jerapah untuk menendang musuhnya?) a. Option A. Front legs (kaki depan) b. Option B. Bent neck (leher yang dibungkukkan) c. Option C. Hind legs (kaki belakang) ... a giraffe can kick its enemy with its hind legs or even hit out with its long neck. (Kalimat terakhir dari paragraf terakhir) d. Option D. Long tongue (lidah yang panjang) 31. What can a giraffe do with its height? A. It may grow more than six metres tall. B. Its legs must be spread apart for drinking. C. It is able to reach the leaves on the trees. D. It can gallop at speed of 50 km.p.h. Kunci Jawaban: C Pembahasan What can a giraffe do with its height? (Apa yang dapat dilakukan jerapah dengan ketinggiannya?)

a. Option A. It may grow more than six metres tall. (Dia mungkin akan tumbuh menjadi lebih dari 6 meter tingginya) b. Option B. Its legs must be spread apart for drinking. (Kakinya harus dibuka lebar agar bisa minum) c. Option C. It is able to reach the leaves on the trees. ( Dia bisa mencapai daun-daun di atas pohon) A giraffe feeds on plant only. Hence, it can reach the leaves on trees easily because of its height (paragraf 3) d. It can gallop at speed of 50 km.p.h. (Dia dapat lari dengan ke 4 kakinya diangkat secara bersama-sama pada kecepatan 50 km per jam) 32. What does the text tell us about? A. The protective animal. B. The height of giraffe. C. The giraffe long tongue. D. Giraffe in general. Kunci Jawaban: D Pembahasan: What does the text tell us about? = Tentang apakah yang diceritakan text kepada kita? a. Option A. The protective animal. (Binatang yang senang melindungi) b. Option B. The height of giraffe. (ketinggian jerapah) c. Option C. The giraffe long tongue. (lidah jerapah yang panjang) d. Option D. Giraffe in general. (jerapah yang panjang) Isi teks seluruhnya tentang jerapah secara umum 33. ... can protect itself very well." (paragraph 4) What does the underlined word mean? A. Having serious attention. B. Keeping safe from danger. C. Increasing in height. D. Taking care seriously. Kunci Jawaban : B ... can protect itself very well." (paragraph 4) ( ...dapat melindungi sendiri dengan baik) What does the underlined word mean? a. Option A .Having serious attention. (memiliki perhatian yang serius) b. Option B. Keeping safe from danger. (menjaga agar tetap aman dari bahaya) c. Option C. Increasing in height. (bertambah tingginya)

d. Option D. Taking care seriously. (menjaga dengan serius) Referensi Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition protect: keep safe from harm or injury Read the text and answer questions 34 to 36.

Only Hotel With A View

136 guestrooms including 1 Penthouse (3 bedrooms), 1 Presidential suite (3 bedrooms), 54 Jayakarta Suites, 39 Executive and 45 Deluxe Rooms. Banquet and function facilities are available for multi-purpose, meetings, wedding, seminar and conventions for up to 1000 participants. Recreation facilities wrapped in a unique shape of open air swimming pool, where you can bring your children to play around on a sand beach atmosphere. HOTEL JAYAKARTA BANDUNG Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) 381A, Bandung 40135 Indonesia Tel. (022) 2505888, fac=x (022) 25053888, E-mail. [email protected] 34. How many rooms does Hotel Jayakarta have for the guests? A. 39 B. 45 C. 54 D. 136 Kunci Jawaban: D Pembahasan: How many rooms does Hotel Jayakarta have for the guests? (berapa banyak kamar yang dimiliki Hotel Jayakarta untuk para tamu? a. Option A. 39 b. Option B. 45 c. Option C. 54 d. Option D. 136 136 guestrooms including 136 guestrooms including 1 Penthouse (3 bedrooms), 1 Presidential suite (3 bedrooms), 54 Jayakarta Suites, 39 Executive and 45 Deluxe Rooms. Ada kejanggalan dalam soal: 136 kamar tamu termasuk....3 + 3 + 54 + 39 + 45 = 144 ???? 35. Which is INCORRECT about the hotel? A. There are three bedrooms in Penthouse. B. Its function rooms can accomodate more than one thousand people. C. The guests can bring their children on the sandy beach near it.

D. It provides its guest with an open air swimming pool. Kunci Jawaban: B atau C Which is INCORRECT about the hotel? (Mana yang TIDAK BENAR tentang hotel tersebut? a. Option A, There are three bedrooms in Penthouse. (Ada tiga kamar di Penthouse) (benar) 136 guestrooms including 136 guestrooms including 1 Penthouse (3 bedrooms),.... b. Option B. Its function rooms can accomodate more than (lebih dari) one thousand people. Banquet and function facilities are available for multi-purpose, meetings, wedding, seminar and conventions for up to (sampai dengan) 1000 participants. c. Option C. The guests can bring their children on the sandy beach near it. Recreation facilities wrapped in a unique shape of open air swimming pool, where you can bring your children to play around on a sand beach atmosphere. ????? Fasilitas rektreasi dikemas dalam sebuah bentuk unik kolam renang terbuka, dimana anda bisa bawa anak-anak anda untuk bermain-main di tempat itu dalam atmosfir (suasana) pantai berpasir. Perhatikan, on a sand beach atmosphere ('dalam suasana pantai pasir' bukan berarti pantai pasir sungguhan, hanya suasananya mirip/ seperti. Juga kata 'where' menerangkan kata sebelumnya, dalam hal ini swimming pool' . ... open air swimming pool, where you can bring your children to play around on a sand beach atmosphere. Selain itu, secara logika, kita tahu bahwa hotel itu ada Bandung, dan tidak ada pantai di Bandung, terutama lagi di Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) , Bandung d. Option D. It provides its guest with an open air swimming pool. Recreation facilities wrapped in a unique shape of open air swimming pool.... Kesimpulan: pernyataan dalam option B dan C salah, jadi jawabnya bisa B atau C. 36. "Banquet and function facilities are available The underlined word means we can ... easily. A. find B. provide C. refuse D. force Kunci Jawaban : A Jenis text: advertisement (iklan) "Banquet and function facilities are available The underlined word means we can ... easily. (Catering makan ( formal ) dan fasilitas untuk melalukan berbagai kegiatan dan kerja tersedia. Kata yang digaris bawahi berarti kita dapat ....dengan mudah) a. Option A. find (menemukan) referensi

Kamus Concise Oxford English Dictionary, eleventh edition available - adjective :1. able to be used or obtained. 2. not otherwise occupied; free Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008. available / BrE ; AmE / ( rather formal ) : that you can get, buy or find b. Option B. provide (menyediakan) Karena dalam kalimat pernyataan ada subject 'we berarti para tamunya maka jawabannya menjadi find' ---> we can find Kalau subjectnya dipandang dari hotel', maka akan menjadi: The hotel provides banquet and function facilities atau Banquet and funtion facilities are provided by the hotel c. Option C. refuse (menolak) d. Option D. force (memaksa) Read the text and answer questions 37 to 40 Dear Irfan, I am very glad to write this letter to you. How is your school? Here in Sleman, we are preparing for the Independence Day celebrations. So everybody is very busy. First, we are going to have some sports competition. There will be soccer, volleyball and a tug of war competition. The winning team will receive a big goat as a prize. I'm going to play in the football and volleyball competitions. Then, we are going to have a wayang show on the night before the Independence Day. The dalang is a famous one from Yogyakarta. He will perform all night long. Have you ever seen a wayang show? It is very entertaining. Finally, I'm going to attend a flag raising ceremony at school on Independence Day. After that, we will give out prizes to the competition winners. What are your plans for the Independence Day celebrations? Please write back and tell me. Best regards, Joko 37. What is the prize for the winners of the sports competition? A. An amount of money B. A golden trophy C. A new ball D. A big goat Kunci Jawaban: D Jenis teks: Recount Pembahasan: What is the prize for the winners of the sports competition? (Apa hadiah bagi para pemenang pertandingan olahraga)

a. An amount of money (sejumlah uang) b. A golden trophy (sebuah tropi emas) c. A new ball (sebuah bola baru) d. A big goat (seekor yang kambing besar) The winning team will receive a big goat as a prize (paragraf 2) (Tim yang menang akan menerima seekor kambing yang besar sebagai hadiah. 38. How many competitions will Joko join? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four Kunci Jawaban: B How many competitions will Joko join? (Berapa banyak pertandingan yang akan diikuti Joko?) a. One b. Two I'm going to play in the football and volleyball competitions. (paragraf 2) ............................................................................................................................................................ Best Regards, Joko c. Three d. Four 39. He will perform all night long." (paragraph 3) The word "He" refers to .... A. Irfan B. Joko C. the winner D. the dalang Kunci Jawaban : D The dalang is a famous one from Yogyakarta. He will perform all night long. 40. We will give out prizes to ...... (paragraph 4) What does the underlined word mean? A. Receive B. Send C. Distribute D. Buy Kunci Jawaban : C We will give out prizes to ...... (paragraph 4) (Kami akan memberikan hadiah kepada ....) What does the underlined word mean? Dengan berpikir tentang kelogisan kalimat kita bis mengira-ira arti kata yang digarisbawahi itu

meski tanpa kamus. a. Receive (menerima) We dalam teks mengacu pada penulis dan timnya sebagai panitia lomba. Tidak mungkin kami (panitia) akan menerima hadiah b. Send (mengirimkan) Hadiah juga tidak mungkin dikirimkan karena forum yang digunakan untuk memberikan hadiah adalah upacara bendera, tentunya akan diberikan langsung pada para pemenangnya. c. Distribute (membagi) dalam upacara bendera pada hari kemerdekaan , hadiah aka n dibagikan/ d. Buy (membeli) Kami ' (panitia lomba) tidak mungkin membeli hadiah. Read the text to answer questions 41 to 43

Withdrawing cash with an ATM card

Steps: 1. Read the direction. 2. Put your card into the slot. 3. Punch in your PIN. 4. When the choices appear, select "withdrawal from checking". 5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw. 6. When your money appears, remove it. 7. When the machine asks if you are finished, press "yes". 8. Take out the receipt. 41. What should you do after inserting your card? A. Press "yes" B. Enter the PIN. C. Select "continue" D. Take the receipt Kunci Jawaban : B Jenis teks: Procedure text What should you do after inserting your card? (Apa yang seharusnya kamu lakukan setelah memasukkan kartu kamu?) a. Press "yes" (Menekan Yes) b. Enter the PIN. (memasukkan PIN) Perhatikan langkah nomor 2 dan 3. Langkah-langkah dalam sebuah teks procedure pasti disusun sesuai urutannya. Put your card into the slot. (Masukkan kartu ke dalam slot/ lubang) Punch in your PIN. (masukkan PIN) c. Select "continue" (Memilih continue)

d. Take the receipt (Mengambil tanda terima) 42. What is the text about? A. The best way to keep our money safe. B. The procedures of saving money in a bank. C. The description of an Automatic Teller Machine. D. The ways to withdraw money from Automatic Teller Machine. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan: What is the text about? = Tentang apakah teks tersebut? a. The best way to keep our money safe. (Cara yang terbaik untuk menjaga agar uang kiata aman) b. The procedures of saving money in a bank. (Prosedur menyimpan uang di bank) c. The description of an Automatic Teller Machine.(Deskripsi tentang ATM -Mesin Pembayaran Otomatis) Jika jawabnya C, isi teks hanya berisi gambaran seperti apa ATM itu. Dan teksnya merupakan Descriptive Text d. The ways to withdraw money from Automatic Teller Machine. (Cara-cara mengambil uang dari/ lewat ATM- Mesin Pembayaran Otomatis) Isi teks tentang langkah-langkah mengambil uang dari ATM. Dari judulnya yang sekaligus merupakan unsur aim= porpose untuk apa teks itu dibuat juga sudah mencerminkan tentang isi teksnya. Withdrawing cash with an ATM card 43. What do you have to do if you want to withdraw again? A. Punch in your PIN again and take the money. B. Press "NO" when the machine asks if you're finished. C. Enter the amount that you want to draw. D.Remove the money when it appears. Kunci jawaban : B Pembahasan : What do you have to do if you want to withdraw again? = Apa yang harus kamu lakukan kalau kamu akan menarik/ mengambil uang lagi? a. Punch in your PIN again and take the money. (masukkan PIN kamu lagi dan ambil uangnya) b. Press "NO" when the machine asks if you're finished. (Tekan NO' ketika mesin bertanya apakah kamu sudah ingin menyudahi -proses pengambilan uang) Sewaktu mengoperasikan ATM, setiap kali kita selesai menekan salah satu tombol yang ada, mesin akan langsung memberikan perintah untuk melalukan sesuatu atau bertanya yang isinya

merupakan pilihan langkah berikutnya . Setelah langkah no 6 (When your money appears, remove it: Ketika uangmu muncul, cabutlah), mesin akan bertanya apakah kamu akan menyudahi (finish) bertransaksi atau akan melakukan transaksi lain lagi ( diantaranya pengambil uang lagi). Bila sudah kamu harus menekan tombol YES. Secara tersirat teks memberikan gambaran pada kita bahwa pilihan jawaban ada YES dan NO. Bila YES berarti selesai transaksi pengambilan uang, maka lawannya, NO, berarti belum selesai -akan mengambil lagi. c. Enter the amount that you want to draw.(Masukkan jumlah uang yang akan kamu ambil) d. Remove the money when it appears. (abutlah uangnya waktu uang muncul)

For numbers 44 to 46, choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks: Theatre is a place where people entertain the audience well. The people who ... (44), called actors and actresses, act in plays on a stage. A ... (45) can be raised platform, or it can be part of the floor in a room, either in the centre of the room or against the wall. The audience is very important part of a theatre because it is for the audience that actors and actresses act ... (46), and the playwright writes interestingly. Without an audience, they are only rehearsing or practicing. 44. A. perform B. disguise C. pretend D. work Kunci Jawaban : A Jenis teks: report Pembahasan: The people who ... (44), called actors and actresses, act in plays on a stage. (Orang yang ... , disebut aktor dan aktris, beraksi di panggung.) a. Option A. perform (melakukan) Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford : perform=to do sth, such as a piece of work, task or duty University Press, 2008. b. Option B. disguise (menyamar) c. Option C. pretend (berpura-pura) d. Option D. work (bekerja) Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford : perform=to do sth, such as a piece of work, task or duty University Press, 2008 45. A. stage B. screen C. show

D. script Kunci jawaban: A Pembahasan: A ... (45) can be raised platform, or it can be part of the floor in a room, either in the centre of the room or against the wall. (Sebuah.... dapat berupa arena yang ditinggikan. Atau bagian dari lantai dalam ruangan, bauk di tengah ruangan atau yang dekat dinding) a. Option A.stage (panggung) b. Option B. screen (layar) c. Option C. show (pertunjukan) d. Option D. script (naskah) 46. A. spontaneously B. perfectly C. friendly D. personally Kunci Jawaban: B Pembahasan The audience is very important part of a theatre because it is for the audience that actors and actresses act ... (46), and the playwright writes interestingly. (Penonton merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam sebuah teater karena untuk penontonlah para aktor dan aktris beraksi .... dan penulis naskah menulis dengan cara yang menarik. a. Option A. spontaneously (dengan spontan) Aktor dan aktris tidak beraksi secara spontan, karena harus berdasar naskah (script) yang sudah ditulis oleh penulis naskah (playwright) b. option B. perfectly (dengan sempurnanya) c. Option C. friendly (dengan ramah) d. Option D. personally (secara pribadi) For numbers 47 and 48, arrange the words into a good sentence 47. when leave gas stove on do unattended not 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A. 5 - 7 - 6 - 3 - 4 - 2 - 1 B. 5 - 7 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 1 - 2 C. 5 - 7 - 6 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 D. 5 - 7 - 2 - 3 - 6 - 1 - 4 Kunci Jawaban: D Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban: D Jenis teks: fungsional: notice

Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008; notice :information or a warning given in advance of something that is going to happen, often as part of a plan caution ;[ U , C ] ( formal ) : a warning or a piece of advice about a possible danger or risk. warning [ C , U ] : a statement or event that tells somebody that something bad or unpleasant may happen in the future so that they can try to avoid it Pembahasan: Kalimat soal no 48 ini khas ada dalam teks fungsional notice/ caution/ warning (lihat pembahasan dalam ......) a. Option A: do not unattended gas stove on leave when (salah, tidak bermakna) Urutan kata on leave when tidak bermakna atau bukan bahasa Inggris. Selain itu setelah urutan kata do not kata berikutnya harus berupa kata kerja bentuk I (infinitive), jadi tidak mungkin 'unattended b. Option B: do not gas stove on unattended when leave (salah, tidak bermakna) Setelah urutan kata Do not kata berikutnya harus berupa kata kerja bentuk I (infinitive), jadi tidak mungkin gas stove . Gas stove adalah frase benda. c. Option C: do not unattended gas stove when leave on (salah, tidak bermakna) d. Option D: Do not leave gas stove unattended when leave. (Jangan biarkan kompor gas dalam keadaan ditinggal begitu saja ketika pemilik pergi) Bahkan bila tidak tahu arti kata per kata, masih ada clue (kunci) untuk menjawabnya. Option D adalah satu-satunya yang urutan kata sesudah Do not adalah verb bentuk I (infinitive) yaitu leave, jadi ini adalah option yang benar. Oxford Learners Thesaurus Oxford University Press, 2008: unattended (adj.): without the owner present; not being watched or cared for 48. delicious it's simple a very it's but dish very 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. 2 - 5 - 1- 8 - 7 - 6 - 9 - 4 - 3 B. 6 - 4 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 7 - 2 - 9 - 8 C. 2 - 4 - 5 - 3 - 8 - 7 - 6 -- 9 -1 D. 6 - 9 - 1 - 3 - 7 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 3

Kunci Jawaban: C Jernis teks : descriptive Pembahasan: Kalimat yang menggunakan kata sifat dan frase benda yang salah satu unsurnya berupa kata sifat seperti itu biasa ada dalam 'descriptive text' yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan

seseorang/ sesuatu. a. It's very delicious dish but it's very a simple. (salah) Ada 2 kesalahan dalam kalimat ini: -Frase benda very delicious dish harus ada article a yang me-modify (menerangkan) kata dish : a very delicious dish ---> a dish (which is) very delicious ( sebuah hidangan makan yang sangat lezat) -Kata very harus langsung diikuti kata sifat/ adverb ...> very simple Article a me-modify (menerangkan) kata bendanya bukan kata sifat misalnya: a simple dish (sebuah hidangan makan yang sederhana) b. It's a very simple delicious but it's very dish. (salah) -kata sesudah a very simple... harus berupa kata benda, tidak bisa kata sifat seperti delicious c. It's a very simple dish but it's very delicious.(benar) ( Ini adalah hidangan makan yang sangat sederhana tapi sangat lezat). d. It's very delicious simple but it's very a simple (salah) -It's very delicious simple but ... seharusnya 'It's very delicious but .... atau It's a very delicious dish but ... atau It's very simple dish but ... -'s very a simple. seharusnya ... it's very simple. atau's very a simple dish.. 49. Arrange the following sentences into a good narrative text 1. The five-footed bear liked to help other animals. 2. One afternoon, when the five-footed bear went home, he found a rabbit under a mahogany tree. 3. But all animals who lived with him didn't feet strange. 4. Once upon a time there was a strange bear who lived in a jungle. 5. Then, the five-footed bear brought him to his home. 6. His home was open for anyone who wanted to stay. 7. He had five feet. 8. The rabbit looked hungry. A. 4 - 7 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 2 - 1 B. 4 - 7 - 1 - 3 - 8 - 6 - 5 - 2 C. 4 - 7 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 2 - 8 - 5 D. 4 - 7 - 3 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 6 - 8 Kunci: C Jenis text: narrative text Once upon a time there was a strange bear who lived in a jungle. He had five feet. But all animals who lived with him didn't feet strange. The five-footed bear liked to help other animals. His home was open for anyone who wanted to stay. One afternoon, when the five-footed bear went home, he found a rabbit under a mahogany tree. The rabbit looked hungry. Then, the five-footed bear brought him to his home. Pembahasan: Sebuah teks secara konvensional memiliki struktur teks masing-masing menurut jenisnya. Untuk

memenuhi standar teks yang konvensional, urutan susunan tersebut biasanya tidak bisa begitu saja diubah urut-urutannya. Nama unsur dalam struktur teks tnarrative adalah: OrientationComplication-Resolution-Reorientation. Orientation, misalnya, berisi setting : tempat, waktu , siapa pelakunya, dan introduksi tentang akan berisi apa ceritanya. Urutan teks: a. Once upon a time there was a strange bear who lived in a jungle. (4) b. He had five feet. (7) c. But all animals who lived with him didn't feel strange. (3) d. The five-footed bear liked to help other animals. (1) e. His home was open for anyone who wanted to stay. (6) f. One afternoon, when the five-footed bear went home, he found a rabbit under a mahogany tree. (2) g. The rabbit looked hungry. (8) h. Then, the five-footed bear brought him to his home. (5) Pembahasan secara rinci: a. Kalimat pertama adalah no 4, yang dimulai dengan Once upon a time yang khas sebagai permulaan teks narrative. Once upon a time there was a strange bear who lived in a jungle. b. Urutan ke-2 adalah no 7, karena ada kata 'he' yang pasti mengganti kata yang sudah disebut dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu a strange bear. Juga , umumnya, penjelasan yang paling awal dikemukakan orang setelah menyebutkan tokohnya adalah gambaran fisik tubuhnya: He had five feet. c. Urutan ke-3 kita pilih no (3), karena kalimat ini menjelaskan situasi yang ada akibat kondisi fisik berkaki lima yang tidak lazim', Yaitu: meski dalam kondisi fisik punya five feet seluruh hewan yang tinggal bersama dia didn't feel strange (=tidak merasa aneh. But all animals who lived with him didn't feel strange. d. Urutan ke-4 kita pilih no (1) karena kalimat itu dimulai dengan kata The five-footed bear. Artivle 'the' mengacu pada kata/ frase yang sudaj=h disebut dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ' a strane bear yang punya 'five feet' yang desebut dengan kata ganti 'him dalam kalimat ke 3. Juga, kalimat ini menggambarkan penyebab logis dari didn't feel strange karena dia liked to help other animals (suka membantu hewan lain. Jadi meski dia punya kondisi fisik yang tidak lazim, dia suka membantu, sehingga hewan lain tidak menganggap dia aneh. e. Urutan kalimat berikkutnya kita pilih nomor 6 karena kalimat ini menjelaskan lebih banyak tentang dia yang suka menolong atau setidaknya menjelaskan bagaimana cara dia suka menolong: dia membiarkan rumahnya terbuka untuk siapun yang ingin tinggal di sana.

His home was open for anyone who wanted to stay. f. Kalimat no 2 mulau menjelaskan suatu peristiwa untuk menggambarkan apa yang pernah dia lakukan untuk membantu orang lain. Kalimat One afternoon, when ... adalah khas untuk introduksi waktu melukiskan suatu peristiwa. g. Kalimat no 8 pasti ada dalam urutan sesudah nomor 2. Article the menunjukkan bahwa kata benda yang di 'modify' pasti sudah disebut dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu a rabbit' yang disebut dalam nomor 2. ... he found a rabbit... The rabbit looked hungry h. Urutan berikutnya adalah nomor 5, yang ditunjukkan dengan kata sambung then . Kata 'him' menunjukkan kata yang diacu sudah disebut dalam kalimat sebelumnya yaitu 'a rabbit yang dia temukan diba wah mahagony (nomor 2) dan yang nampak lapar (no 8), karena itu kelinci itu dibawa ole beruang itu kerumahnya : Then, the five-footed bear brought him to his home.

50. Arrange the following sentences into a good recount text. 1. The bus was air-conditioned, so I felt comfortable. 2. All the passengers got off, did their prayers and had dinner. 3. Then I took a taxi to my grandparents' house. 4. In my holiday I visited my grandparents in Bandung. 5. The bus stopped at Pekalongan. 6. I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon. 7. The bus reached Bandung at six. The best arrangement to make a text is.... A. 4 - 6 - 5 - 1 - 7 - 2 - 3 B. 4 - 6 - 2 - 1 - 5 - 7 - 3 C. 4 - 6 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 7 - 3 D. 4 - 6 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 7 Kunci Jawaban: C Jenis Text : Recount Text In my holiday I visited my grandparents in Bandung. I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon. The bus was air-conditioned, so I felt comfortable. The bus stopped at Pekalongan. All the passengers got off, did their prayers and had dinner. The bus reached Bandung at six. Then I took a taxi to my grandparents' house. Urutan Text: a. In my holiday I visited my grandparents in Bandung.(4)

b. I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon. (6) c. The bus was air-conditioned, so I felt comfortable. (1) d. The bus stopped at Pekalongan. (5) e. All the passengers got off, did their prayers and had dinner. (2) f. The bus reached Bandung at six. (7) g. Then I took a taxi to my grandparents' house. (3) Pembahasan: Sebuah teks secara konvensional memiliki struktur teks masing-masing menurut jenisnya. Untuk memenuhi standar teks yang konvensional, urutan susunan tersebut biasanya tidak bisa begitu saja diubah urut-urutannya, termasuk recount text . Nama unsur dalam struktur teks tersebut adalah: Orientation Events reorientation. Orientation, misalnya, berisi setting : tempat, waktu , siapa pelakunya, dan introduksi tentang akan berisi apa ceritanya. Sedangakan events (peristiwa) dalam teks recount yang konvensional biasanya disusun menurut urutan kronologis (menurut urutan waktu kejadiannya) a. No 4 sebagai urutan pertama, karena kalimat itu dimulai dengan setting waktu, siapa, di mana, dan itroduksi apa yang dilakukan / terjadi yang merupakan konvensi dari teks recount yang dimulai dengan orientation. Unsur orientation dalam struktur teks recount berisi setting: siapa, di mana dan kapan kejadiannya serta introduksi tentang kejadian/ kegiatan apa yang akan diceritakan dalam isi teks. In my holiday I visited my grandparents in Bandung. Kapan: in my holiday Siapa: I (the writer) Di mana: in Bandung/ to bandung Apa: visiting grandparents in Bandung ---> dalam teks ini yang diceritakan adalah kejadian dalam perjalanan menuju Bandung dalam rangka visiting granparents b. No 6 sebagai urutan ke-2, karena ini merupakan kejadian urutan pertama peristiwa . In my holiday I visited my grandparents in Bandung. (no 4) I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon. (no 6) Pilihan kata ganti there menunjukkan bahwa kata itu mengacu pada kata yang pasti sudah disebut dalam kalimat sebelumnya yaitu Bandung . Kalimat yang ada kata Bandung harus ada dalam urutan sebelum nomor 6 ini. c. No 1 kita pilih sebagai urutan kalimat ke-3 karena kalimat ini menjelaskan kondisi bus yang dia naiki yang sudah disebut dalam kalimat sebelumnya (di nomor 6). Penggunakan article the' dalam the bus menunjukkan kata ini mengacu pada kata yang pasti sudah disebut dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu dalam urutan sebelumnya. I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon. (no 6) The bus was air-conditioned, so I felt comfortable. (1) d. No 5 kita pilih sebagai urutan kalimat ke-4, karena urutan peristiwa bus berhenti (stopped) pasti sesudah berangkat (left) dan tentang keadaan bus dijelaskan lebih dahulu di urutan ke-3.

I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon. (no 6) The bus was air-conditioned, so I felt comfortable .(no 1) The bus stopped at Pekalongan. (5) e. No 2 kita pilih sebagai urutan berikutnya, karena peristiwa penumpang turun (got off), sholat dan makan malam pasti sesudah bus berhenti. The bus stopped at Pekalongan. (5) All the passengers got off, did their prayers and had dinner. (2) f. No 7 kita pilih sebagai kalimat berikunya, karena peristiwa bus sampai di Bandung pasti terjadi sesudah bus berhenti di Pekalongan dan pera penumpang turun untuk melakukan kegiatan sholat dan makan malam di sana. The bus stopped at Pekalongan. (5) All the passengers got off, did their prayers and had dinner. (2) The bus reached Bandung at six. (7) h. No 3 merupakan kalimat terakhir karena ini merupakan peristiwa terakhir dari seluruh rangakaian cerita perjalanan ke Bandung untuk mengunjungi rumah kakek neneknya. Kata sambung then (kemudian) menunjukkan peristiwa ini terjadi berikutnya, yaitu sesudah peristiwa sampai di Bandung. Karena sudah sampai di kota yang dituju yaitu Bandung dia tidak lagi naik bus. Karena itu dia naik taksi untuk sampai ke tempat tujuan. Peristiwa tidak mungkin dibalik naik taksi dulu baru sampai Bandung dengan bus yang dinaikinya sejak dari kota salnya. The bus reached Bandung at six. Then I took a taxi to my grandparents ' house.

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